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Posts posted by Gunjaman5000

  1. but can we have a pretentious title for the thread please? Favourite Songs just doesnt do it for me.


    Kurrisst! What happened to the name of this thread? :crossbone: And who the hell is Jacques Brel?

    A famous dead Belgian who could perspire and cry fluently in either French or Flemmish. I'd say this may be his best known example of sweating, crying and singing. They're quite fond of him in France.

  2. Is another 'who'll be next' thread really necessary?


    In all fairness, this thread is like the retarded child of a "who'll be next" thread and a "u guys suk, we coulda had more hits" thread. :lol:


    Ah yes, I forgot our new rules.


    Thou shall not have fun on the forum.

    (Unless you are into football or massive lists of nobodies with terminal illness).


    This forum is now as fun as pea picking.


    By the way - you guys suck, we could have had more hits.

    Nice of you to hang around to remind us Windsor. Nothing like voting with your feet eh?

  3. I've discovered possibly the worst book ever written. It's called Dark Lady and it's by Richard North Patterson. I don't think I can read any more. I quote:


    Stella's voice was toneless 'How did it happen?'

    'With love'. The voice belonged to Detective John Burba. Crossing the room, he stood beside Dance. Thought both were big, Burba was red haired and blocky and proletarian, with a crude perfunctory manner. 'This a full-on, fist-f***kers-of-America, male-on-male scene'. :(


    And later:


    'Micelli's didactic tone aroused just enough antipathy to keep Stella from throwing up. She could feel Dance watching her again. In a thin voice, she asked, 'What about anal penetration?'



    Apparently a New York Times bestseller :birthday2:

    I've tried twice to get beyond the fifty page mark on this very book, and with another of his I gave equal effort to see if it was just me. I'm glad I'm not the only one, it really is feckin' awful isn't it?

  4. If only maryport was a woman.






    You've lost me. Incidentally, it was widely believed hereabouts for the best part of a year that I was a woman. Since when I've taken to crashing forums elsewhere and combining discussions of cures for thrush with favourite handbags. I'm yet to be found out. I'm sure one of my fellow posters is Cherie Booth, I'm just waiting for her to drop an almighty secret about someone in public life I can share to help us clean up on a deadpool.

    Mary there's no woman alive who'd pretend to be the A.I. man. You have my fullest confidence.

  5. Stink bro.


    Sorry to hear about your mum, mine was good enough to allow a large sample of her morphine elixir before a drip became necessary. I have also seen the effects of the stuff on Gunjagirl when she broke her leg aged 20 months, very chatty she was, very chatty.


    You're dead right about the dealer though, the official channels of access to opiates are too costly by half (at the very least).


    Chin up old boy...

  6. oh and Dave, we know you're a master of disguise, but writing that pot,kettle,black message from 'anon' didnt really fool anyone. fool!

    I'd be very surprised if that were a Daviain post, very surprised indeed.

  7. Now, I usually regard the conspiracy theorists that deny the moon landings with the same contempt as flat-earthers or creationists, but having watched Big Pat present The Sky at Night the other day (purely for research purposes, y'unnerstan') I can see their point to an extent. Those shots of Armstrong and Aldrin embarking on what must surely rank as the greatest expedition since the days of Magellan were, quite frankly, sh*t. You'd have thought someone would have packed a better movie camera, Cassavetes was filming his 'hand-held' movies that looked better on a thousandth of the budget that NASA had available.


    I doubt the landing was framed cause' for what reason?


    A reason could be that in 1969 the US needed a boost. Vietnam was going horribly wrong, the Cold War was in full swing, and Russia had won the races to get the first satellite and man in space. Given how ass-backwards e.g. video/film cameras were back then, how much of an incredible achievement was it to get men in a spaceship to the moon and back safely? And who was in any position to refute the claim?


    I don't really believe the hoax theory but I'd put it as way more plausible than: crop circles created by aliens, Nessie, the Yeti, Bigfoot, ghosts, magic, fortune tellers, the Bermuda Triangle, Area 51 having an alien space ship and Liverpool coming back to win from 3-0 down in a European Cup final v. Milan

    A couple of things here may need clarification;

    Given how ass-backwards e.g. video/film cameras were back then

    Film cameras haven't changed much in the last 50 years or so, one would assume a battery powered electric camera was used given the crank-handle would be difficult to operate wearing gloves, and;

    Cassavetes was filming his 'hand-held' movies that looked better on a thousandth of the budget that NASA had available.

    I'm unsure what the light/lighting conditions would be like on the moon, I'm willing to guess the Astronauts of the day, who were test pilots incidentally as opposed to the scientists of today, couldn't light the moon and make it look good to save themselves.


    I agree with Ronnie though, the hoax is too elaborate to be a fake.

  8. Which is why I hate going to hairdressers.

    Every time I get a haircut I remember a great line from Leon Uris' 'Trinity';


    "How would you like your hair done sir?"



    I've only used it once and the difference between a good haircut and a bad one is not six weeks, it's closer to eight.

  9. (1) Couples who take their small, badly behaved children to the supermarket. Surely one parent could stay at home with the brats whiles the other does the shopping?
    ...parents who go to the supermarket together and take their children. One parent could stay at home with the kids....
    (2) Old people who go to the bank/shops/post office at lunchtimes and weekends.
    Old people who go to the bank at lunchtime and Tesco at the weekend. They should go when the rest of us are at work!

    People who repeat themselves, repeat themselves.

  10. The sad passing of NZ Cricketer Dick Motz, duly reported in the 'dead' thread by the always excellent DDT, has made me think that the late Mr Motz must have been one of the last generation of Richards who would willingly call themselves Dick. Judging by the roll of names at Gunjaboy's school, one'd be hard pressed to find a Richard these days let alone a Dick.

    Two famous dicks that spring to mind are Dick Cheney, US Vice President and the splendidly named Dick Pound, chairman of the World Anti-Doping Agency.

    Are there enough Dicks left to warrant a dead Dick thread?

    • Like 1

  11. I am very well aware that it wasn't a scholarly work.

    That still doesn't preclude the use of Google.



    On a passing comment am not likely to use google because where he was sent was not the issue. The issue was that he was sent away from Europe for the duration of the war.


    I'm not sure if you've notice, but I don't aspire towards post perfection.

    No Windsor, it would appear you aspire towards the lovely Jade Goody




    I hear your family are Eastern European.

    When can we expect them? The toilet is blocked...

    Eastern Europeans are ranked quite low, however you go up a level and try and pass yourself as Canadian.


    Smart move - the first step on a very long ladder!

    Goody : "I couldn't think of her surname. Why would I be talking to someone like that, I don't know what her surname is. What is it? Shilpa Cookamada, Shilpa whatever Rockamada, Shilpa Poppadom. It was like that, literally come out like that.


    Poor old Jade, her outburst pales in comparison really.


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