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Everything posted by TAFKAG

  1. Second rule of Pirate Club: if ye're gonna nick a boat, ye may as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, indeed.
  2. Thanks for the recommendation - excellent reading. If it's not too late to join in with the various nominations: Lifetime acheivement: Wendy Craig - not only awful shows but a holier than thou god-botherer to boot - oh how I enjoyed it, when it turned out she'd shagged that old goat Mortimer. I found the original Russ Abbot show rather entertainingly surreal. Admittedly took a dive shortly after. As for sitcoms, surely the worst was that one, whose name thankfully escapes me, about an ineffectual young policeman who lived at home. Something like "PC Pansy" or something equally hilarious. It should have been called PC Pansy, but sadly delighted in the less memorable title of Rosie. Written by Roy Clarke, it must have bombed due to the lack of old men whizzing down Yorkshire hills in converted bathtubs.
  3. I recommend a re-reading of this thread to anyone interested in the minutiae of obscure (and less obscure) vintage British sitcoms. Where's The Pooka, TLC and pulphack these days? Oh, and just in case anyone was wondering...


    the spammers are vanquished
  5. Might be a laugh sending that link to the spammers e-mail addresses Or this. (If I've broken an unwritten rule by posting M**** *y****, I apologise. Lucky I didn't post the clay pige Mr Creosote sketch.)
  6. Anyone know how this spam thing works? I mean, has an actual 'human' called JNDavid seriously been sitting there all day trying post about some rubbish jewellery on a site that only a few hundred people a day look at, and is still attempting to do so even after his stuff has been deleted and he's been banned? Or is it some robot or program or whatever?

    Too Many Moderators ?

    Say it ain't so, 'Dot. You're a national treasure, like Babs Windsor or Elton John. Try the old '1.57 posts a day keeps Alzheimers at bay' maxim if you must cut down.


    "post whore ye not!"

    Too Many Moderators ?

    Be careful lest one of them turns you into a groat crusted newt... I hereby request that DDT be demoted to moderator, whether he wants the job or not.
  10. TAFKAG

    Too Many Moderators ?

    Too many inactive ones, for sure. Seems like it's mostly down to AtJ, HCW, LG, honez and Boudicca (out of the 15 mods) to shelter us from the spamstorm going down these days. I'd promote DDT, if I had a say. Which I don't, of course.
  11. TAFKAG

    Missing In Action

    500-year-old remains and skulls made of coconuts. DSI Bean has been reprimanded and suspended.* * Edit: he has indeed.
  12. TAFKAG


    stretched out like Shaq
  13. TAFKAG

    World War I Veteran(s)

    It's really quite remarkable - combined age, 330, yet still here 90 years on. They said 10 years ago - no chance, no veterans. Now they're saying almost certainly. With men like Patch it's not difficult to see him going 5 more years at this rate. It's almost hard to believe. I thought Patch looked very well for his age. And Stone probably would've tried walking but for his recent broken hip. The fact that he can go in for major surgery at 108 & still attend... incredible. Choules, too, was looking good too. But Patch is remarkable - as the last veteran of the trenches (and Paesschandale) anywhere in the world, he truly is a piece of living history. Frank Buckles got in on the act over at Arlington, in a nifty beret 'n' shades combo.
  14. TAFKAG

    Room 101

    He did, as do the other senior Royals, where did they earn the medals they all seem to wear? As far as I can tell, the closest things they have ever come to shooting are pheasants . Isn't Phil still allowed to shoot peasants?
  15. TAFKAG

    World War I Veteran(s)

    Messrs Allingham, Patch and Stone seeing action at the Cenotaph today (BBC1 10am), while the fourth Brit/Aussie musketeer, Claude Choules, is also attending a Remembrance event Down Under. Edit: none got out of their wheelchairs to lay their wreaths, although Henry was trying his damnedest. They all looked well and it was a most moving ceremony.
  16. TAFKAG

    Greatest Ever Scotsman

    Healthy enough for a new TV appearance. Sanoffy lang time since he wis oan telly.
  17. TAFKAG

    Bloody Fireworks!

    I don't mind Bonfire Night, it's Bonfire Week that's starting to annoy me. Following on from Diwali, that's a lot of fireworks.
  18. TAFKAG

    Is Olveres A Sad Lonesome Old Man?

    Olveres was either very very old or sad and lonesome enough to top him/her/itself, since there is no more Olly. That f*****g avatar will go on for ever, though. In the spirit of the departed one...
  19. TAFKAG

    Son Of Picture Association

    For Scotty and Dave.
  20. Aaaand, he wins $100.00! I had a bet with a friend visiting here that even in England people associate the word "uppity" only with black people. I hope your friend isn't niggardly.

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