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Posts posted by Gunjaman5000

  1. Comparing (what was) a blue patch on the lander in a photo taken back on Earth, under what I presume was artificial (blue/white) lighting, and the same patch on Mars under a red sky would obviously produce different results. If the original was photographed under a red-light then it would look significantly different. I find it laughable that someone has taken the time and effort to produce web site to highlight their own flawed knowledge of the properties of light and the photographic process.


    I'm waiting for them to put up a web site claiming photographers fake all their sunset photos. I mean, everyone knows the sky is blue, not red/orange. I've got a photo I took on the beach at midday that the proves it and that the sand is a whitish yellow, yet someone must have tampered with the one I took at sunset because the sky is a different colour and the sand is orange/red. If I was a moron I'd claim it was a conspiracy and set up a site to tell the world.

    Thanks Honez, the same thing occured to me. I was going to post something similar and you've saved me the effort. In the words of me old mate Dave, "If you haven't got it, don't flaunt it."


    Idiots. :(

  2. That's one less $cientologist then.


    Their beliefs are no less strange to me than believing that the world is only 6,000 years old, that an executed Jewish rabble rouser returned from the dead, that the sun god requires a daily human sacrifice before rising, that you can't drink alcohol or eat pork, that you must smoke marijuana or that some chap with a beard favours one race of people above all others on this planet.


    The above belief systems are all man made, essentially dishonest and disorganised. At least Hubbard, Scientology's founder, was organised. "If a man really wants to make a million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion." His honesty is still in doubt as far as I'm concerned.


    I won't disagree with you there jmh8300.


    Doesn't make $cientology any better, though, just because the others are equally bad.

    I'd disagree Spuddy, none of the others (well, none anymore) insist on large amounts of money to attain higher levels of 'holiness'. It's almost as if they're buying a stairway to heaven.


    Oh yes, and none of the others have had that nice man from the BBC shouting at them either.

  3. This thread seems quite timely, hence my digging it back up, in view of the latest discovery by scientists looking into the whole Global Warming, freak weather syndrome.

    As some of you may have read, Scientists have expressed excitement in discovering that our Seafaring ancestors tended to keep quite meticulous Ship logs detailing tides, currents, weather conditions, the whole works.

    While they have only just begun to scratch the surface they have found that our freak weather, attributed to man made climate change, is not freak at all. Ships logs have highlighted that the likes of Captain Cook and Lord Nelson experienced the same type of freak weather patterns, some which have mirrored our current ones in both type and location.

    Such is the wealth of information, it is calculated that it could take quite some time to log all the information available and build a picture of Climate change from the earliest records going back to the 17th Century and now.

    If their preliminary findings are substansiated, it would appear that we have all been sold a pup, climate change, freak weather, it was all here long before and certainly could not have been man made.

    Will the truth finally out

    At last, some sense. I don't doubt the Earth's climate is changing, I question man's effect on the changes. Careful saying so, you'll be burnt at the stake. Global warming* nay-sayers are the modern witches.


    *'Global warming', which in my view is hysterical nonsense, as opposed to 'Climate change' which is a catchy way of saying the weather has sustained periods of change.

  4. Quite irritating he was with his sermons, dull prose and bad style. Never a good writer. Nevertheless, RIP.

    I've always enjoyed his work, however I have only read someone elses translation of his books. Being unable to read Russia I couldn't comment on his prose or style.

    I can't read Russia either. Or France for that matter.

  5. a great man passed away...


    I'm not so sure a great man has passed, he was a reactionary, an anti-Semitist who believed in "Russia for the Russians" and he didn't treat his first couple of wives very well, however he did differ from Banshees Scream in that he was a great writer whose work demands our respect.

    But, like Banshees, the other inmates of the Gulag ran a poll to see if they should chuck him. After a series of long and pointless discussions they decided they'd be better off with the status quo.


    I can't say I'm too sad about Alex popping off, One bastard well Day in the Bastard well life of bastard well Alexander bastard well Solzhenitsyn caused me no end of grief at school.


    Great pick, next please.

  6. I'm in sunny Port Hedland on sunny Western Australia's sunny northern shores.


    Very warm, lots of very well paid miners, lots of not much to do.

    While I believe it's poor form to quote oneself, I'd like to announce that I've moved to Port Hedland on sunny Western Australia's sunny northern shores. I'm now a very warm, well paid iron ore miner and nothing's changed since May, there's lots (and lots and lots) of not much to do.

  7. What, the big flying buggers or little crawling sh*ts?
    Ants. :lol:

    Doesn't matter. Nasty crawling, flying, biting, entirely indestrucible bastards!! They've taken up residence and made an entire city in my lawn. I've put that much ant powder down that the grass looks like its been sh*t on by the Devon seagulls. I'm thinking of buying a flame thrower and just torching the whole lot!

    I've got these little bastards in my garden and I can confirm their bite is definitely worse than any bee or wasp sting I've ever had. I poured petrol down their nest and torched 'em -- which is what earned me the bite, but it got rid of most of them.

    That's the Mick Jagger method of pest eradication; Jumping Jacks + Gas, gas, gas = Flash.




    Nearly, but not quite.

  8. Barry Manilow weighs 'below 45kg'


    It's all well and good until you read the whole article, not just the headline. Although if that's all 'normal' and not caused by cancer or similar, Barry's BMI (Body Mass Index) rating comes out at 13.6 which is 'severely underweight'. That may be okay for young models and teen hollywood stars but a man in his sixties? Who does he think he is, Gandhi?


    Worth a wild card somewhere, surely.

  9. And I agree with the honoured Madame. If you're up to it, I can't recall hearing the custard cream story, so I too would be interested to hear it.

    Me too.


    Although if the story starts with, ''You all sit in a circle.....'' and finishes,''.....last, has to eat it.'' Then I've already heard it.

    Another fine mess you've got yourself in to, et cetera...


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