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Posts posted by themaninblack

  1. Maybe next year's Death list should go out on a limb with a few and choose those famous people who though not at death's door, could in theory drop dead at any moment. You never know, we might strike lucky. The list in the last few years seems to concentrate on those who are on the surface are old and frail, who in turn hang on life like bloody limpets!

  2. No, just a feeling that's all, when I saw her with the headscarf in the tabs.


    Just a Diana-like dread.


    Its funny, I don't want anything dramatic to happen in the world, because I know what the reaction will be in the media.


    I mean can you imagine if she did go?


    So lets hope for all our sakes that she makes a complete recovery...

  3. Did anyone see the programme about him on BBC 3 at the weekend?


    You had all these people saying what a poet he was and then when they interviewed the man himself, he was barely comprehensible! He's a bit like Sid Vicious really. The song he played at the end was alright - it seemed like he made it up on the spot. I reckon he does that deliberately, like the way Frankie Howerd did with his comedy routines...


    By the way how do you do the tag thing at the bottom, where the mottos are?

  4. What puzzles me is why you guys made Clive Dunn such a red hot favourite way back in 1987? Didn't you realise that he playing a character in Dad's Army that was much older? Its a bit like suggesting David Jason was ready to peg it because he played Blanco in Porridge! Or was there (misleading) information about the state of his health?

  5. If she follows Robin Cook, that's another New Labour critic biting the dust.


    Surely there should be some sort of cosmic balancing, say someone like Alistair Campbell for instance....

  6. Let us not forget folks that Robin Cook was the most politically high profile critic of the Iraq War/Debacle......


    That Blair is one lucky son of a bitch!!!


    I had a fleeting thought a few days ago that Blair might actually be the Anti-Christ, before dismissing it as paranoid speculation......

  7. I think a way of having a decent stab at who will pop off next is to find out when their birthdays are. I have noticed that a lot of people die at around their birthday or shortly before. For example, the ex-PMs, Ted Heath and Jim Callaghan died around the time of thier birthday (Ted after, Jim just before). So, first find out who left on the list next have thier birthday and decide that they are the next to go....

  8. Edward Heath, ex UK Prime Minister = Keen, white-haired, rude, Marxist MP.




    Edward Heath, ex UK Prime Minister = Keen, white-haired, rude, Marxist PM!

    After all, he was Prime Minister :angry:


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