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Posts posted by themaninblack

  1. Maninblack-

    I noticed you had Captain Beefheart on your list. Is he ill? (I was a big fan of his long ago).


    Captain Beefheart has been suffering from a degenerative illness (similar to MS) for many years. The last thing I saw him in, he was in a wheelchair and looking frail and that was in 1994!

    I'm following the logic of Richard Pryor's illness, he died aged 65. Captain Beefheart is also 65...

  2. Course she is. In fact, arguably, worldwide, maybe more so. I think it's Iain being a teaser again so that you see Ludovic Kennedy dead & not the Mrs. 


    Fine dancer, good actress, decent journalist. 


    Ludo's in my top 50 list, maybe he'll die of a broken heart?

    Maybe not!

  3. According to Wikipedia's policies, anyone from Death List can now legitimately contribute to the article, since (as far as I know) someone unconnected created it.


    We now have a special Wikipedia page to do with as we will.


    That's just what I was thinking, I've edited some articles before.

    Let's make hay while sun shines shall we?


    Maybe the list for this year with a paragraph on previous successes.


    Moderators, over to you!


    Also, shouldn't you guys slap copyright on the Deathlist? Once word gets round they'll be loads of them!

  4. I'd have it as a weekly show (50 weeks) which profiles each of the candidates. If one dies before they are covered, their profile is shown as an obit. Then add other features, a bit of debate, a phone-in (making suggestions for the following year lists) and interviews with relatives of the (soon to be) deceased (without them knowing the true context of the interview). Maybe even a competition (guess who's next!).


    I think it has great potential. I can see the headline now.....TV's sickest show ever!

  5. Because they are saying that they'd rather somebody they didn't know from Adam (or Eve) 3 weeks ago is more interesting than any "celebrity" - fair point and sound judgement if you ask me!


    Surely it is noe the death of celebrity in that case...


    Then again I've always felt that the public choose who is the most 'real' person to win BB.

  6. Ever since their headline following the pro-hunt protest at the House of Commons last year - "For fox sake!" - I've had a sneaking admiration for The Sun's headline writers at least.


    Not a particularly original headline, it's probably cribbed from the Leicester City fanzine of the same name.


    What gets me about the Sun today is its unctiousness. The old Sun in the 70s/80s were bolder, cruder and to the point. They were bastards, but you knew where you where with them. The Sun in recent years is rather more slippery, more sneaky insult than outright abuse.


    And just as they propped up Thatcher in the 80s, so they're doing so to Blair, even though most of the journos hate everything about the Labour movement. All because its not in their owners interest to go against New Labour....yet!


    They even do this 'some of my best friends are' nonsense with the Halibut woman they have in it. Seems like a front to me. It seems that they picked out a pretty asian, stuffed her in a Burka and asked her smile, some other hack does the rest.


    Perhaps I'm being harsh on the actual journos as its the sub-editors who are the true enemy: They are the ones who print quotes out of context and turn stories into lurid and hysterical headlines....

  7. A Deathlist TV programme is around the corner methinks (Bravo perhaps?)


    I think the Keef story is a load of bollocks, a Sun journo wants to

    cause a rumpus over the Deathlist. You know how these things

    snowball. One casual mention in the currant bun will soon lead to

    questions in the House of Commons, calls to ban the website before

    the coppers come marching in....or maybe not!


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