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Lady Die

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Everything posted by Lady Die

  1. Lady Die

    A Joke

    Three dead bodies turn up at the mortuary, all with very big smiles on their faces. The coroner calls the police to tell them what has happened. "First body: A Frenchman, 60, died of heart failure while making love to his mistress. Hence the enormous smile, Inspector", says the Coroner. "Second body: A Scotsman, 25, won a thousand pounds on the lottery, spent it all on whisky. Died of alcohol poisoning, hence the smile." The Inspector asked, "What of the third body?" "Well now," says the coroner, "this is the most unusual one. Paddy Quinn an Irishman, 30, struck by lightning." "Why is he smiling then?"inquires the Inspector. "Ah" says the coroner " He thought he was having his picture taken."
  2. Lady Die

    Richard O'Sullivan

    I was worried ... someone said this thread had been closed. Obviously not.
  3. Lady Die

    World War I Veteran(s)

    Are theTitanic survivors veterans?
  4. I voted yes .. the more the merrier
  5. Lady Die

    WW1 Survivors vs Titanic Survivors

    The survivors of the Titanic might win in extra time They might need a penalty shoot-out.
  6. Lady Die

    World War I Veteran(s)

    This isn't really a fair contest. 81 WW1 survivors vs 3 Titanic survivors.
  7. Lady Die

    Queen Elizabeth II

    I'm all for a return to good old-fashioned values.
  8. Lady Die

    World's Oldest

    It's a bit of a bummer being born in 1891 but only being 5th oldest!
  9. Lady Die

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    Ron Atkinson got blood poisoning from an insect bite.
  10. Lady Die

    ***deathlist Planned Maintenance***

    I'm just disappointed that I can't see anybody else's warnings. I am also quite curious to know what 'offences' attract the various warning levels, how can I advance a couple of boxes on the 'warn-o-meter' without getting slung out? Try being racist/sexist/religionist/offensive & see if your Warning number goes up.
  11. Lady Die

    ***deathlist Planned Maintenance***

    I was just about to ask the same thing. I have "Warn" and a kind-of status bar thingy in my profile. What's it about? I don't remember being warned about anything. I feel all nervous now like a kid who's done something wrong & is about to be found out.
  12. Lady Die

    Queen Elizabeth II

    James II was forced to abdicate in 1688. He is the only other English Monarch to abdicate. In Scotland the same applies to Mary Queen of Scots who was deposed in 1567, and James VII who was seen to have given up the throne by the Scots Privy Council in 1688/9. But thats about it. There may have been more in the early days of monarchy. Thanks Mr Windsor! Why did James II abdicate?
  13. Lady Die

    Queen Elizabeth II

    We don't have a "tradition" of monarchs abdicating in this country. I think Edward VIII was the only one. (I'm sure Windsor will correct me if I'm wrong)
  14. Lady Die

    Queen Elizabeth II

    I suspect they were all smokers. Chas doesn't smoke but he must breathe in lots of Cami's.
  15. Lady Die

    Saddam Hussein

    He's threatening to go on hunger strike. Fingers crossed.
  16. Lady Die

    Animal Antics

    Two giraffes have died in a fire at Paignton zoo.
  17. Lady Die

    Fat And Fearless

    Patrick Moore is not exactly thin. And Ted Heath was quite a portly chap.
  18. Lady Die

    ***deathlist Planned Maintenance***

    Mrs Josco is obviously very wise....
  19. Lady Die

    ***deathlist Planned Maintenance***

    I love it! I did notice that guests can't post any more (I tried to post after forgetting to log in).
  20. Lady Die

    Places With Silly Names

    Further investigation reveals that the pub at Bell End is called the Bell Inn - perhaps the Bell End Inn was just taking the joke a little too far? DWB I used to live near "The Organ Inn". When people asked directions they'd ask "How far's the Organ Inn?"
  21. Lady Die

    Near misses 2006

    Who'll be next? Mick McCarthy? Jack Charlton?
  22. Lady Die

    Freddie Laker

    I'd have asked Princess Diana "Why are you getting in that Mercedes with that pisshead driving?"
  23. Lady Die

    Bacon number

    Bacon number explained mathematically

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