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Posts posted by Jimh

  1. The reporting of JP's demise has become more than a little ghoulish and is beginning to equal that when Priness Woodentop bought the farm. The BBC is running a "Reporter's log" so you can stay up to date with everything that is written about a dead old man. To save you the effort of going looking for it, here's the most recent entries:

    Monday 4 April


    Brian Hanrahan : St Peter's Square, Rome : 0806 GMT

    Pope still dead.

    Jane Little : Rome, Italy : 0737 GMT

    The condition of the Pope remains stable.

    David Willey : Rome, Italy : 0650 GMT

    The deadness of the Pope is unaltered.

    Luisa Baldini : Rome, Italy : 0605 GMT

    Despite the best efforts of his expert team the Pope remains dead.


    Sunday 3 April


    Stephen Gibbs : Havana, Cuba : 2158GMT

    Pope not alive.

    Steve Kingstone : Sao Paulo, Brazil : 1944GMT

    It has been several hours since the Pope last enjoyed oxygen.

    Jill McGivering : Rome, Italy : 1825GMT

    Jesus “happy” with Pope’s new role as a sunbeam.

    Jennifer Glasse : Sao Vicente, Cape Verde : 1715GMT

    Pope “Yet to come back into building”

    Emma Jane Kirby : Rome, Italy : 1628GMT

    Pope’s funeral unlikely to be cancelled.

    Simon Lister : Rome, Italy : 1602GMT

    Pope dead.

    James Helm : Dublin, Ireland : 1558GMT

    In addition to being dead in Rome he is also dead is Ireland.

    Duncan Kennedy : Rome, Italy : 1457GMT

    Vatican press statement announces “Pope unlikely to be present at next Sunday’s service”

    James Simpson : Krakow, Poland : 1410GMT

    Pope dead.

  2. The campaigning singer, Bono, described John Paul II as "the first funky pope".


    The Guardian, 04/04/05


    The Deathlist Poster, Anubis The Jackal, described the campaigning singer, Bono, as "A Twunt"


    Deathlist.net, 04/04/05

    On Friday the delightful chap behind the Holy Moly newsletter described Bono as


    Bonio - the Irish-Jimmy-Krankie-With-A-Social-Conscience


    Which brightened up my morning.

  3. Shameless cut and paste from the Popbitch mailout this morning:



    * Queen Elizabeth II

    According to rumours going round British

    newsrooms, the Queen has got a serious illness

    and may not be long for this world - hence the

    rushed Charles-Camilla marriage to prepare him

    for the throne. But we hope that, like her

    gin-pickled Mum, Liz continues to defy the

    Grim Reaper for another few decades.

    Don't believe a word of it myself.

    • Like 2

  4. Ah well, I`ve only just started. <snip>

    Evangelist, pet,


    Apologies if I have interupted your quest but I would appreciate it if you were able to reassure me by confirming that you do not live in the UK? I only ask because I feel much more comfortable knowing there is a significant body of water between myself and headcases like yourself.




  5. "The Ghost" is right. Sites like this are pointless. They really shouldnt exist at all. Maybe we can start a campain to get rid of it. I know there are many suporters out there who agree. So lets get rid of the death list and the sooner the better.

    You're a ghastly little tossrag of a human being aren't you? If it's pointless websites you want to stop then you may have your work cut out for you. You may be a newcomer to the civilised world so you may not yet appreciate that most of the files that litter the internet are pointless.


    As for the many supporters of which you speak, and assuming they are real as opposed to the tiny inhabitants of your bedroom radiator, may I humbly suggest that if they are campaigning to clean up the internet they concentrate first on violent and abusive pornography rather than sites which discuss the demise of well known people in a light hearted manner.


    All in my personal opinion, you understand.

  6. With JP2 unlikely to require an inclusion on next year's list perhaps it is time to consider a possible replacement for his holiness in the "Nearly Dead Religious Types" category.


    I would like to nominate Mr Jack Chick for this award. For those not aware of this gentleman's works (some claim him to be the world's most published author) you can check out his website >just here<. If you aren't keen on wading through that nonsense you can cut to the chase on his tract list page >just here<. Some of his best works revolve around some splendidly nonsensical decontruction of evolution and an almost beautifully simplistic solution to the whole Arab/Israeli conflict (convert the Arabs to Christianity). Whilst failing to turn me onto the word of God he has kept me laughing for a few years now.


    Mr Chick is now 81 and must be getting close to "going home to the Lord". Whilst rather reclusive (even finding his age is tricky) I believe he passes the fame test because of the sheer volume of works he has produced in his lifetime and the number of people who (perhaps without realising it) have read his ghastly little booklets.

  7. ...you just happened to find one called deathlist.net by accident. ....

    I can understand how the hard of thinking can find this site by accident when they stick a name into google and it spits this one out. I find the tirade of ill considered and illiterate drivel which follows understandable when the person being discussed is a footballer or Pope i.e. someone whom these oafs may be interested in their own simple way. What I cannot grasp is what on earth a f*****t like the poster above was doing searching the internet for references to Simon Wiesenthal in the first place.


    Perhaps standards at universities have fallen further than I had previously believed.

  8. And by the way.... for a country with a population a third of that of New York, Scotland doesn't do too badly at all, historically with it's inventiveness and culture and.....

    I've lived in Scotland for 94% of my life and they never seem to tire of trotting out the same old cobblers. Even if they were right about inventiveness, culture, etc, etc, et bloody c then all that would be cancelled out by the mere existence of Travis.

  9. Many of our celebrities like playing after-dinner party games (such as Charades, Pictionary or Guess Who) The tic-tac-toe icon represents this.


    Just imagine being able to gather your grandchildren around you and telling them as they stared at you in amazement and wonder of the time you played Ker-Plunk with Go West

  10. Until very recently Liam was available for dinner bookings through this enterprising company >just here<. However, he is no longer listed. Whether this is because of ill health or lack of interest is open to speculation.


    It may also be of interest to those who are keen on breaking bread with Brotherhood of Man.

  11. Some of the Vatican's statements reported >here< are a lot more low key than previous statements. The last time they were saying everything was fine and he'd be up and about in no time. Now they are using words and phrases like "serene" and "a positive way".


    I suspect Jesus will be wanting him for a sunbeam shortly.

  12. U SOBS



    It's OK, I speak moron. It translates approximately as


    Dear Sir,


    I am concerned about your recent discussions regarding Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and in particular those comments which pertain to him imminent demise. Reviewing other areas of this forum I have formed the view that you appear to demonstrate a marked bias towards the catholic faith and its leaders and this may be tainting your reporting of the health of our esteemed leader.


    I believe that you are unaware of the sacrifices our leader has made to achieve his status within our church and would appreciate it if you could acquaint yourself with his teachings and life before commenting further.


    With fondest regards


  13. Which saint is the Patron Saint of Atheists?

    There is a pretty lengthy list of saints Just here. It doesn't list a patron saint for the atheists. There is, however, a patron saint for anesthetists which is as close as I think you are going to get.


    Edit: Sorry to go on about this but I'd never read a full list patron saints before. There are some seriously lame ones out there. They must have been at the back of the queue when they were handing out causes. Patron Saint of Apple Orchards? You have no chance of pulling with that job. Although possibly slightly more that the poor sod that got hangovers.

  14. that Yellowstone National Park in the upper western United States is going to blow when the planet Niberu comes back into our solar system in 2012.

    Damn, there goes my long term business plans. I don't suppose you might be wrong about the date. You see I'm just about to sign a 25 year lease on an office and I'm going to look a right div if it's blown off the face of the planet in seven years time.


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