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Razor Boy

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Posts posted by Razor Boy

  1. I have to thank both K & R as I wouldn't have my nice well paid job here by the sea without teaching myself C from their bible.


    Went like this, my boss is sick for 3 months. I spend the morning doing his job and the afternoon doing what the f*ck I like.(OK learning C). Then he comes back to work, quickly retires and I sod off and swap a job for a career. :+)


    Thanks Dennis

  2. I knew Jobs would get a bit of coverage BUT pass the sick bag !


    The man was good at marketing but the products are under spec'ed and over priced. A triumph of spin over common sense.

    Just think of all those hipsters crying into their skinny lattes their world is at an end.


    Spleen vented.



  3. If Steve Jobs is synonyms with the Apple OS and after looking at the recently posted pictures, I'm glad I run Linux. :smiley_f:




    Razor Boy



    [Thanks Google for the spell check on" sinonimus"]


    Google obviously don't check properly as they should have said "synonymous" rather than "synonyms".




    ARRRG Death to my Dyslexia !

  4. If Steve Jobs is synonyms with the Apple OS and after looking at the recently posted pictures, I'm glad I run Linux. :unsure:




    Razor Boy



    [Thanks Google for the spell check on" sinonimus"]

  5. The media prints a ton of stories about Nick Griffin/the BNP, many of which are complete bullshit. They'll sell papers because they're a controversial party, but they will never get elected. At most they will get a couple of MPs, but even that seems unlikely.


    If we all do a "tactical vote" we could get a few Monster Raving Loonies elected. (OK nothing new there)

  6. I'm backing Jack Straw and Chris Huhne to make him look very silly tonight.


    I only hope they are up to it ! I want to see Griffin drubbed, OK I don't watch TV but the BNP needs to be outed as an evil threat to free thinking and tolerance.

    Bring back Red Wedge and the ANL at lease they had good music ;+)


    OK I am a little drunk tonight....




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