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Everything posted by the_engineer

  1. the_engineer

    FIFA World Cup Players

    Don't resort to the lowest common denominator and post meme pic replies . Are you toast in disguise?
  2. the_engineer

    COVID 19 - Second Wave

    That's fine we can agree to disagree on the vaccine. I'm completely the same , I voice opinions no matter what and I'm not afraid to disagree with others as you can tell. I said many times I hope I'm wrong about what I've said and I hope life can return to before march 2020 asap. People know my views now and I've said I'll only mention it in the covid thread with regards to my predictions I've made. But I'll stand up for myself especially against 'incorrect othering of me'. I'm not a covid denier (I've had it) or an (anti vaxxer) . If people want to call me a conspiracy theorist I'm not bothered , if I asked them not to would they listen? No of course not. This is life online and I remain happy and confident in myself and my beliefs
  3. the_engineer

    FIFA World Cup Players

    No I think you're just a drooling inbred cholera laden rejected bucket of genetic material, who was shat out your mother's arse mate.
  4. the_engineer

    COVID 19 - Second Wave

    No that's incorrect. I posted about covid vaccine in covid thread others posted about the vaccine in football threads see the difference? Anyway I want to thank them , they know who they are for the nice PM's I've received over the last few days. Looking at the way I've been treated, is it any wonder they don't share their views.
  5. the_engineer

    COVID 19 - Second Wave

    Well keep it in the relevant thread. Toast ,MSC and others say it's draining and they're sick of it , so I posted about other things but others bring it up in other threads and that's my fault? P.S I don't know what EFA stands for but I can imagine it ain't complementary.
  6. the_engineer

    COVID 19 - Second Wave

    Leave me alone.
  7. the_engineer

    Deathless Days

    10 ended up dying on the 8th June and 18 people on the 9th. So 28 in total but I compared that to June 8/9 2020 and it was a whopping 56. Of course you have to factor in people getting added over time but I think 30 people in one day must be close to Highest I've seen. Would be great (though can't think of a way how) if we could see the day with least and most amount of 'notable' deaths .
  8. the_engineer

    Covid 19 ------- Third wave?

    Well we'll get 6 weeks of freedom in July and if we aren't happy with that, then restrictions will remain in place until spring next year and then the big bad epsilon variant will arrive in the nick of time to steal away another freedom day. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2021/06/12/fears-restrictions-could-place-spring/
  9. the_engineer

    Late Euro championships 2020

    England 2 - 0 Croatia Austria 1 - 2 North Macedonia Netherlands 1 - 0 Ukraine
  10. the_engineer

    FIFA World Cup Players

    Actually I never said everyone was going to die. Windsor brought it up. I simply posted Christian eriksen had collapsed and was now stable. He brought up vaccines in a football thread , the issue is with him.
  11. the_engineer

    FIFA World Cup Players

    Did you have a bout of hiccups before the vaccine? Yes. Did these people have inflamed hearts and other brutal side effects before the vaccine? No. If you're not brave enough to face reality , I can give you some fiction if you like? I don't tell my daughter the brutal reality of life because she's a child , so I read her fictional fairy stories . I can do the same with yourself and others who clearly can't handle the grim reality facing us. I'll treat you and others in the same infantilised way if you like. The vaccines are 100% safe and effective, they'll cause no deaths or nasty side effects . Everyone will take the vaccine and we'll all go back to normal and live happily ever after the end. P.S toast , I never brought up the vaccine Windsor did.
  12. the_engineer

    FIFA World Cup Players

    Who knows we'll have to wait and see. He received it on may 31st but that's not guaranteed yet and not first hand knowledge. Of course covid is responsible if you die within 28 days of a positive test , why shouldn't the vaccine be held up to the same standard? The players are medically screened multiple times a year to try and eliminate sudden cardiac events. So questioning whether it was the vaccine 12 days after receiving it ,when it's known to cause heart issues is a valid question imo. Are the CDC, Israel and reuters conspiracy theorists? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9677975/amp/CDC-hold-meeting-heart-inflammation-young-men-vaccine.html?__twitter_impression=true https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-sees-probable-link-between-pfizer-vaccine-small-number-myocarditis-cases-2021-06-01/ Time will tell...
  13. the_engineer

