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Everything posted by Amanda

  1. Hi everybody, I wish I could say hello to you all personally and thank you for your kind greetings.... I am off again today and have no idea of when I will next be able to access the internet. It's been all change with me and am leaving again at 2pm. So what were the death threats concerning? Information please.... Be back on later. Long for a job where I can sit on the computer all day doing sod-all, but looking busy and important. xxx
  2. Corey the Corrado? This REALLY p"ssed me off. Paid loads of cash for his problems to be investigated & after weeks of him sat pitifully on the drive & with no clue or money left in which to make him better, I sold him to a VW enthusiast. It was a sad, sad day (for remember, I had wanted a Corrado for seven years). And then, months later, I bumped in to somebody who happened to be a friend of a friend of the chap who bought Corey, who told me that he'd spent just three pounds on a hose/cap/or something similar & annoying & now Corey was working beautifully & happened to be a fine and dandy car. Makes me bloody sick. Good luck to the guy, because I know he thought nearly as highly of Corey as I did & I hope they are really happy together, but it just makes me really, really, REALLY sad. I loved that car... Still have the Clive though (the Clio). I had the good sense not to sell him when I bought Corey, for sentimental reasons & it turned out to be a bloody good move.
  3. Hi! How I've missed Mr J's little man - expanding or otherwise! All is good thank you! So missed the internet!!!! Had 500-odd emails to check (about 480 were total crap). Need to get self a working computer & internet connection. How is everbody? Any news???
  4. Remember me any body? I'm back, although briefly. This is the first time I've used a computer for months, and I can still type which I'm rather pleased about. Enjoyed catching up with latest Deathlist goings on! Until next time..... Amanda xxx
  5. Amanda

    Corey the Corrado

    For those of you who don't know, let me fill you in. Corey, my wonderful pride & joy Corrado is buggered. The mechanic who he spent a week with has done something to his timing & mixture & therefore he works at the moment, although not for too long I should think. Obviously though I need the max. amount of cash for him so that I can buy a new car. So please help me!!!!!!!!
  6. Amanda

    Corey the Corrado

    And it traps your bloody fingers! My exboyfriend managed to trap his 'bits' in the boot of a Maxi (whatever that is) when he was seven. He had to wait, in considerable agony, whilst his parents unlocked the boot and freed him.
  7. Amanda

    Corey the Corrado

    I find the same thing with men. I pick some poor unfortunate victim, have lengthy discussions & plans & a few tricks up my sleeves that pull 'em in. Sometimes this takes months of planning and hard work. And then I get them on a plate and am happy for 2 minutes and then don't want them anymore. Make excuses to get away before they've even opened their mouth (although of course there's no point in making smalltalk as I've obviously done all of my research and know everything worth knowing about them). The 2 minutes that I am happy for are purely because I know I've still got 'it'. Does that make me a strange stalker-type freak? Probably. But I enjoy the thrill of the chase. No wonder I'm bloody cellibate. Corey. The thing is, now I've sold him, I really don't want to sell him. If I just had a few hundred quid going spare I could fix him & all would be great again. I just really really really don't want to sell him now. I'm quite friendly with the local VW garage and I'm sure they could repair him. And the thing is, it took me 7 years to get a Corrado and now I just don't think I could him up so easily and in such awful circumstances. We used to have so much fun together. You used to have a Porsche? WOW! What is your replacement car going to be? If I won the lottery, here is the vehicle list I would purchase: *Range Rover (for ferrying the dogs about in) *1275GT Mini (just for a bit of fun - used to have one and it was FAB) *Corrado VR6 (obviously) *DB7 (I don't think much of the DB9) *Mitsubishi L200 (I think they're called that - I went off roading in one once and it was superb) *Ford GT (Just think they're cool) *Citroen (the one from the TV advert that dances!!! I would love it if my car did that and each morning I'd have to shout at it "Get down! Stop it! I have to go to work!!" Ahhhhh..... if only) *A really big car like a 7 series, or Bentley or Lexus or something, for my chaffeur to ferry me around in. I wish. Can't even afford to keep Corey!!! Have made self miserable now. Oh and check out the sad 24 year old loser sat in front of her computer at 22:35 on a Saturday night! This is a long post. Sorry. Good night.
  8. Amanda

    Corey the Corrado

    Thank you everybody! A bloke turned up to have a look at him this morning - at 08:30 - I was most annoyed. But anyway, he'd been informed through one of my friends exactly what's wrong with him. And I mentioned all of his good points, and flashed his service history (it's like the Yellow Pages there's so much of it) and he REALLY likes him and has been after a 2.0 16v for some time. He wasn't even bothered about the high mileage! We went for a spin, and he decided it wasn't the 'head' (?) and therefore wants him. He tried to get me down from £800, but I stood my ground! He's taking him away on Tuesday. I am very sad to see Corey go. We've had some lovely times together and I enjoyed his speed and the respect I received on the road, but I think it's time for him to go. Although he is totally gorgeous and I love him, he's an expensive addition to my life. And having got rid of an alcoholic heroin addict, Corey ended up costing me just as much just to keep him on the road. Saying all this though, I shall be in bits on Tuesday & probably clinging onto his wheels and persuading the bloke not to buy him!! Just me and Clive (the Clio) from now on!
  9. Amanda

