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Everything posted by the_engineer

  1. the_engineer

    Internet Celebrities

    Marina Joyce missing probably another drug binge. https://news.sky.com/story/marina-joyce-police-investigate-disappearance-of-british-youtube-star-11781733 Brooke houts being a complete scumbag beating and abusing her dog has been watch 45m times everyone knows her now maybe a suicide possibility? But really just sharing it here as everyone needs to know what a evil cunt she is. https://twitter.com/KEEMSTAR/status/1159125336791093249?s=20
  2. the_engineer

    Time Added

    Could be connected to Kurds. Ozil posed with wannabe tough guy of the middle east erdogan as did gundogan. Kolasinac though not sure if he has publicly supported him.
  3. the_engineer

    Conspiracy Theories

    That tracksuit was something else
  4. the_engineer

    Conspiracy Theories

    David icke predicts civil war. Just hope he's wrong as it's clear that's what these elite fuckers want. Very interesting take on old school liberals and modern liberals. I came from old school liberalism. Old school liberalism was Speaking truth to power and demanding a fair share for those less fortunate. Sadly modern liberals it isn't about economic fairness or the haves and have nots it's all about identity. A billionaire tax dodger who lobbies for unfair financial laws that punish the poor will be celebrated by left wingers if he speaks up about identity.
  5. the_engineer

    Films with entirely dead casts

    What's great about rear window is kids to old people can watch it, as can different generations and it's also very Influential. I recently read John carpenter was heavily influenced by this movie, of course he remade rear window which I've never seen. But Tommy Doyle in Halloween was named after a character in rear windowand the end of rear window and Halloween are very similar both standing and stirring in the dark being hit multiple times (bulb flashes, bullets) and then falling out the window. Even classics were influenced by rear window. A Timeless classic is literally the perfect way to describe rear window.
  6. the_engineer

    Films with entirely dead casts

    North by Northwest and rear window are my favourite movies from the 50s. NBN always reminded me of a bond movie before the bond movies.
  7. the_engineer

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    I can assure you I ain't no socialist or satanist or Elizabeth Warren supporter . Think we need to talk about far left murderous socialists. When will Elizabeth Warren apologise? Also the racists claiming his shooting was white supremacy simply because he is white is well... Racist. Also Connor Betts was pro gun control. So shall we give into him and Brenton Tarrant and support gun control? So it turns out you seemingly agthese terrorists and their goals of those two mass shooters. https://heavy.com/news/2019/08/connor-betts-twitter-politics-social-media/ https://www.newsweek.com/connor-betts-twitter-dayton-shooting-socialist-satanist-1452719 https://nypost.com/2019/08/05/former-classmate-says-dayton-shooter-was-pro-gun-control-definitely-leaned-to-the-left/ Also a little more info on the el Paso shooter. He was a registered Democrat. I think now more than ever with rising left wing violence and terror, Republicans and conservatives need guns to protect themselves. Remember folks the media wants you to believe 99% of mass shooters are white males. But as usual it's fake news
  8. Dead. https://news.sky.com/story/brazil-prisoner-who-wore-girls-mask-in-escape-bid-found-hanged-in-cell-11778843
  9. the_engineer

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    No I don't you lying penguin twat.
  10. the_engineer

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    The reason threads don't come alive anymore is because its become a giant circle jerk. Of course anyone with a difference of opinion is dogpiled on. I'm sure some agree with my with regards to my views but don't want to post as to not be on the same end of dogpiling and abuse I have. I only stated my opinion on guns nothing more and looked at it from the other side. There's some great posters on here who sadly don't post as much anymore. Like how great will deathlist be when they filtered out the rest and we're left with NPC's Penguin twat ' I think we should have gun control ' Joey cuck 'I agree we should have gun control and I hate trump' Deathlist poster 14 I agree too oh and if you don't agree you're racist. NPC is very accurate for leftists as they filter out any other opinion and gang up on those that don't agreeandctgen repeat the same lines and get angry when someone disagrees. At least I'm not afraid to say how I feel. There's been a few on this thread who've disagreed with me and done it in a decent way fair play to them and I'd defend their right to express that view even though it ain't my own.
  11. the_engineer