    FIFA World Cup Players

    Christian Eriksen has collapsed at euro 2020 but thankfully he's stabilised. https://www.theguardian.com/football/live/2021/jun/12/denmark-v-finland-euro-2020-live-score-updates
  14. the_engineer


    Wouldn't be surprised if we hear she's back in jail or dead in a few weeks. Seems she's got institutionalised to prison ,as she always breaks some law to get sent back there now long after release.
  15. the_engineer

    COVID 19 - Second Wave

    Toast ... More like brown bread. Don't forget your booster shot in winter.
  16. the_engineer

    COVID 19 - Second Wave

    https://www.distractify.com/fyi/2018/10/26/Z2gdS5D/historical-crazy-people-vindicated We'll see whose crazy in a few months. when people are still masking up ,social distancing and lining up for more vaccines to win back their freedoms, (and at the same time losing even more of their freedoms) that should never have been taken from them. ''Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” I think the crazy ones are those who believe the perpetual lies and propaganda of this government and the media. I'm actually glad they're delaying it and for another month (not because I'll be correct ), it will wake alot of people up. Overplaying their hand.
  17. the_engineer

    Late Euro championships 2020

    Wales 0 - 0 Switzerland Denmark 3 - 1 Finland Belgium 1 - 2 Russia
  18. the_engineer

    Internet Celebrities

    Another YouTuber logs off permanently at 17. Looks like being a YouTuber really reduces your life span. https://metro.co.uk/2021/06/11/youtuber-kipsta-dies-aged-17-after-undergoing-operation-14754451/
  19. the_engineer

    COVID 19 - Second Wave

    We're going to need Jesus for what's coming.
  20. the_engineer

    COVID 19 - Second Wave

    I'm leaning towards sterilisation more than depopulation at this point . Could easily be a bit of both. Most jobs are going to go. Airlines,pubs,clubs,bar, restaurants,cafes, airport jobs, construction, driving jobs . Even Amazon will be fully automated in a few years.The big tech corporations & other conglomerates will help pay for UBI (universal basic income) and that leaves them all sitting at home alot of free time on their hands. Of course there will be things you need to do in or to get your ubi, regular vaccination , not eat meat or travel to far away from your house and not reproduce (they won't tell you the vaccine makes you sterile though they might eventually admit it) will all be part of it. They'll hide it behind carbon emissions and green agenda. Don't want them breeding like rabbits , homeschooling and raising kids capable of critical thinking and realising how unequal and screwed up the whole system is. Sterilisation (make the men have very low testosterone so they can't fight back ) has already begun and the stage has already be set, as sperm is rapidly declining. Those with high social credit and who obey the system completely and fight for it may be allowed to reproduce and have one child. Of course the elites will be allowed to have as many children as they please. https://www.express.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/1447594/universal-basic-income-Wales-uk-ubi-amount-rates-trial-pilot All the junk and chemicals they put in processed food is why sperm is declining. https://theconversation.com/huge-drop-in-mens-sperm-levels-confirmed-by-new-study-here-are-the-facts-81582
  21. the_engineer

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    Straight out of nazi Germany. I never want to hear 'why did people go along with Hitler and why didn't people stand up again'. Very horrible nasty government.
  22. the_engineer

    Conspiracy Theories

    https://odysee.com/$/embed/Best-Geopolitical-Documentary-Ever---Explains-Near-Everything-720/9ffcdb98ccaf051750758924fc2fc3cfcc1e6c3f A great watch , 30 mins and perfectly explains what's currently happening.
  23. the_engineer

    COVID 19 - Second Wave

    No not up the arse ... Nessie ain't a slag she can simply hold her breath for long periods.
  24. the_engineer

    COVID 19 - Second Wave

    I'm happy for anyone who is happy to get vaccinated! I hope everyone gets vaccinated and are 100% healthy and we go back to normal. I just hope people won't continue to lie to themselves, if that doesn't happen and we're still experiencing lockdowns later this year and next year and the promised freedoms haven't returned.
  25. the_engineer

    Seen Any Good Films Lately?

    Me and the wife just finished watching his house . Pretty good if you're into horror. We also watched spiral last week, ermmm not so good and we've become very turned off and just disgusted by torture porn now, not sure if it's a concequence of the pandemic but we can't stomach any sort of extreme violence on screen anymore. I think saw / movies like it have had their day.

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