    Corey the Corrado

    Selling votes on ebay? That's bloody ridiculous!! But am very tempted - how much are we talking? But back to Corey - I didn't get a second opinion as it was costing me too much. However, a friend of a friend (who works for VW) has offered me £800 to get shot of him. For the sake of not having to advertise, lie to people and pretend I know what I'm on about, I can't help but think that this is the way to go. However, £800 is very cheap and I can't help but think that maybe he knows something that I don't? Maybe he's in league with the chappy who attempted to mend him before and he's getting a bargain. But then to be rid of the worry and deepening frown lines.... and £800'd buy me a few shots of Botox. Hmm, just don't know. My Dad reckon I should rip this bloke's arm off and take the cash. And he does have 162k miles.
  10. Amanda

    I Love Josco's Little Man

    Round of applause for Boudicca please everyone! I'm very excited about it! I will attempt to get it up and running this evening.... £165 is a bloody lot of money isn't it? Thieving git. Still gotta get my Dad to come and take Corey to the VW garage, so the poor little thing is sat on the road looking very sorry for himself at the moment. Still, where there's life there's hope and he still starts... Spots are (here's the vile bit) drying up at the moment. I'd say (whispering this bit) that I think they might be on the way out .... I'm hoping so anyway. I keep waiting to be ID'd for fags and booze etc. It's a little worrying. Wrinkles, lines and spots just don't seem to go well together on the same face. I'm trying to avoid mirrors the moment which is doing my hair no favours. I went to the Doc this morning concerning an ongoing battle with verrrucas. I've had one for seven years. I've lived with tens of people in that time and had communal bathroom use etc, and have never infected anybody which I find a little odd. But anyway, he's given me creams and pads and potions and lotions and freezing and now, I've started to re-infect myself, but still nobody I live with. And now, Mr Medical Professional with years of training has, get this - told me to put Duct tape on them!!! He read about this a journal somewhere and thought of me. Duct tape!! Tell me somebody how the hell that can work!!!!! Anyway, gotta work now! Thank you Boudicca! Three cheers....
  11. Amanda

    I Love Josco's Little Man

    Scratch that. I was messing with the template code for my own nefarious purposes, and I broke it so badly it was easier to take the site down! Gotta love HTML Well thank you! Even though I couldn't make it work and I don't understand the HTML thing, whatever the hell that means!! What a lot of trouble to go to for me - I'm touched! Thank you!
  12. Amanda

    I Love Josco's Little Man

    Well, seeing as you asked: COREY THE CORRADO Spent £165 in garage only to be told that he has no idea what the hell is wrong with him & suggests I send him to the VW garage! What a tosser!! He did something to his mixture (?) and revs (?), (I think he said that, but whenever mechanics talk to me I can't help but frown and nod and then forget everything they say), and therefore I could drive him home. So, I'm going to get my Dad to take Corey to the VW people as hopefully they'll take him a little more seriously. This is going to happen on Tuesday morning I think, so fingers crossed. I just don't want to spend a shed-load of money on him given the high mileage and age of the car. Maybe I should do a poll on here?? But it was great to drive him home! My other car is a Renault Clio (Clive), but I seem to get no respect in him. In Corey however, should I need to pull out of a junction the cars seem to part, men who wouldn't usually give me a second glance wave at me & I feel a bit Knightrider-ish. It's a good feeling!! I hope it won't be our final drive together. AMANDA'S SKIN After my initial post, it did improve, slowly. At the beginning of the week I was extremely hopeful that it was just a one-off as skin was back to it's usual self, but yesterday morning I woke up with some whoppers (just spots though). They're still here today and I'm just in denial at the moment. I'm trying not to look at them or pay them any attention and then I hope that they will disappear as quickly as they arrived. AMANDA'S DIARY I don't think that I'd have very much to say. Nothing good really ever happens to me. Crap stuff happens, but I don't think that would make for very good reading. And when I've re-read my posts, I do sound like a bit of a div, which is probably because I am! But thank you for the suggestion all the same. I might have a look at Alfa's, but I think they must be well above my price range. I may need to stick with Clivey and his oil leak. Or perhaps get a push-bike.
  13. Amanda

    I Love Josco's Little Man

    Oooh, you're back then? Yes Miss Amanda I am indeed back. Now I must go to the gym where pain awaits me. Gym....? My body is aching for you at the mere thought!!
  14. Amanda

