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Posts posted by themaninblack



    British model Tara Palmer Tomkinson dies of a brain tumour. On my phone at the moment so I can't provide a link.

    Yes, I was thinking earlier that the "daft useless bimbos"* thread was her spiritual home.





    * for the benefit of n00bs, that was the former subtitle of this thread, or something similar

    I think they should bring back the original subtitle of this thread, to also include the male-version of bimbo (what is the male equivelant to bimbo in English by the way?)




    • Like 1

  2. TMIB nabbed 6 hits by this point, including 2 uniques, and was 48 hours off one of the great scoops – a terminally ill Hollywood A-lister which had managed to go under the radar of the Deathlist forum, the Deathlist itself, and all but one random other DDP team. Roy Scheider if you were wondering... DDT being so close with only 3 picks dead and a whole host of toppling terminals left was ominous enough...


    Schieder was probably my greatest individual hit and 2008 my best year (although I finished in 6th, one place below my debut year in 2006). That was pure research snagging him. I was proud of the Rowan Ayers pick as I was a big fan of his son, Kevin...I never returned to that kind of form again.

  3. What letters do you have remaining that I can do?


    Thanks for reminding me. I was going to a list of what's been done so far.


    They are:

















    D, K & S are currently being worked on.


    That leaves N (18), T (26), F (31), C (52), W ( M (74) & B (80) still to do...

  4. Does my Politics XX not count as a theme team? Does there need to be a more specific theme. Don't mind either way, just will try and make it a more narrow theme of politicians associated with dictatorships next year (about 90% of the way there already, I think)


    No, it's just I forgot to indicate that you were a theme team on my database!


    Easy to fix for the next update...

    • Like 2

  5. The rules were not circumvented as you suggested the change before the deadline in the same way that a team can be sent in with duplicate celebs or missing celebs which are quickly rectified by the entrant.


    Campbell (and your team) will remain in the competition.


    I think entry procedures should be made clearer for 2018...

    • Like 1

  6. I just looked and nowhere do I see my GRIS GRIS theme team?! I posted the lineup here on this thread. Same as my other theme team MADE IN DETROIT which we had a lively discussion about Mike Ilitch here on this thread.


    What gives?


    I'll chalk it up to oversight.

    ​Sir C.


    Edit: See posts 67 and 105


    Did you PM me the teams?


    Did you send an email?

  7. So the Daily Record doesn't count, but a live thread mention in the bbc's football section (which covers virtually every professional match) does? What a fucking joke.


    I'll be padding my team out with no name footballer players next year.


    Do your own dead pool then.


    I'm sick of this fucking moan, moan fucking moan.


    I've worked by balls off for EIGHT FUCKING YEARS and all I get it "Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi!"


    If you don't like the rules, don't fucking enter. Simple as fucking that.


    That's it. 2017 is MY LAST YEAR. PERIOD.


    Someone else can fucking do it. I'm sick of my time being wasted like this.


    Someone else can take up the fucking cudgel and spend hour after hour, entering teams, making updates etc etc and having to put up with moaning minnies every fucking year.


    I've taken it as far as i can go. No more.


    and Paul Lambert can fuck off an' all...

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