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Going Underground

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Everything posted by Going Underground

  1. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    Agreed. Nice one Spade.
  2. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    Yes, i think I was the only mug who picked him. Spade. Do i get my sub pick of Matt Cappoleti instead? I did ask this a few weeks back but your obviously snowed under with DDP18 admin and every day life. cheers
  3. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    ah bugger thanks for the info Will my sub Matt Cappotelli come into play?
  4. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    Happy new year guys. Not sure il’ll ever top my 5th place of 2015 again but here it goes. I’m hoping Jordan isn’t spinning us a yarn regarding her mother’s health. Team: Going Underground Linda Nolan JOKERAmy Price (Katy Price mother)Leah Bracknall (Actress)Paul Madeley (Ex Footballer)Eric Sun (Facebook Tech)Ian Toothill (conquered Everest)Vanessa Goodwin (Politician)Lil Wayne (Rapper)Bill Heine (Radio) Patrick Cryne (Businessman)King Salman of Saudi Liam Miller (Footballer) Satoru Anzaki (Businessman)Val Kilmer (Actor) Dean Francis (Boxer) Tommy Raudonikis (Rugby)John McCain (US Senator)David DiChiera (Composer)Charlotte Rae (Actress) Jose Jose (Mexican Singer)
  5. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    Right chalk me up for a Unique on Sonny West please TMIB Sonny died in May but failed to get an obit but luckily for me his cousin Red who was also a member of the Memphis Mafia died a few weeks ago. Sonny's death gets a mention in this Daily Mail article. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/ap/article-4715764/Actor-Red-West-longtime-Elvis-confidant-dies.html
  6. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    For gods sake bore off. You've had one reasonably good year. your first year!! I've lasted 6 months without piping up but every time i log on to this site your here chatting shit. Are your that other dick wad Dr Zoreds in disguise?
  7. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    Perham QO http://www.telegraph.co.uk/obituaries/2017/04/19/right-reverend-michael-perham-bishop-gloucester-obituary/
  8. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    Having an absolute shocker this year. Really need this Perham QO
  9. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    "Journalism got better" is kind of Ironic in the case of Paul McGill A respected Journalist and one time President of the NUJ I thought someone from one of the QO sites would have known him and given him a mention.
  10. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    I'm hoping the big boys will pick up on fellow journo Paul Mcgill who died the other day.
  11. Going Underground


    Paul McGill has died Not sure if he'll get the required Obit though to aid my DDP 2017 campaign.
  12. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    I've just realised there are 2 Sonny West's. Sonny West is my only unique pick. TMIB - Just to clarify, mine is the Sonny West who was friend and bodyguard of Elvis Presley and NOT the Sonny West who wrote a couple of Buddy Holly's hits. The songwriter Sonny is 80 years old, so he may go first but so be it.
  13. Going Underground

    Life In Prison

    Bit of a miss for Going Underground there. Ahh bollocks your not wrong there mate. Still got the bugger as my profile pic too. Was only reading about 'Little Nicky' the other day and how he was at one time getting protection from the Aryan Brotherhood inside Prison. Even the AB couldn't protect him from the grim reaper this time Might change my profile pic to Paul Madeley. Had him in my squad for years now and refuse to take him out as a matter of principle
  14. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    I never get any of my picks off here and McGiffens sister is all over the internet when you do a basic 'Deadpoolers' google search. Anyone claiming they are the main reason people picked her are deluded. Filling your team with people who you see mentioned on this site will definitely get you more points but there is no fun in that whatsoever IMO.
  15. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    Wow, looking through this thread I have missed some slam dunk, own goal, sitters. Being a smart arse I decided to leave Leah Bracknell out as I reckon she has a chance to make it through the year but in hindsight she still would have been a better pick than Brian Fucking Reader, What was I thinking. The Old Lag Reader was very likely just trying it on for a lighter sentence. Totally missed Sara Coward and can't understand how she didn't appear on my radar. Same with Sims and Skellern. AH well, them's the breaks. I've finished 5th in this quite recently but just can't seem to find those 3 or 4 extra crucial picks that could have me seriously challenging the top top players. Even with my 'nailed on' picks i will struggle for top 20 this year. Here's hoping prison gets too much for a few of my lads.
  16. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    Here we go again. Another top 20 will do me. Thanks as always to TMIB for all his upcoming hard graft keeping the comp ticking over. Team Name: Going Underground Tracy McGiffin (JOKER) Catherine Nevin Jimmy Snuka Snr Bhai Jagraj Singh Greg Gilbert John Bain Valerie Harper Rena Salmon Rt Rev Michael Perham Jessi Zazu Sonny West Stefan Karl Stefansson Robert Mugabe Ian Brady Simon Ricketts Gord Downie Leon White (Big Van Vader) Brian Reader Paul Madeley Paul McGill (Belfast Telegraph Journalist)
  17. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2016

