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Posts posted by themaninblack

  1. Apparently, he only knew on Friday that he was going to die!

    I've heard of people being given 6 months to live, but 5 DAYS!!!

    Bet that was a tough moment for his Doc...

  2. Former Ajax Amsterdam and Man U football player Jesper Olsen (45) is in a Melbourne hospital after a stroke.





    It was a brain haemorrage wasn't it?


    Sometimes you have to say that footballers get Parkinsons, Alzheimers, and other brain/head afflications through football but as Jesper was so small, I can't recall him heading that many balls :lol:


    He had Ron Atkinson as manager, that's enough to do anyones head in that would! :D

  3. The British actor Nicholas Courtney is reported dead at 76. He is maybe best known for playing the part of the brigadier in Doctor who from 1963 to 1989.


    edit:please disregard this report as it iis erroneous



    Phew! you had me going there for a second...

  4. So instead we use an economic system in which the stupid are made to work hard for the intelligent and lazy. It ought to make sense, but I'm afraid I'm too stupid to get it.




    Hey, I'm intelligent (in a general sort of 'no use to anyone' way, but you didn't say wise) & lazy, but I still work. Well I have a job, it's not quite the same thing.


    Although when I'm at work I always feel I drop a few dozen IQ points on entering the building and vice versa, so that makes me stupid too, meaning I'm an integral part of the current economic system by my reckoning.


    I am at work at the moment though, so who knows? <_<


    I did see a Sir Bobby Robson interview on Sky last night, and he looked and sounded fine, just a bit forgetful, so no change there. There, that bit was relevant, even if it contained no news of any worth at all.



    I saw that interview, he didn't look well at all. it's in the eyes. A fair bet for 07....

  5. It's been just over a week now and poor old Profumo still has no write up on the front page.


    Has our esteemed leader gone AWOL?


    Yeah, where is our periodical pun fest!

    Who is the leader anyway?

  6. Tommy Docherty, football manager, at Peter Osgood's funeral today - I can't post the image for some reason but if you go to BBC Sport & click on Osggods' funeral pics, you'll find it.


    Now near 80, overweight & has always liked a drink & a smoke & doesn't look brilliant...



    Good call, I'm always slightly surprised he's still alive!

  7. From Teddy's signature...


    "Tears are sometimes an inappropriate response to death. When a life has been lived completely honestly, completely successfully, or just completely, the correct response to death's perfect punctuation mark is a smile." - Julie Burchill


    Well I'll certainly be smiling when she goes :P


    As for Shelly Long, if she goes my only regrets for her is that she didn't show enough of her bod, after looking so promising in 'Night Shift'....

    Potential suicides are hard to predict.

  8. maybe Profumos death will start a spate of deaths of elderly British politicians..Michael Foot must be abut ready to croak..if he makes it to his 93rd birthday in july he'll become the longest living leader of any of the 3 major political parties inthe UK (Jim Callaghan holds the current record,dying one day before his 93rd birthday).Somehow I dont think old Michael merits that acheivment...


    Keep an eye on Ted Short (Labour Party Deputy Leader 1972-74).....


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