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Razor Boy

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Posts posted by Razor Boy

  1. Missed that. All I have to do now is get rid of the present Mrs Razor Boy and ...


    Actually my wife would hunt me down and kill me so I will just stick to Internet pr0n. :skull:


    Razor ( with his testicles still attached ) Boy

    • Haha 1

  2. Was looking up Bernie Ecclestone on Wiki and his 2 protégé drivers both died horrible deaths, when will the reaper seek revenge ?


    Only problem the old b*gger looks fit as a fiddle. And did you see his wife.......


    Just goes to show there is no justice in the world !



  3. Go tell us.


    I personally feel that you stand up and tell us. Forget political correctness, its only the bigots and bullies speaking their minds these days. Everyone else is too scared of being singled out by the thought police.


    So just tell us.





  4. Cryotherapy sound like Grade A+ Bull Sh1t to me.


    Why do people try crack pot treatments that are not scientifically tested ? I mean that's why god gave us lab rats and beagles !



  5. The Obit ?

    Yes I was wondering about that too.

    I thought she did some great stuff on radio. I can't stand soaps in particular and most TV in general so I'm not going to comment on deadenders.



  6. I don't read the papers or watch TV and only listen to music on the radio...

    Like a little voice from the back seat of the car "Is she dead yet?"


    Sorry I am just so tired of all this JG crap.



  7. As Im now losing the will to live ( Im not used to posting seriously and with a degree of thought) I shall bow out.

    As there have, in the past, been some compaints by some regarding "Quality" posting, they should now be satisfied!!!!!!!

    If not, they can f**k off.

    Well, if somebody wants to pick this one up where we left it, let me know :rolleyes:


    OMG Have you see the travesty that is the Poundbury Estate ? It is Charles' dream development. It has no soul, no community and no litter. It is just not "real". Locally it is refered to as logo land and toy town. And you want him to foist this cr*p on the rest of the country to fund the royal family ???? ARRRRGGG !


    Sorry had to get that off my chest.

  8. Sorry to say the Germans have it right. They celibate New Year with a bang. BUT (in Teutonic style) you are only permitted to light fire works from noon New Year's Eve until noon New Year's Day. Apart from that they go mad.


    Was in Berlin for the Millennium and it was wild. Oh look an English car, chuck a banger ! What a party we had (once we dumped the car).




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