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Posts posted by themaninblack

  1. I think it has been only in the last year or so, that it was clear that Ronnie Barker wasn't well. In the Two Ronnies Sketch Book, he was clearly ailing and there were reports in the newspapers about his declining health, particularly considering the strain of his son's misdemeanors.


    My favourite Two Ronnies sketch was 'Rook Soup':


    CORBETT: I hope it's not as bad as it sounds.


    BARKER: (under his breath) It bloody is.

  2. A great comic actor. Funnily enough I was watching a film from 1963 - 'Father Came Too', which had Ronnie Barker in it. And I was only thinking 'there's a few in this that are still alive' and I was thinking of Stanley Baxter and Leslie Philips....

  3. You do wonder sometimes that the neo-cons have some sort of deathwish. However one hope of avoiding armageddon is, ironically, the military. Apparently there have whispers of a 'coup', stoked by the dismissal of a four star General for rather dubious reasons.

  4. According to top conspiracy therory website 'Prison Planet', Israel are planning to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities, like they did with Iraq's back in 1981 (naughty boys those Israelis). Now as Russia are helping to build these reactors, they would strike at Israel in defence of Iran, USA would then retaliate and Europe would be expected to join with the Americans which would mean we would be brown bread.


    Still at least there will be a 100% record for the Deathlist eh?

  5. We ought to be careful about seizing every titbit that comes from the news, like some 24-hour news channel, or we wont know what's going on or where we're going!


    We had this with the Pope.


    Let me know when he's popped it....

  6. It would be an odd sort of atmosphere if he did die. I remember when Eric Morecame died at a similar age in 1984, and although it had been on the cards,(Morecame had heart by-pass surgery in 1979) there was genuine sadness when he died. When Best goes, there will be the enevitable acknowledgement of his greatness as a footballer, but after that, it would be an uncomfortable air when we reflect on how he subsequently pissed that great talent up the wall.

  7. He went to Westminster then Oxford. I assume that they had a few puplis with odd names.


    One of those pupils was Michael Flanders of 'Flanders & Swann' (Mud Glorious Mud) who was a friend of Benns.


    Don't bother to look if he's still alive, he died in 1975.


    One of Benn's pals from Oxford was the more normal sounding David Butler (psephologist of election night specials from 1950s - 1970s - still alive)

  8. Aha! The old "You're just as bad as we are so it's all right for us to be bad because if you criticised us for it, you'd be hypocrites" argument.


    Quite so, quite so.


    I'm not going to make a full defence of Benn, he does have his eccentricities. But he believed in socialism, which as a theory you can't knock, but the praticalities were all the more difficult to achieve.

    And it was clearly abused. Although Zedong did an awful lot of harm in the pursuit of he genuinely thought was 'socialist'.

  9. Mao is estimated to have directly or indirectly murdered over 70 million people.


    Note the word indirectly.


    Vilebody is no lefty and with such vehemence must be batting for the other side. They've not been responsible for any deaths have they?


    I'll give Vilebody the time to estimate the deaths caused directly or indeed indirectly by successive US Presidents since WWII


    In your own time....

  10. Oh leave the guy alone.. !

    He is totally misinterpreted, the press are prying and repulsive idiots.

    Wish he was given space to live and breath without everyone slating him at every given opportunity and the press divulging into everything he does. Sure, people may not approve of his actions and his drug taking but get over it, his antics and drug taking are so well publicised where others are not. Lots of "celebrities" have taken drugs theyre just not self confessed addicts. Its his life afterall, his talent that hes wasting. Sure I like him, but i like him purely for his music, poetry and art. He is a genius, very talented guy. Oh and by the way just to add im not a "angsty teenage girl", dont stereotype please!!! Stop being so overly critical and stop condeming and moaning about him, Some of you (note the word "some") are so bloody judgemental - dont act like you know his personal life and motivations/reasons because you dont (nor do i)!!! Dont bitch about someone you dont know.

    Give it a rest, leave him be


    By labelling him 'genius', you seem to have come to a rather rash judgement yourself! I have never known a music artist of such low commercial standing, surrounded by such sychophants! For every tabloid hack calling him a worthless junkie, there are naive people saying how brilliant he is!

    Somewhere in the middle is probably more accurate.

  11. Neil Young doesn't want to be nostalgic, but record companies know that fans do.

    I mentioned Donovan because he was a contemporary of Bob Dylan, like Fred Neil or Phil Ochs. Its interesting that we are having this debate, because on the Late Review on BBC2, exactly this sort of thing was going on, with pretentious critic Paul Morley confidentally predicting Dylan's immortality. It is another example of our cultural narcissicism.


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