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Posts posted by themaninblack

  1. 18 May 1990 (Jill Ireland) - 23 March 1992 (Jim Joel - who?).


    That will never be beaten. Looking at the 1991 list though I'm surprised there

    were no hits. That said, there are a few, shall we say 'premature' predictions.

    But this of course was early days and not as well researched and debated as it is now.


    It's a blip - the stiffs will come...eventually! :lol:

    Maybe we'll get three in 8 days like we did last year. Hope springs eternal..



    Lets hope that Byron Nelson is the first of our 8 day trio (fat chance).



    See told you..... :huh:


    That Ryder Cup defeat must have finished him off......

  2. 18 May 1990 (Jill Ireland) - 23 March 1992 (Jim Joel - who?).


    That will never be beaten. Looking at the 1991 list though I'm surprised there

    were no hits. That said, there are a few, shall we say 'premature' predictions.

    But this of course was early days and not as well researched and debated as it is now.


    It's a blip - the stiffs will come...eventually! :rolleyes:

  3. What about The Duke of Edinburgh he is 86 and a big tall guy ,gravity works its magic over all those years


    He was in good shape the last time I met him a few months ago. They get looked after you know. Just watched that BBC programme on Nero. There was one very graphic line that compared the Roman public's reaction to Nero's decision to perform on stage to that of a modern day British public should "Queen Elizabeth II perform as a pole dancer". I nearly choked on the imagery. For God's sake, she's 80. Has the BBC no shame?


    I think most people's image of the Queen would be younger than she actually is so the image conjured would be of a younger pole-dancing Queen. I must admit it was a strange line...


    Mind you a twentysomething Princess Margaret pole-dancing..... :bat:

  4. As I remember, there were no gagging orders or the like (I work in a newsroom and we get these globalled on a daily basis by the lawyers) but it was simply decided that it wasn't a story to run with. An Italian publication similar to Pop Bitch mentioned the story at the time, though, and decided to rub things in by calling Kathryn fat, making "who ate all the cakes...?"-type comments etc. I expect it's still floating around the web somewhere. Actually, I just went to look for a picture of K, and stumbled across http://www.public-interest.co.uk/aseye/index.htm#Tony so there's a lot out there. (Has she lost weight? Didn't find a recent photo...)

    At the same time, there were a few veiled references to the incident made by at least one politician. I can't remember the details, but something like "Mr Blair may be lacking in judgment at the moment, what with what's going on in his family life" but nobody picked up on it, which was surprising.

    Isn't Kathryn off to study at Birmingham? I guess she'd be a better DL pick if she was headed for Scotland.

    But maybe Cherie's singing could tip her over the edge...

    "I would give you a reprise of that song were it not for the fact that my daughter Kathryn said that, if I ever sang it again, she would divorce me," she was quoted by The Telegraph, as saying.


    What about the other son, whathisname - we never hear of him. I'm not talking about Leo.

    Now Euan is a real mediawhore, a veritable Justin Timberlake (and whom I do not trust in the slightest), but the 'other one' is never seen or heard....

  5. I don't get this story about the 'stolen bones'.


    Can anyone tell me roughly how long a dead body decomposes into bones, as

    this story came out not long after he died. Unless as a last request, he had his

    body fed to Phiranas or put in a vat of acid or something...

  6. the man who created Crossroads Peter Ling has died.He also wrote scripts for Doctor Who and other tv stuff


    How come Peter Ling gets an obit from the times double quick and David Maloney doesn't?


    Coincidentally, David Maloney's directorial debut on Doctor Who,

    'The Mind Robber' was written by Peter Ling....

  7. According to PS News on Channel 4 teletext, Lee Hazlewood is 'terminally ill'

    and will release his last album 'Cake or Death' on December 4.


    If he lasts out the year, he should occupy number 1 position for 2007, just as

    fellow musicians Lou Rawls and Warren Zevon have done....

  8. Interesting question is could it happen here?


    In the 80s TV series 'A Very British Coup', a democratically elected

    socialist PM is overthrown by a military coup sanctioned by the monarch.


    If a situation happened like that in this country, there would probably be

    the sort of 'bloodless coup' that has just happened in Thailand.


    Maybe if Blair hangs on to office too long.... :banghead:

  9. I'm wondering if Ratslinger could be in danger of being killed by Halibuts after his controversial comments?


    How come Halibuts keep telling everyone theirs is a peaceful religion & then, in the next breath, issue death threats?


    Because they're hypocrites...


    I just wonder, in a move similar to the Danish cartoons controversy, whether the Pope was instructed

    to add a slur on Islam just to get the fundamentalists out of the woodwork?


    Just a thought...

  10. We could - of course - avoid any legal action by matching any negative post with a positive one.


    Chris Langham for next Prime Minister I say!


    Or add the word "allegedly" at the end of each comment.

    I believe it's when you make libelous comments that you come unstuck.


    No, as Hack/ says that's no get out. Also libel and contempt are two different things. Also it's not just about newspapers. It's about publishing and that covers anything from notes on billboards to, well, this site. The test is whether anything said could be deemed prejudicial to the outcome of the case. It might be amusing, however, to see the GR hauled up before the bench in order to explain the behaviour of his organ.

    Isn't that pretty much what Mr Langham has got to do?


    Anone else notice UKTVG2 still showed the repeat episode of him guest presenting 'Have I Got News For You?' last night? Not that I'm passing judgement, just commenting.



    Puts the alledged trouble which led to Angus Deyton getting sacked into perspective then... :D

  11. We could - of course - avoid any legal action by matching any negative post with a positive one.


    Chris Langham for next Prime Minister I say!


    Or add the word "allegedly" at the end of each comment.

    I believe it's when you make libelous comments that you come unstuck.


    I read that the charges are concerning a girl under the age of 16....

  12. Does he past the fame test? Does he past the fame test? I can't believe you guys. It's like asking whether Neil Armstrong passes the fame test. Of course he wasn't on Big Brother so I suppose that raises doubts. Good grief, get a sense of perspective and start to appreciate that history didn't begin in 1985.


    Of course he passes the fame test; The General, a central part of the Mighty Magyars of

    the 1950s and the all-conquering Real Madrid team of the late 50s.

    Television still show footage of Hungary's epochal performance against England in 1953.

    I think it was Puskas who scored a wonderful goal that day (dragging the ball past a bewildered

    England defender before blasting it into the net in the same movement).


    Devon, this could be very good call...

  13. Janette Krankie was on tonight's History of Light Entertainment tonight, filmed earlier this year. Looked healthy enough to me.

    Likewise, Ali Bongo. I had heard he'd been ill, but he seemed robust enough, albeit slightly frailer than before, when interviewed.


    She didn't look all that healthy to me....an outside shot for '07 I s'pose..

  14. Maninblack; if you've got evidence to back that up it'll never be worth more to the press than during this weekend.


    Please drop in and post occasionally when you're sunning yourself on your own island.


    That's very perceptive of you...that is what I do! Look at the stats: 300 odd posts in 18 months. :P


    Just scurrilous rumour, not even that...


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