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Posts posted by themaninblack

  1. There's a lot to do at the end of the year.


    I intend to enter the Derby Deadpool for the first time and regale the Deathlist on my top 50 for the year for their consideration. And now this one's got to be in order! My brain will hurt!

  2. I fancy Ellen MacArthur. I mean I fancy she may die with her sailing boots on


    Talking of which, I for one was a mite disappointed that Dame Ellen didn't turn up with a frock on at last night's 'Sports Personality' awards. She looked smart enough in jeans and brown leather jacket, but Dame Kelly looked great in her red dress and she's a dyke! As far as I know Ellen isn't, so why didn't she make the effort?

  3. This came out of the blue didn't it? First year on the list too. For all those who are 'offended' by such sites as this, I'm quite sure Mr Pryor would have appreciated his inclusion.

    Perhaps we ought to think of other MS sufferers as contenders next year. Don Van Vliet (AKA Captain Beefheart) turns 65 on January 15th 2006...

  4. There must a mpeg or video of the great man's final moments floating around the net somewhere. I missed it by minutes all those years ago, but the rest of my family saw it.


    I had a habit of missing key TV moments. In 1986 I had to take a call during England's World Cup QF against Argentina. By the time I returned to the sitting room, I'd missed the Hand of God and the greatest goal ever. Bloody typical.

  5. I've just finished watching Pinters Nobel speech on Channel 4.


    A very powerful speech condemning American foreign policy over the decades.


    He really laid into Bush and Blair, effectively calling them war criminals.


    His spirit is still strong, but his body looked extremely frail.


    He was sitting in a wheelchair throughout the speech.


    I'm not so sure that he's a dead cert for '06. It is said that he has recovered from the throat cancer and that the current condition is in his mouth, but not cancerous. He may well be good for a couple of years yet...

  6. All American presidents elected in a year ending in 0 since 1840 have died whilst in office, except Ronald Reagan. And if John Hinckley had been more accurate, even he would have continued the trend.



    Wasn't that due to some sort of Native American curse? I read about it some years ago, when Bush was about to be 'elected'...

  7. As a footballer, Best was hated by everyone apart from Man U fans! Did anyone expect anything other than jeers and applause, from Leeds and Man City?


    Isn't that the case with every Man U player?

    It was Liverpool fans that caused the rumpus at the City of Manchester stadium BTW.

  8. Interesting to note that before some matches today, there was a minutes applause rather than a minutes silence. I wonder if that might start to become standard for football figures that peg it, so as not to suffer the indignity of a minutes silence ruined by a minority, which happened today at Man City (Liverpool) and Millwall (Leed Utd)...

  9. Ron Greenwood b 1921 England manager 1977-82. His career somehow survived failing to make the finals of the '78 World Cup, it wouldn't happen today!


    To be fair, it was Don Revie that led England to disasterous non-qualification before he hopped off to the United Arab Emirates, Big Ron merely cleared up the mess...

  10. Watching the television this evening one could be forgiven for thinking that Best was some kind of legend as opposed to someone that pissed his life into an early grave.


    Yes, I can't imagine 'King Kenny' Dalglish getting the same coverage (top item on BBC Six O'Clock News!) when he pops it or Keggy Keagle. It wouldn't have the same coverage had something else happened at the same time, like a hurricane/earthquake or US invading Syria/Iran/Whatever....


    This tabloid (Daily Record) didn't have him on the cover, if he had played for one of the Old Firm he might have been on it.


    That's a surprise, coming from what some call 'The Daily Mason' considering he was an East Belfast lad....

  11. Harold Pinter will not collect his award in Sweden on December 10th due to ill health. He will however deliver a speech to the Academy on December 7th, which will be transmitted live on Channel 4. His last testament Dennis Potter-style?


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