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Posts posted by themaninblack

  1. The Deathlist was formed in 1986 by some students @ Warwick University.


    Basically this secret order deem what 50 celebrites will kick the bucket in the year.


    The great unwashed that jabber on in this forum, try their damndest to influence

    the list and provide possible names for next year.


    If it's competition you want, there are numerous ones on the net.

    A couple that spring to mind is The Derby Deadpool and the Hartlepool Deadlypool...


    Hope that helps.... ;)

  2. What's the betting that one of the ranters will talk about Ali's peaceful

    and loving personality and how we should all do well by following his lead

    before telling us we should all die in 'orrible ways....






  3. Whilst checking to see if Mr Hewlett and Mr Packard were still alive, I note that the recently ousted chairwoman of HP, Patricia Dunn, has been diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer.


    She should past the fame test - Forbes voted her as the 17th most powerful woman in the world in 2005.


    Mr Hewlett and Mr Packard are both long dead.


    Good, their computers are crap!


    Ovarian cancer...nasty. She didn't happen to know Gene Wilder by any chance? :o

  4. According to Prison Planet, the Neocons want to play down the Korean 'bomb' and call it

    a dud because this seriously compromises their agenda to bomb Iran, or something like that...


    If true, that means this provocative act has f**ked up US Foreign policy, so things might

    not be so bad after all... :o

  5. Joseph Lynch GC BEM, a very brave man who is one of the relatively few to have won a George Cross for bravery has died. Obit


    Won't get as many column headlines as Paul Hunter, but a fine man nonetheless.




    Probably won't get so many ranters to this site either come to think of it... ;)

  6. Which, I suspect, is one of the driving forces behind the survival of this forum: it allows people to be provocative on one of the last taboos.


    Healing for some, and definitely valid in that sense, nothing but provocative for others.



    But who am I to judge.


    Have fun.


    Thanks all for keeping this discussion civil and openminded, I actually enjoyed it a lot more than I had anticipated and would like to apologise for my presumptions on morbidity and intent.




    I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts - good stuff! Even better stuff - I see you have decided to join us. I hope you enjoy the banter.


    DWB :ph34r:



    Another convert to the cause - welcome! :ghost:

  7. i hope you die u F*****g boring retard



    u f****n cruel c**ts go a F**k ureself u dirty W**ker


    Why are these ranters using a quote, seemingly out of context and by a non-member, as a club

    to beat us with. Bizarre... :ghost:

  8. Notapotato Posted Today, 02:21 PM

    While we're on the subject, would any of our ranters (welcome chaps, make yourselves at home) care to direct me to any other sick or disrespectful comments about Paul Hunter on this site?


    I'm sure I can't find very many. This thread is 90% ranters and members abusing ranters, and about 10% reports about his health.



    True. From the ranter's rantings, you'd think all we did was come up

    with streams of jokes about poor Paul's condition, whereas a few comments apart,

    it's been fairly reverent.


    Those who have come on and had a go could have just ignored this site but deep down

    there was a kind of morbid curiosity and tempation won!


    But life (and indeed death) goes on and this current controversy will blow over when

    some other noted personality breathes their last..... :blink:

  9. I never said that at all OoO!


    In a Death list of 50, there's always going to be room for also rans like Updike.


    I shall do my DDP on the criteria of


    1. Whether I've heard of them

    2. The likelihood of their death and

    3. The points that could be accrued from making such a prediction


    There's always the dilemma of knowing about a famous or noted person being ill

    and likely to die because of their unfortunate circumstances. But points mean prizes

    and needs must... :)


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