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Cowboy Ronnie

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Posts posted by Cowboy Ronnie

  1. Bad week for the Getty family. First, middle of the pack actor Balthazar Getty is pictured on holiday with Skank of the Year contender Sienna Miller, despite the fact he's married with two kids, and now his great grandma Estelle kicks the bucket.

  2. Christian Bale actor in Dark Knight----arrested for assaulting his mother (hmmm, Headlines in the paper tomorrow---:"BALE MAKES BAIL"


    Apparently it was "verbal assault". Not sure how that's an arrestable offence. He probably just called her an old bat.....

  3. Congrats BS, I believe that last post sets an internet record for most contradictions within a thread and within the same message.


    What say we help clear Banshees' troubled mind a little and let him know who voted for and against keeping him? I voted "for", mostly because the DL would be a tad less fun without him.

  4. Definite deadpool material (as he squirrels away the name with the other nuts in his little deadbin) but surely not deserving of the Deathlist Ron. What are you? Some kind of cowboy?


    I was wondering how she'd do on our unofficial fame test (and I'm all for the more famous the better on the list). Obviously everyone has heard of Charles Manson and knows about the family, and Susan Atkins actually carried out the stabbing of by far their most famous victim. But if you asked Sun-reading Man in the Pub "who's Susan Atkins?", he wouldn't have a clue. Of course, some DL regulars claimed to barely know who Heath Ledger was, so we'll probably never all agree on whether some people are famous or not.


    We've had far lower hanging fruit than Crazy Susan on the list in the past, if history is any sort of guide.

  5. If the Gooners and us Yids were not from the same city, Id hate whatever city they came from.

    Inter town, village and city rivalry has existed for centuries and beyond.

    Its nothing new.


    But surely the main reason Spurs and Arsenal fans hate each other is precisely because of their proximity to one another in North London. Do Arsenal fans hate Villa, or Newcastle, or Everton, or other teams of roughly equivalent status (in terms of longevity, on field success, wealth, etc.)? Do Tottenham fans hate Liverpool with anything like the fervour they do the Gunners? Unless Arsenal fans are abject racists, and Spurs actually are to some degree a Jewish club, there would be no reason for them to hate Tottenham if their grounds were located one hundred miles apart as opposed to three or four.


    Personally I think all this "if you support team X you are hereby obliged to hate team Y" is crap. I'm a Liverpool fan and actually quite enjoy watching Man United play. I don't hope they win (unless it's in Europe), but I enjoy watching 4-2 and 1-3 results much more than a drab 0-0. The team I hated most last season, by far, was Wigan, because of their disgraceful time-wasting performance in the play-off final at the end of the 2006-07 campaign. My only regret is they didn't finish their year in the Premisership with nil points and no goals scored, which is what they deserved.


    This doesn't have very much to do with Portsmouth does it? Well, I hated the cowardly display they gave in the FA Cup final. Nick a jammy goal and then defend the rest of the way against a team from midtable of the Championship. Hurrah. I can hardly wait for their noble endeavours in the UEFA Cup, in which they'll probably lose 1-2 then draw 0-0 at home against Dynamo Ice Cube.

  6. Looking bad, our man is in need of a new liver.


    Cirrhosis, needs a new liver, used to drink 20 pints a day (and then move on to the hard stuff), got up to 30 stone, now a recovering alcoholic, and what does he do for a living? He owns a pub. Fantastic. It's like Pete Doherty and Amy Winehouse running a pharmacy.

  7. The Wikipedia page of American actress Shelley Morrison, 71, has this to say about her health:

    Hey Deathtrip! That's one of mine! I posted her as a suggestion that I wouldn't be using in the old Ideas and Possibilities thread. I convinced myself her obituary value wasn't at the international DDP standard but .. sometimes an instant-impulse-opinion should definitely be reviewed.


    How fantastically unverifiable of you Banshees. Well done. I had Heath Ledger in that same thread.


    Meanwhile, two names that have probably been mentioned previously which might make for a unique double pick one of these years are the Von Bulows - Claus and Sunny. They were the subject of the film Reversal of Fortune, for which Jeremy Irons won the best actor Oscar. Claus turns 82 this year, one gets the impression he's lived life to the fullest, plus there's the nearly 30 years of guilt he should be carrying around. Sunny turns 76 this year, and has been in a coma and persistent vegetative state (hey, just like some DL members!) since 1980.

