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Posts posted by themaninblack

  1. 3 hours ago, Toast said:


    Handrejka, I think.  I can't take any credit.

    He was quite a heartthrob in my preteen circles, back in the day.  I never fancied him though.



    Neither did I!  Vic Windsor in Emmerdale too.

    They actually acted together in an episode of 'Shelley' in 1988...

  2. 17 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:


    So if say Clive James dies overnight on New Year's Eve, you may have blood letting on your hands!

    That would be the most appropriate DDP death of all time....

    • Like 8

  3. 11 hours ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

    Well i had to look him up tonight as id never heard of him.

    Once id seen his face i knew who he was!!

    He was a character actor who was in shit loads of things.

    I Had no idea he was that old.

    I think that was nearly the exact words used in the ITV bulletin...*




    *There's a Mary Whitehouse Experience sketch about that sort of thing

    • Like 2

  4. 3 hours ago, maryportfuncity said:


    You're being ironic about Jodie Whittaker's new job, right?


    Not that I'm a huge fan or owt but, frankly, 'bout time in that dept and somewhere around the 15th isn't it time the Doctor was summat other than white?


    Last time I looked Jodie Whittaker was white...

  5. On 10/01/2017 at 03:44, RadGuy said:

    I also oppose such a limit, but as I am 15, I might be a tad biased. :P


    This whole debate is really only because of immature 16-year-old MorbidKid.


    Joeyruss and I are 15, and we're both usually mature-ish.


    Bass and Dirtracer are our age, they also don't seem to be causing any problems.


    In fact, a lot of highly respected users were young when they joined. Estaurian Float was 15 when he joined in 2009, The Dead Cow just revealed he's turning 18, meaning he was 13 when he joined in 2012. There was also AngryGreatness who was 15 when he joined in 2011, but I don't know much about him or his behavior.


    Not to mentions all the cunty, immature, ADULTS like Zorders.

    So we currently have TWO teenagers in the DDP Top 5?


    :wheelchair: I suddenly feel very old...

    • Like 6

  6. 43 minutes ago, maryportfuncity said:

    Best post-Beatle for me


    John - Instant Karma

    Paul - Letting Go

    George - My Sweet Lord

    Ringo - It Don't Come Easy


    Anyone that bothered should investigate a blog site called Albums that Never Were that hosts downloads of records that major artists might have made. They have Beatle albums (i.e. compilations of solo tracks) up to 1974.


    Bought that on vinyl with picture sleeve just a couple of days ago! Great single...

    • Like 1

  7. Fascinating article on former France U21 star Stéphane Paille, who died last week aged 52. One of French football's great "lost" talents.


    Funnily enough I was reading a few bits and bobs about legendary hellraiser/sublime talent Robin Friday the other day...

    • Like 2

  8. 33 minutes ago, gcreptile said:

    Next year (if I am given the opportunity), I really need to focus on having that one super-duper title contending team.

    That all depends on what the new boss wants to do...

  9. 12 minutes ago, Sir Creep said:

    OK I know nothing of him but I've now read up on him.  
    Just wondering if he was a good film critic?  I know our American lot has a couple decent ones and a couple I prefer to ignore, given their track record.  I suppose that is a matter of personal taste, as are the films themselves.  e.g. I found Roger Ebert more spot on than his pal Gene Siskel, who when they differed on films I liked I almost invariably sided with Ebert's analysis.  Maybe it was Siskel's brain tumour what made him say silly things.

    Anyway, just wondered if Mr. Norman was actually good at his job or just happened to do it a long time.
    Of course now it's all gone online and Rotten Tomatoes etc that ilk.  Tough profession.  Lots of online pretenders who took a film class and fancy they can pontificate.


    In broad terms, Barry Norman was Britain's Roger Ebert...

    • Like 5

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