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Cowboy Ronnie

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Posts posted by Cowboy Ronnie

  1. Has decided to recreate Marilyn Monroe's last (naked) photoshoot. http://nymag.com/


    Good old New York Magazine, trying to claim it's being artistic showing pictures of Lilo's boobs. It puts the photos in the "fashion" section, and says of the photographer Bert Stern, the same pre-vert who took the Monroe pics 130 years ago, that he "shot the photos on film rather than digitally, and told me he was interested in Lohan because he suspected “she had a lot more depth to her”."


    Phwoar. Down boy. etc.

  2. We have a new leader - in the world's biggest bull$hitter competition.


    No, really....


    I particularly like the symmetry of: "Mrs Amash has 10 children, 120 grandchildren, 250 great-grandchildren, and 30 great-great-grandchildren, according to relatives." This reminds me of the old nursery rhyme/riddle:


    "As I was going to St Ives

    I met a man with seven wives

    And every wife had seven sacks

    And every sack had seven cats

    And every cat had seven kits

    Kits, cats, sacks, wives"


    How many were going to St Ives?


    Answers to the riddle please, and let your conscience be your guide on not looking it up on Google, wiki, etc.

  3. Meanwhile the Israelis seem to be getting through their various enemies at a fairly consistent rate with the demise of Imad Mughniyeh, the chap who made Terry Waite for so long.


    after all?


    Wheels within wheels
    my friend...


    a simple anagram of "Imad Mughniyeh" suggests why he was such a legend amongst his people - Hug Him, Many Die.


    Wheels within wheels indeed

  4. the biggest challenge for the Dems would be a McCain/Huckabee team. Of course John McCain will be holding his nose while he makes the phone call, but it's possible he wants the presidency enough to do it.


    I don't see McCain picking Huckabee. For all their talk about him not being conservative enough, the hard right wingers will still vote for McCain over a Democrat (especially a Democrat named Obama or Clinton) regardless of who he chooses as running mate. But if he goes with Huckabee he'll lose tons of middle ground voters who don't want someone who thinks the world was created 3,000 years by the hand of God to be a heartbeat away from the Oval Office. McCain needs someone young, dynamic, sensible and, ideally, female. Too bad Beyoncé's very likely claimed she's not a Republican.

  5. Incidently, if it is a Obama and McCain battle for the presidency, this next Presidency should be cursed. On the two occassions where two senators have battled for the presidency, the winner has died in office. The first was Warren Harding in 1923,and the second John Kennedy in 1963.


    McCain - OAP -stroke half way through his term? (How ageist of me).

    Obama - gun bait in Texas? (How racist of me).


    Excellent noting of political curses Windsor. Another one, the string of Presidents elected every 20 years who went on to die in office, which began in 1840, ended when Reagan survived eight years and John Hinckley.


    1840 – Harrison - died of pneumonia one month after taking office (the Pope John Paul I of Presidents)

    1860 – Lincoln - assassinated in 1865

    1880 – Garfield - shot in July 1881, died two months later

    1900 – McKinley - assassinated in 1901

    1920 – Harding - died of a heart attack in 1923

    1940 – F. D. Roosevelt - died of cerebral hemorrhage in 1945

    1960 – Kennedy - assassinated in 1963

    1980 – Reagan survived assassination attempt


    Hopefully there's still time for this streak to start back up again over the next 11 months....

  6. Wow, this sucker's over


    they dropped Obama on me, baby


    Hillary will eventually dry up and blow away, so the next question is who McCain and Obama will choose as running mates. I'm not sure what the rules are on having an Austrian-born Terminator as vice president. Edwards might have been a decent choice for the Dems, but he was part of a losing ticket last time.


    At least there'll be a decent President either way. Hopefully.

  7. Holly Madison's parents must be so proud. According to Wiki, Hef's still married to Kimberly Conrad, and he has four kids, so it's not as though Holly's going to inherit much more than the fistful of twenties he crams up her shirt on his death bed. Somebody should buy her a copy of The Eagles' "Lyin' Eyes" for her 30th.

  8. The question I'm still not sure about is whether the bad guy got the money.


    You must have left before the final bit of the film that the Coen Brothers' craftily tacked on after the credits had finished. Turns out the bad guy did get the money, uses it to get a decent haircut, and ends up with Penelope Cruz.



  9. That little toady Scorsese's no doubt (literally) airbrushed Stones film has been shown to the nobs in Berlin, but I'm still holding out for the somewhat delayed release of Cocksucker Blues. Don't make 'em like that anymore.


    The best part is the BBC felt the need to caption this photo with which one was Patti Smith


    Patti Smith (right) was among

    the guests at Thursday's premiere


    Good thing too, otherwise I'd have thought Bill Wyman was crashing the party

  10. Went to see the much-hyped No Country for Old Men last night. The first 3/4 was excellent, very entertaining, but the last part was frankly a disappointment. One major bit of plot inexplicably takes place off screen, and from that moment on they kinda lost me. Also, despite numerous opportunities to do so, at no point did any of the characters say, "This here's No Country for Old Men".



  11. Did Edward Kennedy ever run for president?

    Third time lucky and all that...


    He did, in 1980. This line from Wiki sums up his campaign nicely:


    "In addition, the Chappaquiddick incident still dogged the senator, and his opponents often invoked the highly recognizable melody of Simon & Garfunkel's 1970 hit song "Bridge Over Troubled Water" to remind voters of the tragedy and scandal."

  12. CP, I dont doubt what you say, yes you cannot please all of the people all of the time.

    The point I was alluding to, tongue somewhat in cheek, was that, despite many good solid suggestions for the 2008 DL, the usual tired old fossils have been wheeled out.

    Phantom, as you know, a few names were bandied about last year, people quite a bit younger and somewhat closer to their maker than they ought to be. A suicidal Britney, Amy "Crackhouse" Winehouse, Lindsey unstable Lohan were just three names that COULD have been thrown into the melting pot. It wouldnt have hurt, it would have covered all bases and made the whole point of DL, perhaps more relevent, a sort of social commentary, if you like.

    So far, we aint even out of January and two picks already, two very old, tired men.

    The thing is, its all a bit safe, DL, and, God im no expert on the subject, seems to be a little bit stuck in the 80s. With a cosmopolitan patronage should come a more cosmopolitan DL, a tad more youthful, a tad more relevent to the younger DL'er.

    Think of it as a kind of loss leader, like the supermarkets have, some names to get new blood through the door of Deathlist 2008.

    Just my opinion.


    LFN, the names you mentioned and many other youngsters were discussed at the committee meeting. In the end, though, the focus remained on those most likely to die. So, despite predictions of Britney entering her last six months, and just three for Amy (from no less an authority than her husband, according to today's Metro), we went with the old and infirm.


    The best way to make your point on fresh and fun selections is to include them in a DDP team, then gloat when they come in. As for DL 2008, we're off to a decent start.


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