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Rebecca de Winter

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Everything posted by Rebecca de Winter

  1. Rebecca de Winter

    Irate Visitors Rage Here, If You Must.

    As we all hope you are too, and soon, you nit...
  2. Rebecca de Winter

    Cricket Thread. Only Mad Dogs And Englishmen

    Plenty to be arrogant about today, I reckon! GO AUSSIE!!
  3. Rebecca de Winter

    Richard O'Sullivan

    Rebecca!! That's a coincidence because last night I dreamed I went to Manderley............. So that was you out there in the tree, waiting for me to wave? I wish I'd known - I would have brought you out a hot drink. I thought you said it was too cold for stalking these days? I guess old habits die hard, professor... So it wasn't a dream. Your style is curiously familiar, Rebecca! Must be your overactive imagination again - too much time spent out in the cold without enough brandy to keep you warm! Time to call it a day and go watch England lose The Ashes....I couldn't resist.....
  4. Rebecca de Winter

    Richard O'Sullivan

    Rebecca!! That's a coincidence because last night I dreamed I went to Manderley............. So that was you out there in the tree, waiting for me to wave? I wish I'd known - I would have brought you out a hot drink. I thought you said it was too cold for stalking these days? I guess old habits die hard, professor...
  5. Rebecca de Winter

    Richard O'Sullivan

    So, anyone know how the old rogue is doing these days?
  6. Rebecca de Winter

    Read Any Good Books Lately?

    Immortal Blood.
  7. Rebecca de Winter

    John Forsythe

    Hope you make it to 100, John!
  8. Rebecca de Winter

    Seen Any Good Films Lately?

    Pride and Prejudice (2005) Pride and Prejudice (1940) and not forgetting Rebecca, of course....
  9. Rebecca de Winter

    Room 101

    One of my many pet hates is politicians who talk all kinds of crap to win an election, and then fail to carry out even one of the projects they promised.
  10. Rebecca de Winter

    Cricket Thread. Only Mad Dogs And Englishmen

  11. Rebecca de Winter

    Richard O'Sullivan

    I'm not a plump man Clarissa. It could get cold in that garden. However, I have lobbed my parkas in the wheely-bin and moved on. You are right. A long winter lies ahead. The colonies beckon................. Wow. See me lost for words. At least for 30 seconds. What can I say to that? Come on over, mate! Oh, wait - should I take offence at the reference to "the colonies"? Maybe you meant America..... Actually, that having been said, we had one of the coldest November days on record yesterday - it was hailing here in Melbourne, and snowing 20 miles away, a hitherto practically unheard of phenomenon, so don't know if summer's going to be hot or not! I was thinking of coming out for a Test match or two. But no tickets, alas. And now work is in the way. But I'll be there for the next tour so keep the Banrock sparkling Shiraz on ice. Oh yeah, The Ashes. Your team is here, aren't they? Sorry, cricket not really my thing, but willing to give it another shot. Now if it was basketball tickets you were after I could help you out. Shiraz on ice it is, Professor.
  12. Rebecca de Winter

    Rebecca De Winter

    I like you too. You're kind of cute. Please don't tell me there is still a dispute about my gender, TH. Haven't those nits got anything better to wonder about, like the polar icecaps melting or summat?
  13. Rebecca de Winter

    Rebecca De Winter

    Pooka, This may be why. How public spirited! Could only happen in NZ.
  14. Rebecca de Winter

    Rebecca De Winter

    I don't get it, TH. Please explain.
  15. Rebecca de Winter

    Richard O'Sullivan

    I'm not a plump man Clarissa. It could get cold in that garden. However, I have lobbed my parkas in the wheely-bin and moved on. You are right. A long winter lies ahead. The colonies beckon................. Wow. See me lost for words. At least for 30 seconds. What can I say to that? Come on over, mate! Oh, wait - should I take offence at the reference to "the colonies"? Maybe you meant America..... Actually, that having been said, we had one of the coldest November days on record yesterday - it was hailing here in Melbourne, and snowing 20 miles away, a hitherto practically unheard of phenomenon, so don't know if summer's going to be hot or not!
  16. Rebecca de Winter

    Rebecca De Winter

    Hi Clarissa. lovely to see you back. Am I imagining it or are you particularly fragrant tonight? Is that frangipan? PS The discussion with Windsor must NOT be confined to PMs. Many of us have empty lives. This is our Cup Final. Cheers, Pooka. I can't believe you guys have "smell-a-vision" over there in the old dart already! Just got back from 2 glorious weeks at the Sheraton Mirage resort in Port Douglas, so you can indeed smell frangipani on me! Good call! No, really, how did you know? Hope that's all you can smell.... About the "Windsor" thing - I think, sadly, that the Big W has lost his bite somewhere in the last 2 weeks - BS is desperately trying to help him recover it, but I think it may be lost forever...stand by for updates... Cup Final, eh? I'm flattered that someone's enjoying it...I never really liked my Mum's idea of "not airing your dirty linen in public" - it's so much fun the other way! Clarissa - I have a moderate hooter yet it still detects aromas like a cosmic Alsatian. I sense that you deodorise your right armpit less than the left. What is that about? You have mentioned your dirty linen. I suspect that Windsor and Banshee's have withdrawn for some solitary 'contemplation' as a result. May God forgive them. Oh, stop! Please! Too much laughing gives me an asthma attack! OMG! You are right on the money about the deodorant! It's uncanny! Do you have a thing about armpits too? I love men's armpits - whoops, too much information... About the "solitary contemplation" - what a waste....ha!
  17. Rebecca de Winter

