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Posts posted by themaninblack

  1. Maninblack; if you've got evidence to back that up it'll never be worth more to the press than during this weekend.


    Please drop in and post occasionally when you're sunning yourself on your own island.


    That's very perceptive of you...that is what I do! Look at the stats: 300 odd posts in 18 months. :P

  2. maninblack; I don't think so, Blair's health is too well monitored for that. Brookes on the other hand - ALLEGEDLY - had a diet of junk food, columbian marching powder and - generally - a dessert of slapper's minge, all told, his lifestyle explains the level of good taste he displayed on air.


    Anyway, TB'S arse'll be out of the door in weeks, even he can live that long.


    Who's to say TB hasn't had a dab of the ol' Bugle Juice himself? Those election campaigns and

    trips around the world can be so tiring!


    What was it Jarvis Cocker was saying about 'cocaine socialism'? :P

  3. You know I have a feeling Blair might cark it in office y'know.

    I was told the other day that Bruno Brookes, the DJ, had

    the same angio-plasty-whatever proceedure as TB, but whereas TB's

    condition was spun as something minor, Brookes very definitely had

    a heart attack.


    He looks old and tired and is approaching the age of that other loopy

    sociopath Peter Sellers, and we all know what happened to him.... :P

  4. I think there were a few deaths this year that were not spotted and should

    have been (Shelley Winters), but you never know with death. Look at Astor, she's

    not only really old, but is apparently treated poorly as well and she still wont pop.


    My parallel list is also rather sparse but interestingly they are mostly DDP hits. How many of

    the magnificent seven are DDP hits for Deathlist?

  5. There was sort of a Lady Bird-related death over the weekend. Nellie Connally, the last survivor of the JFK assassination limo ride died suddenly on Friday at 87. She was the widow of former Texas Gov. John Connally and the couple were lifelong friends of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson. Will the shock of losing a friend of over 70 years be enough to send Lady Bird on through the pearly gates?


    If the Johnsons were lifelong friends of the Connallys, why did LBJ risk their lives when ordering the shooting of Kennedy in Dallas on 22/11/63? (alledgedly)

  6. Wow. This really came out of left field didn't it.


    I heard a bunch of people talking about it on the radio this morning, and one of the presenters had a slight air of 'I told you so' in the way he talked.


    I guess it happens if you constantly put yourself in dangers way.


    That's my feeling about it. To be honest I'm rather indifferent to it, he knew the risks.

    I'm sure there are Aussies out their crying into their tinnies but....

  7. well he's pleaded guilty to the charges and told he could face jail next time


    Now he has a few options. Escaping the habit, or alot of planning. The next time the law screws him over it will be no walk in the park.

    Yes indeed, some serious jail time is probably the best thing that could happen to him. He'll make all kinds of new friends and probably get a few new songs out of it as well.


    I doubt it\ since it would probably be a short stay. But he would learn a valuable lesson.


    I think she is as bad as Pete. I hope they both end up in some sort of suicide pact or something.

    Or better than that they become the next Brady and Hindley thus undoing any good reputation they had in the first place!

  8. Abdul Qadeer Khan, the Pakistani atomics expert, has prostate cancer.


    It is one of the more helpable forms of cancer, and supposedly he's getting the best medical treatment, but it's one to keep an eye on in the "Names" thread anyhow.

    Could they send him to Europe for treatment? The Dutch justice department still want a word with him. I've been told medical care in Dutch prisons is quite good.






    Ask Milosevic.... :P

  9. i posted a while ago because i was looking on the internet for patrick mcgoohan because i am best friends with his grandson. if any1 has any questions go ahead and ask and i will ask my friend about his grandfather



    Here's a question.....Who is Number 1? <_<

  10. That's a shame about Patrick Allen, one of the most recognisable voices....


    And don't forget he was 'The Hawk' in the first series of Blackadder


    As well as the man who beat the otter to death in 'Ring of Bright Water', at

    least according to "The Smell of Reeves and Mortimer"....... <_<

  11. Weird 60s psychedelic death coincidence Number 2.


    Remember this....