    I Love Josco's Little Man

    Oooh, you're back then?
  15. Amanda

    I Love Josco's Little Man

    Congratulations FF! And Florida for honeymoon! Fantastic! I hope the big day is all you waited for....
  16. Amanda

    I Love Josco's Little Man

    Yes I'm working over the Bank Hol too. Friday we have affiliated dressage, Monday affiliated showjumping and volunteered my services to help new girl for the pony club fun day!!! on Sunday. Hurrah. But I do have Wednesday off. Grrrrrrrrrreat! And no Easter eggs for me! Have gained 1/2 a stone and can't get into my size 8's anymore and don't own any size 10's so diet for me. When I take my trousers off at night, my stomach is almost branded with the waist band of my trousers and it takes a couple of hours for my stomach to recover. Not very attractive.
  17. Amanda

    I Love Josco's Little Man

    Spring is in the air Amanda. So I believe, but am I going nuts?? Did he just wave at me? What's the matter with him now??
  18. Amanda

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2006

    Escapism for me. Plus I like to sN-word at other people's misfortune, even if they are made up.
  19. Amanda

    I Love Josco's Little Man

    Hello! Welcome back!!! I've been worried what with that bit here about 'DL member gets rich' or whatever it was called.... NOTE TO MR JOSCO - is it just me, or is your little man a little more active today than he is usually?? (this is my Edited bit) - this is really weird!!! I bloody swear that Josco's little man was waving at me, so I just went back to check and he's dead still now.....? Am confused....
  20. Amanda

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2006

    Oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Stop it! I like Emmerdale! I haven't watched it for years, but it was most enjoyable when I did - I like to think of it as escapism from the mundane shite of real life. And actually, Planet Amanda is pretty good at the mo, so *sticks tongue out* to you!!!! P.s. This probably isn't the time to ask whether anyone here watches Hollyoakes? (The soap with attractive, young blonde girlies.) But if you do, what happened to Dan and Ellie Hunter? Thanks.
  21. Amanda

    Gail Porter

    Hmmm. She used to be a kiddies presenter didn't she? And lad's mag pin-up. And I think she's the voice over for a really annoying nappy ad at the mo. She used to be annorexic too didn't she? Rubbish suicide attempt if she takes herself to the hospital though. I've always thought that her eyes were just too damn big - quite scary looking. I wish her all the best though. And hope she sorts out her marriage probs, what with her kiddie etc.
  22. Amanda

    I Love Josco's Little Man

    Dear me Miss Amanda, what a lot of questions! I play music for a living, but can't play the guitar though I'd like to learn. I can play the Ukulele a bit but I prefer to keep that secret. Writing music is only for clever people and of course Andrew Lloyd Webber. I have an aged granny in Aberdeen whom I shall be visiting this week. That's not the reason I'm going there, but she's the only family I have left there. All the others are spread all over the place. I can't say I've seen that many Corrados around here, but then again I've never really looked very hard. Plenty of info on the internet in German though. I hope you get yours sorted out. My car is an Alfa 156 (Nuvola Blue) of which I am very proud although it doesn't have a name. I'm very pleased to see Mr. Josco is back, I was afraid I might have offended him in some way. Wow, does playing music make a good living? Can we buy 'You' somewhere? Do you know what? This is shameful, so am going to whisper this - I don't even know what a ukulele looks like or what sound it makes. I'm sorry. However, I think ALW is a bit of a tosser, though fab music writer etc! Where do all your other family live then? UK or other? Alfa 156, if it's the car I'm thinking of, is a beautiful car. Do you have many problems with it? Would an Alfa be the car for me next do you think or are they expensive to maintain etc? Depending on whether you car is male or female, you could call it either Alfie for a boy, or Alfreda for a girl? I am glad Mr J is back too. I was getting a little worried also as nobody really replies to what I've written except him, and now of course you. And I like a bit of interaction when I get on here! Don't like having to post stuff on replies that I don't know about!!! I'm really sorry about the ukelele thing ... I can honestly say that I just don't know. I don't think one has ever crossed my path, or perhaps it has but I didn't know what it was? Is it a wind instrument or strings or what? Thanks! And sorry for all the questions again!!!! Toodle pip!
  23. Amanda

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2006

    Well thank you for that! Yes I've heard snippets about what's been happening, but he does seem extremely overweight - he looks like he might pop at any moment! I worry about the strain on his heart that's all!!! Bernice went to work on cruise ships didn't she? I liked her. And the lovely Trisha - what an unfortunate ending. It's the Sugden family I worry about though.... Oh and lovely Seth!! I can't get over Louise being bar maid though, she'll always be Marylin in Home and Away to me!!!
  24. Amanda

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2006

    Watched the Emmerdale omnibus today, and I don't know the actor's name and it's a bit mean, but surely Alan Turner's on the way out? I've not seen Emmerdale for a few years, but he's gained some serious pounds. I don't want him too, but I worry he might have a heart attack. But more importantly, why is he no longer running the Woolpack???

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