    Rebecca De Winter

    Hi Clarissa. lovely to see you back. Am I imagining it or are you particularly fragrant tonight? Is that frangipan? PS The discussion with Windsor must NOT be confined to PMs. Many of us have empty lives. This is our Cup Final. Cheers, Pooka. I can't believe you guys have "smell-a-vision" over there in the old dart already! Just got back from 2 glorious weeks at the Sheraton Mirage resort in Port Douglas, so you can indeed smell frangipani on me! Good call! No, really, how did you know? Hope that's all you can smell.... About the "Windsor" thing - I think, sadly, that the Big W has lost his bite somewhere in the last 2 weeks - BS is desperately trying to help him recover it, but I think it may be lost forever...stand by for updates... Cup Final, eh? I'm flattered that someone's enjoying it...I never really liked my Mum's idea of "not airing your dirty linen in public" - it's so much fun the other way!
  18. Rebecca de Winter

    Richard O'Sullivan

    Ha ha! That must have been a while ago, Pooka, since I'm told it's getting cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey over there now, too cold to sit in a tree in her front yard anyway. And JO'S actually lives a long way away from his Mama these days. But I bet you knew that.
  19. Rebecca de Winter

    Rebecca De Winter

    It really was me - I just forgot to log in. Silly me. Hi Pooka.
  20. Rebecca de Winter

    Room 101

    And SUVs which have those extra bright headlights which are also mounted so high up that they blind you even more. I've said it before, but it bears repeating. SUVs are ugly, space consuming, unnecessary and just plain idiotic. Whereas this is pure sex! I think I need a lie down now..................... Oh, yeah.....
  21. Rebecca de Winter

    Rebecca De Winter

    1. Oh, goody. 2. I would be unlikely ever to be in an alley in Aberdeen. Edinburgh maybe, but not Aberdeen. And in the unlikely event I was, you'd never know what hit you. 3. Actually, no, but if I'd wanted it filtered, I would have done it myself. 4. I believe I read somewhere that you said you hadn't read a book since 1999, and there is no point to reading if you don't read a whole book - and relevant to what? 5. I know, but my reply wasn't. 6. Oh, honey, I'm crushed. You don't like me that much? Hate is every bit as powerful as love, don't you know. Stranger things have happened......in your dreams maybe..... I haven't read a whole book since 1999. I see most parts as added on drivel. How sad. You really don't know what you're missing out on.
  22. Rebecca de Winter

    Rebecca De Winter

    1. Oh, goody. 2. I would be unlikely ever to be in an alley in Aberdeen. Edinburgh maybe, but not Aberdeen. And in the unlikely event I was, you'd never know what hit you. 3. Actually, no, but if I'd wanted it filtered, I would have done it myself. 4. I believe I read somewhere that you said you hadn't read a book since 1999, and there is no point to reading if you don't read a whole book - and relevant to what? 5. I know, but my reply wasn't. 6. Oh, honey, I'm crushed. You don't like me that much? Hate is every bit as powerful as love, don't you know. Stranger things have happened......in your dreams maybe.....
  23. Rebecca de Winter

    Richard O'Sullivan

    Yeah, and I'm Christine Smart! Pull the other one, it plays Jingle Bells! If you can read, and I'm assuming you can, what with that expensive education and all, where did you read any insults towards "your mother" or "her friends", pray? Not here, mate. And you probably should have checked out the names of TW's kids before you started mouthing off.... And if you were the product of the union between TW and RO'S, I'm sure you'd know how to spell your own name - that would be J-A-M-I-E O'-S-U-L-L-I-V-A-N. Just name the time and place. Love M xxx
  24. Rebecca de Winter

    Room 101

    Amen to that.
  25. Rebecca de Winter

    Rebecca De Winter

    I bet everything I own it happened. They must have filled with tears. When people hate eachother weird things could happen I guess. He would chew and swallow it. And spit it back out at you. Probably. This is almost poetic. I think Lady Clarissa Richmond and Windsor should find an alleyway somewhere to wrestle. And settle there differences. At the risk of being deleted for posting 3 messages in a row, I will endeavour to answer you, BS. Sorry you were subjected to that, sometimes I just can't stop myself. I actually wrote the "f" word out but someone abbreviated it. I don't feel any hatred towards W, despite popular opinion to the contrary. What do you think would happen if we met in an alley? Not what you're thinking...

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