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Cowboy Ronnie

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Posts posted by Cowboy Ronnie

  1. It's one of the better known episodes - "The Day the Violence Died" where Bart helps a homeless man who claims he created Itchy and Scratchy. Kirk voiced the Homeless Man - he did pretty good.


    Yay, that's my favourite ever episode of the Simpsons. The old guy (Chester J Lampwick) spends the money he receives for being the creator of Itchy & Scratchy to buy a rocket car and a solid gold house, two items to which I shall always aspire.

  2. Alexander McQueen has killed himself.



    You've got to say it



    Gone out of fashion :rolleyes:


    Here's another article, which I post solely because it mentions the woman who apparently discovered Alexander McQueen. Fashion director and magazine editor Isabella Blow, whose name works on so many levels it approaches you couldn't make it up territory.



  3. So here we have it a special place for the Janes and Jaynes and Jeans and Jeannes and Joans who are looking mighty close to death these days.


    We have Joan Fontine born in 1917


    Joan Sutherland born in 1926


    Joan Plowright born in 1929----time to plow a place in the field for her to be placed?


    and both Joan Riivers and Joan Collins born in 1933


    Actress Joan Leslie who was in the Cagney classic Yankke Doodle Dandy born 1925


    Joan Ganz Cooney who gave us Sesame Street born 1929----children could have 2 hours of a special devoted to how to properly grieve.


    Jean Stapleton born 1923, I mean what has she done since her Edith Bunker character died nearly 30 years ago?


    Jean Simmons born 1929


    Jeanne Moreu appeared on Earth in 1928


    Jane Russell born 1921


    Jane Powell born 1929


    Jane Withers former child star and later Josephine the plumber for Comet born in 1926 (not as far as I can tell related to Georgette "Googie" Withers


    Jayne Meadows sister of Audrey and widow of Steve Allen born in1920 (her sister born 5+years after her has been gone since 1996 as has their brother Edward)


    and as I said earlier, Jane Fonda born in 1937.


    Maybe this could be BB's alternative 15 woman Death List for 2010. It's arguably a more interesting collection than ours given the common thread running through it, it's beating the DL at the moment, and doing so with 35 less names. All it needs is a catchy name.

  4. Can we not just wish the WHOLE of the Winter Olympics just fuck off and die?

    Its a gut wrenchingly tedious load of crap.


    It doesn't help that Britain are as rubbish at the Winter Olympics as they are. But it's not surprising, there are no proper mountains and look what happened to the country when it got a dusting of snow this year. Two weeks of complete chaos. The only things Britain have had any success in are frozen shuffleboard and ice dancing, which have to be in the top five for Cyril Softiest sports imaginable.

  5. :/ I wonder how many on my list will die this year, so far one has died, which is good. :/ or would that be bad?


    With 100 on your list, getting about 18 would be a reasonable target. You're more or less on pace, and ahead of the DL.


    [edit] Actually, having read your list you've nobly gone with far less oldies than the DL and have some good comedy selections. If you match the DL's total by year end, I'd consider that a job well done.

  6. Actor Jeff Conaway has a slew of serious injuries after falling down a staircase.




    Hmmm, I remember seeing a snippet on the TV of him last year looking in a bad way from drugs etc. But he said he was over it and on the mend, although angry at the world. He looked pretty desperate. One to add to CP's list.


    Two interesting nuggets from Wiki. He used to be married to Olivia Neutron-Bomb's sister, and once apparently pulled a knife on Noel Gallagher. So presumably a get well card from Liam is winging its way to California.

  7. I was just wondering if Ali Hassan Al-Majid (also known as Chemical Ali) would be a good pick for 2010. The former war criminal and cousin of Saddam Hussein got his third death sentence in march this year and looking on how anti-Saddam Iraq is today I would surdenly say that he will be executed in the near future. I always had a feeling he could go at any minute because Saddams death happened so suprisingly (just before the end of the year). The Uk Obit will be no problem at all seeing that any major British news network and newspaper has already reported his sentences.




    Chemical Ali was discussed at the DL 2010 selection meeting, but for reasons I don't now recall he wasn't picked. Maybe this latest death sentence will be ignored like the rest of them.

  8. I'm interested in your choice of epithets, BC. You use the word "racist" three times. I am no fan of Rush Limbaugh, as I find him to be an egotistical knee jerk conservative who wouldn't praise a Democrat if he rescued a baby from drowning, but I have never seen any evidence that he's a racist. Could you enlighten me?


    Rush Limbaugh got fired from an NFL pregame TV show over comments he made about Philadelphia Eagles quarterback, Donovan McNabb, suggesting McNabb gets preferential treatment from the media because he's black. And here's an article on a hilarious song about Barack Obama he apparently played on his radio programme numerous times:


    Rush the Magic Windbag

  9. 1) It's TMZ, purely a gossip website and not always reliable

    2) If it's true then you're right by default as it wasn't known to be a "publicity stunt" before her death. But I don't recall you saying anything about it being a publicity stunt anyway Tomb raider?


    Tomb Raider expressed doubt about whether Tila Tequila and Casey Johnson really were engaged, and it appears those doubts may have been well-founded. Here's an article from around the time of the "engagement", saying the same thing:


    Single Ladies? (put a sock in it)


    Tila T was dating American football player Shawn Merriman until a few months ago, claimed he beat her up, but she was allegedly drinking at the time, and the police dropped the charges. Which suggests she's not exactly the most credible source. It would seem Casey Johnson had some quite serious mental and drug issues. Now the delightful Ms. Tequila is apparently seeking to gain custody of her adopted baby, even though they apparently had only known each other a matter of days.


    I suggest some better research is required before we award any Ulitzer prizes on the DL site.

  10. I was under the illusion that you all got together for a game of darts every other Tuesday and which ever images landed the most darts over the year got on the list.


    That's not a bad idea, maybe we'll try that for the 2011 list.


    Angela Lansbury. Hmmmm, what were we thinking? Is it too late to claim it's just a (poor) misspelling of Ronnie James Dio? Must have been the beer talking. Come to think of it, the beer probably selected 5-10 of the picks for us.


    Oh well, if we get to a baker's dozen or so we'll call it another good year.


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