    Very strange.


    Last night, while watching Saxondale on TV, I started to strum on my

    electric guitar. Towards the end of the jam, I tried out a song on

    'The Madcap Laughs' called 'Here I go'. I hadn't played the guitar in months.....

    Staying on the Barrett theme, I played a few tracks from his 'Barrett' album

    whilst doing some ironing. I hadn't played that album in months.....


    Then today, I was at work and this thought came into my head that someone famous

    had died, and I immediately went to the BBC News website. Lo and behold....


    Yesterday at work apropros of nothing i decided to look at Wikipedia on the band

    Love and Arthur Lee in particular.


    Lo and behold......



    I must stop doing this!

  12. Jack Good (b.1931) - TV Producer, actor, now a monk...


    Are you sure, is there a link I can check?


    Incidentally the famous statistician Jack Good (b 1916) is still alive.


    Oh yeah, and those drug trial elephant men would be a good bet but would probably fall into the sick kid box of failing to qualify other than through infirmity. If only one of them joined Hilary Lister's crew as she sailed round the UK.


    Want a link....


    Jack Good on IMDB

  13. I know I'm going to get flamed for this, but ...... I hope the Great Man survives and prospers.


    Viva Fidel! Viva Che Guevara!



    DDT :)

    I can think of worse political leaders.


    That does seem to be the consensus regarding Castro, perhaps the closest leader

    we've had to the notion of the 'Benevolent Dictator'.

    No doubt someone will point out examples of tyranny and political malpractice, He

    hasn't after all been leader of Cuba for so long without a fair bit of suppression.

    But he's no monster on the scale of Stalin or Pol Pot, unless of course the stories

    come out when he goes....

  14. could very well be. was i over-reacting? i dunno, maybe some people like being called liars. my mate who went out with thorpe's carer is not prone to exaggeration, but i can't vouch for her, hence the initial qualification. having said that, she was talking about his physical degeneration, not mental. if people with the physical problems of christy brown, stephen hawking, and christy nolan can still write books - and my pet parkinson's person, betjeman was still writing to the end - then thorpe could tackle a book with help. dictation, ghosting, etc make this a relatively simple process (and not far removed from the metal equivalent of someone helping him physically, as his carers do).


    bollocks. didn't want to rant about it, but for someone who was accusing others of jumping to conclusions, OoO was doing the same. and i expect better of him in that sense, yes.



    Mind you, a Parkinson's stricken septugenarian on the brink of death would probably

    string a few sentences rather better than potato head Wayne Rooney could without

    his ghost-writer Hunter Davies..... :angry:

  15. Well, I think both of you are over-reacting a bit. Maybe too much sun?



    Canadian Paul's link deserved some sort of comment, because precious few people on here seem to actually be bothering about decent candidates for next year. Off went everybody talking about Gordon Brown. If, Thorpe, who "can't do anything for himself", is suddenly writing a book , I find that quite significant, confirmed, authorative news, and I responded as such. Based on that, Thorpe will NOT be on my list next year unless, in the very unlikely chance, my potential 20 all drop dead.


    and I hardly think I'm above people here. There are others who do that far, far, better than me here.


    Anyway, I've got better things to do. Back in a week or so.



    Could be ghost-written though....

  16. Didn't anyone have a read on the article concerning Broon's

    non-existant voting record on gay rights?


    Hmm interesting. It seems that Gordy might end up being more attractive

    to Middle England than we think...


    Gordo won't be attractive to Middle England until he reduces his stealth taxes.


    Never has so much money been wasted by so few.



    There will always be taxes...

  17. Didn't anyone have a read on the article concerning Broon's

    non-existant voting record on gay rights?


    Hmm interesting. It seems that Gordy might end up being more attractive

    to Middle England than we think...


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