    Finally made the top 5 (i think) in 2015 Not confident about this team for 2016 but lets see how it goes. Team Name: Going Underground Joker (Pick 1): Joey Feek Pick 2: René Angélil Pick 3: Martin Crowe Pick 4: Sharon Lafaye Jones Pick 5: Valerie Harper Pick 6: Bonnie Brown Pick 7: Gordon Banks Pick 8: Howard Marks Pick 9: Robert "Bob" Ellis Pick 10: Karel Gott Pick 11: Ayatollah Ali Khamenei Pick 12: Gene Wilder Pick 13: Kate Granger Pick 14: Clive Derby Lewis Pick 15: Johan Cryuff Pick 16: Sinead O'Connor Pick 17: Paul Madeley Pick 18: John Bain (Totalbiscuit) Pick 19: Helen Fawkes Pick 20: Mary Tyler Moore
  18. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2016

    Thanks TMIB. Great work as always sir. I am pretty sure like me you are a big Liverpool fan so I'd just like to say 2016 is going to be Our year! (In reality the best we can both hope for is top 6 )
  19. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2015

    Avoid those Talibani types in your DDP team at all costs. Hakimullah Mehsud springs to mind as one that got many of our hopes up time and time again.
  20. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2015

    I hate it as much as the next man but it's a case of 'if you can't beat em, join em' Until TMIB or whoever runs the show says different, it is what it is unfortunately. Thanks for the acknowledgement Going Underground and congrats on your hit. I guess anyone outside the UK would have said the same about Tom Coyne and maybe a few within the UK! But certainly for a British pool, it's fortunate (his story was extremely well covered in the Independent, Huff Post UK and Daily Mail back in September last year though). Not really fortunate mate as I wouldn't have picked him if it hadn't already been covered by the British papers. Not just one paper but several. One of them was bound to feel obliged to follow up on the blokes death. And to be fair he is actually a TV personality, OK a News anchor but he is still on TV. Not just semi-famous for rattling a collection box, playing basketball at school or being a Darts players Mum
  21. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2015

    I hate it as much as the next man but it's a case of 'if you can't beat em, join em' Until TMIB or whoever runs the show says different, it is what it is unfortunately.
  22. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2015

    As someone with Dave Benton as my JOKER in my team, i cant really comment on Lauren Hill although I'm staggered that I missed her myself
  23. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2015

    Nice spot. Now this is a biggie. DQSP and CrazyCarl don't have him either.
  24. Going Underground


    I was going to post it, good get. I'm contemplating a suicide way before he turns himself in. So its precisely the type of headline we look for. Sir C Suicide? no way. The prospect of mixing it with all the other gang-bangers in Pelican Bay, San Quentin, wherever will be a cake walk for Suge. Murdered in Prison is a distinct possibility though.
  25. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2015

    The Saudi King gets me hit number 2 and I've already equaled last years disaster in terms of hit numbers. 2014 was that bad I have even lost my little DDP team bio this year. Feeling confident about a good number of my other picks this year though and confident of a good finish again a la 2013. Blip in my research though with my only unique pick Jamie Dimon. Didn't realize he had overcome the big C and announced the good (bad) news well before i even submitted my team. Shall just sit back now and wait for WCIA-TV to make an announcement. Nicely done on the speedy work BTW TMIB. Superb stuff.. Edit: Things just got better for my DDP tally at least, Just found out that Phil Taylor's mum Liz died a few weeks back and the Mirror have done the honors with the mention

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