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Lady Die

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Everything posted by Lady Die

  1. Lady Die

    Ian Huntley

    The Ian Huntley thread is closed so I'll post this here. He's been found unconscious in his cell after a suspected overdose.
  2. Lady Die

    Not Exactly Famous...

    Body of tourist flown home with two hearts and four lungs.
  3. Lady Die

    Steve Irwin

    Koalas are deceptively fierce.
  4. Happy Birthday, Catherine!
  5. Lady Die

    Steve Irwin

    I guess he knew too much about crocs to be killed by one of them. Will they play Crocodile Rock at his funeral?
  6. Lady Die

    Jane Tomlinson Killer Ride

    According to this "we still have to go home and watch Jane die" Maybe she's not a fraud after all.
  7. Lady Die

    The Welsh

    Lots of Welsh artists here. Never heard of any of them. The Welsh should stick to singing.
  8. Lady Die

    The Welsh

    Sir Kyffin Williams has died. He was Wales' top artist in case you were wondering.
  9. Lady Die

    Animal Antics

    Whale meat again....
  10. OMG - I hope they haven't got children?
  11. Should that be the world's smallest 14-year old boy? There must be plenty of smaller boys - e.g. premature babies weighing 1lb. "The boy and family members are currently touring south Nepal, seeking support for the foundation". I'm all in favour of bringing back freak shows so poor souls like this can earn an honest living.
  12. Lady Die

    Jane Tomlinson Killer Ride

    She's only got a couple of days left (of the bike ride) but she hasn't been at all well.
  13. Lady Die

    Glenn Ford

    ... maybe we should consider Harrison Ford for 2007 then! Definitely. And Anna Ford's looking a bit rough these days.
  14. Lady Die

    Princess Diana

    turns out that was Mohamed Al Fayed's handwriting - he was confused about the embalming and burial methods used in the UK and addressed the card for the afterlife
  15. Lady Die

    Princess Diana

    It still brings a tear to my eyes when I remember those poor boys walking so bravely behind their dearly beloved mother's coffin. And the flowers atop the coffin, with the card inscribed, in childish hand, with the single, poignant word "Mummy".
  16. Lady Die

    Glenn Ford

    I consider this to be a very near miss. We've got Gerald Ford on this year's list and last year we had Betty Ford.....
  17. Lady Die

    Been To Any Famous Funerals?

    I haven't been to any famous funerals, but my Mum knew someone who used to gatecrash wakes ... for the beer & vol-au-vents. Family members would assume he was a friend of the deceased & friends assumed he was a relative of the deceased. Sounds like a nice easy way to get some free food & drink. I think I'll try it sometime.
  18. Re Sheila Russell/Rossall, someone here says she was a hoaxer faking it to get attention.
  19. A very belated Happy Birthday to Captain Oates. Hope it was a good one!
  20. Lady Die

    Near misses 2006

    Who's the other one?
  21. I found this 1981 article about her. Nothing recent though. Being "of a certain age" I remember hearing about her, although I'd forgotten for over twenty years. It's one of those memories that lies deep in your subconscious .... a bit like white dog poo (the memory of white dog poo, not the poo itself).
  22. Lady Die

    Modern Casualties

    I just got a shiny new Fiat Punto (sad, I know). I wish I'd waited for one of these.
  23. Lady Die

    Not Exactly Famous...

    Might change their area's name to 'Dong-lo County' after that deflating announcement... Which leads me onto this: Rest Home Hires Male Stripper for 102-Year-Old Did she have a stroke ... or couldn't she reach?
  24. These astronomers are so fickle. Just the other day they were going to add three more planets.

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