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Posts posted by themaninblack

  1. I agree. I have not seen any reports of Jack Nicholson having any health problems and at age 68, he is a spring chicken by DL standards.


    That said, he is making fewer films than he used to. Obviously slowing down in his dotage. Look at the IMDB to see the trickle of films made in the last ten tears or so...

  2. First time on the list too. Good call DL! I'm not going to attampt a tagline because the ones DL come up with a far better than what I can muster.


    She's gonna have to give up her seat now...

  3. George Michael Gill, film maker; Director and producer of Kenneth Clarks classic documentary series "Civilisation".

    He made more than 150 films for TV and cinema, winning 40+ awards in total.

    Died aged 81.


    TV Critic A.A. Gill's father by the way...

  4. How many of the older Death List incumbants have their birthdays coming up towards the end of the year? Callaghan died on the eve of his birthday, so maybe there is hope that one or two may pop off in and around their birthday by the end of the year...

  5. All this slanging match stuff concerning Mr Doherty is a result of his web-based rise to prominence, a relatively recent development in Rock music. The Libertines forged their popularity through the internet, so their fans are very net-savvy. So for God's sake don't slag off the Arctic Monkeys or we'll get more of the same. Doherty seemed an interesting enough character untill he clapped eyes on that arch parasite, Kate Moss. Since then its been downhill for him, downhill for her, downhill for Indie Rock and downhill for the rest of us...

  6. For a real military fu*k up you need the yanks on board, they know how to do it properly.



    Yes, I'm afraid they do. The time when we pull out of Iraq, it is when the USA pull out and that could be some time in the future.... ;)

  7. Whatever the merits or otherwise of Mrs T's policies, she has ensured her place in modern British history. As for Blair, what unnerves me is his obsession to put his place in the history books. Not since Anthony Eden has there been a PM concerned with his legacy. Such a desire to stamp his authority led to the disaster of Suez in 1956. But Suez lasted a few days, Iraq is past the 2 1/2 year mark and counting...

  8. Not Homing Pigeons surely, after all they did in various wars and conflicts.


    Okay then, not Homing Pidgeons, or Wood Pidgeons for that matter, but the town centre gathering kind can disappear overnight for all I care. They're a bloody menace!

  9. Why don't we collect a few birds of every concievable species, from chicken to swallow*. We keep them in sanctuary and then kill every last bird thats left behind. The chinese did this back in the 1950s or something when they had trouble with birds. The people were instructed to make noises and kept the birds in the air, untill in the end, they all died and fell to earth.














    *the exception are pidgeons, we should kill everyone of those bastards!

  10. That may be true, but it should not in anyway hinder the punishment decided at the end of Saddam’s trial (if or most likely when) he is found guilty. If the punishment that is decided is based on the reaction by some fanatics instead of the crimes that he was found guilty of, then the whole trial process will be viewed as a sham.


    True, but of course this all depends on whether the Iraqi laws would permit execution or not. For instance, if Saddam was tried in the UK or in most states in the USA, life imprisonment would be the most he would get.

  11. QUOTE (themaninblack @ Oct 16 2005, 12:56 PM)


    With a big grin on his face, the African ambassador answered:


    "One of them's a cannibal"





    One of them has AIDS would probably be a more pertinent punchline... 



    Pertinent, perhaps yes.


    Funny, no.


    I accept the blow-job mistake, but the cannibal line does kinda take on an olde worlde stereotype don't you agree?

    Nowt wrong with satire.


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