  8. It is with great sadness that I must pass along news of the death of one of my houseplants, Robert. I'd inherited him from a friend who moved to another country, but after three years of faithful watering and nurturing in the sunlight, he photosynthesised for the last time over the weekend. His death will not be in vain, for from his mulchy remains new life shall surely spring.

    • Like 1
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  9. I'm fairly sure the Brazilian priest who clearly never read the story of Icarus was posted on the DL previously, but I couldn't find it anywhere. Anyway, looks like his body's turned up.




    He's found in open water 60 miles off the coast, but still no sign of Steve Fossett or any wreckage? Stevie's in Bolivia enjoying the good life with Butch & Sundance's great-great-grandkids - mark it down.

  10. Britain's top spy, Alex Allan, the chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee, is unconscious and seriously ill in hospital.


    How can he be Britain's top spy if everyone knows who he is? I can just imagine him trying to drop off some microfilm at a dead letter box in Sevastopol, and one of the locals saying, "Hey, you're that Britsh secret agent I was just reading about".

    • Like 1

  11. He's not really a despot, but he is an African, and he's a political leader - Levy Mwanawasa is not a well chap..


    It's worse than that. He's dead, Octopus.


    Hmm, the headline currently reads: "Zambia denies President Mwanawasa is dead", and the story says he's fine, resting up nicely in bed, etc.


    Too bad it's not 31 December, because this would be some low-hanging (and apparently quite rotten) fruit for DL pickers. Never heard of him.


    It's the week for ridiculous African leader's names, as President Omar Bongo of Gabon made news when he defended President Mugabe's triumphant election win.


    someone should beat him like a drum

  12. Anyway I would welcome some tips or advice on good posting practice.


    The more the merrier I say. The only thing worse than a bad post is no posts at all, and when there's nothing but tumbleweeds blowing through the DL saloon, it can seem a cold and lonely place. Especially welcome are off topic items, like an interesting news article, a film review, a joke, or a funny clip off youtube. Who cares if it's got nothing to do with death.


    This line of thinking is why I voted not to ban Banshees. Sure, I may not agree with much of what he says, and some of his alleged PM'ing of members doesn't sound too great, but it's fun to have him around. Depending on your definition of fun. I have a bet with myself about how many more versions of his personality he has left to go through.

  13. I hadn't noticed this thread until today, well done Mary. I'd say he's deffy worth a place on next year's list if he's still eligible for by-election (i.e. still alive) after Christmas.


    Mugabe's too crafty for that. The way he manipulated the election was as masterful as Johnny Cochrane playing the OJ jury. Intimidate the electorate and stuff ballots so the first vote's close enough for a run-off, then ramp things up to terrifying potential voters and scaring Tsvangirai into dropping out. Hey-presto, Mugabe played by the rules, and it's not his fault there was no one running against him in round two.


    He knows that anything bad happening to Tsava would be a step too far, so he'll keep him around as the face of the opposition to prove democracy is flourishing in Zimbabwe.

  14. I also drank rather a lot celebrating the win - so I've got a killing hangover.


    Was Scotland in the final? I must have missed something.


    No, none of the Brit teams qualified - but as I often go to Spain over the summer, I rooted for them and was overjoyed when they won. If Scotland ever get to the final, I'll be on such a bender you'll never hear from me again.


    Excellent logic. I had a Chinese meal the other night so can I hope for them at the Olympics this summer?

  15. Russian supermodel Ruslana Korshunova, 20, has leapt to her death from her Manhattan apartment. Apparently she had been having difficulties finding love. If only she'd known that Banshees lived nearby....


    From a Torygraph article: "A former boyfriend, Artem Perchenok, 24, said he dropped Korshunova off at her apartment several hours before her death after they watched the Demi Moore film Ghost together."


    There's the murderer - he pushed her. No way does a 20 year old (apparently) successful super model top herself. Although maybe DDT has suggested another possible suspect.....


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