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Posts posted by themaninblack

  1. It's hard to say which side one should be on.

    I mean Macca is Macca: loved and loathed, but there

    is something distinctly unlikeable about Heather Mills.


    If all what she is saying is true then shame on Paul (although a

    psychologist would no doubt supply the excuse that he is still

    'greiving' for Linda).


    If this turns out to be a load of bobbins then my advice to Heather

    is to emmigrate to Greenland or North Korea as she would then

    be the most despised person in the Western World.....


    ...after George Bush!

  2. Mary Wilson is now one of only three former Prime Ministerial spouses still alive. She is 87. The others are The Countess of Avon (aka Clarissa Eden, widow of Anthony Eden PM 1955-7) who is 90.



    Clarissa Eden (or Churchill), was on TV on Monday night in the first of three-parter drama doc, "Suez". She looks extremely healthy & robust, and like Mary Wilson, I don't think she's going to die anytime soon.


    Agreed, she did not look 90. Britain's 'first ladys' are in better nick than across the pond methinks... :D

  3. So, the mighty Villa are now the only remaining unbeaten Premiership side.


    I hate to be a pessimist, but I'm still finding it hard to shake off these years of Ellis and keep asking myself 'when will the bubble burst?'


    Will this be the pinnacle of our season or is Martin's magic going to take us to the Promised Land that is the Champion's League?


    Am I the only Death Lister who gives a crap?


    Answers on a postcard please to the usual address, marked:


    'When will Villa finally lose and shut that bloody BHB up?


    Villa are in good hands, O'Neil's a genius!

  4. I've just realised that Ross is not on my DDP.

    He's not even on the 50 list.


    I must of thought at the time when compiling the lists that he'd make it

    through 2006, but after that....


    All I can say is Ross - hang on for another 80 days!


    Didn't even last another week!


    Ah well, congrats those who had the foresight to choose him.

    Another 'omission' from Death List though.

    There will be questions asked in Parliament next...

  5. Nowt on the BBC News as of yet, let us not forget; in my experience alone Wiki has reported stingrays are only dangerous when approached by Steve Irwin, Dan Brown is dying from the same disease that'll soon see off Evel Knieval and Ringo Starr is a C**t!


    ...and that Stephen Pollard is a C**t!

    It's never a good idea to call someone a C**t on Wikipedia.


    Believe me guys.


    It's been taken off, proably some sycophant....

  6. Nowt on the BBC News as of yet, let us not forget; in my experience alone Wiki has reported stingrays are only dangerous when approached by Steve Irwin, Dan Brown is dying from the same disease that'll soon see off Evel Knieval and Ringo Starr is a C**t!


    ...and that Stephen Pollard is a C**t!

  7. I think the applause thing at football matches are getting in vogue

    because if you have a minutes silence, it tends to get spolit by the odd


    I think in a sporting context, it could be quite moving for a recently deceased

    sporting hero getting one final rousing reception... :)

  8. One thing I've noticed from the previous deathlists is that there

    does seem to be some sort of pattern in positive hits.

    There seems to be relatively few hits towards the end of the year

    and it seems that between March and September are particularly fruitful months...

  9. (adopts shoddy Charles Laughton voice)

    Is that mutiny Mr Christian?


    I've looking around at other deadpools. There's one called thedeadpool.net, who

    also claim to be around since 1986 but I had a look at what appeared to be

    the list and it was crap!


    I'm going to have a look at rotten.com now....


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