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    I'll just go to a solicitor this afternoon it's fine.
  12. the_engineer

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    This isn't some random insult its a deliberate lie. The reason why I asked the mods to intervene is you can get arrested for supporting and agreeing with terror attacks which I've never done. CA response was you'll still have guns no one wants to take your guns away etc. They aren't talking about banning ar15 they want all guns. Like I said if liberals feel so passionate they can try and remove the guns from their fellow Americans themselves rather than crying to the government mummy and daddy.
  13. the_engineer

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    Just for the record I have not said not once I agree, seemingly agree, vaguely agree or support these mass shootings or any for that matter and Banana has completely made that up and whether you agree with me or not that is a serious issue that the mods should ask him to resolve if he doesn't himself.
  14. the_engineer

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    You said I seemingly agreed with these mass murders you scumbag. That's a complete lie, there's having an opinion and spreading lies.Nasty and disgusting lies.
  15. the_engineer

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    If you're so serious about gun control all of you so called tough guys trying to take others rights away, go and try and take the guns away yourself from your fellow Americans or your pussies want bigger men with GUNS to do it for you? Fucking gutless cowards and government bootlickers. cold dead hands!
  16. the_engineer

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    For all you cunts who can't accept people with different opinions it's shows how insecure you are with your own. I've always accepted and politely disagreed unless I was lied about. I. E the lying penguin twat above. Defo been an influx of SJW cunts who fresh out of adult nursery (university) and shutting down people they disagree with think they can do it after uni.
  17. the_engineer

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    Excuse me your fucking cunt I never said I agreed with them at all and I despise all murderers for any reason. Now you wanna lie and call me terrorist sympathiser. Show proof or Take that back. I also never called for a civil war. Also I'm not from the USA and never have watched fox News. You male equivalent of a basic bitch.
  18. the_engineer

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    I think that's the price people are willing to pay for their right to bear arms. I don't believe the crazy few should deny the lawful majority their rights. If someone suggested banning all Muslims and removing them from society to stop Islamic terror attacks everyone would say you can't hold all Muslims to account for the crazy few. You could guarantee 0 deaths by Islamic terror attacks but some accept the price of occasional terror attacks and child rape gangs are a price people are willing to pay. Banning guns won't stop shootings in America there's too many weapons in circulation. It worked in other places because they don't as you put it have a 'sick gun culture'. You'd be lucky to have 30m guns turned in out of 300m plus in circulation. Also see prohibition to how Americans respond to the government banning something they like.Progressives were behind that and it lez to sky rocketing crime, organised crime and violence. P. S societal collapse and civil war has happened over alot less. Banning guns will lead to civil war and millions of dead Americans.
  19. the_engineer

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    Technically speaking the UK is still allowed guns and always will be. If you say you own a gun for self defence it can't be removed from you and you can't be arrested. So if you get a shotgun or firearm certifcate and say it's for sport then when you renew it say it's for self defence they can't remove it or arrest you but you still must keep it on your property and in cabinet. https://misesuk.org/2014/12/22/the-british-constitution-and-the-right-to-keep-and-bear-arms-for-defence/
  20. the_engineer

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    There's more guns than people in the USA do you think gangs and gang bangers will turn in their guns? Do you think guns will be the next thing smuggled across the border if they became illegal like drugs? Hmm maybe if there was a strong physical barrier that could solve that problem. We still have shootings in the UK and the the UK banned guns last century and the UK didn't even have that many guns in circulation. So you can imagine what would happen in the USA. I notice you leave out Switzerland who haven't had a mass shooting since 2001 and has more guns than ever before and less deaths shooting deaths than ever. In fact Switzerland hasn't even been at war with another country since 1815. Similar to USA until 1910s. Mass shootings were rare in the 20th century it's a recent phenomenon and the media glamourising murder, violence and airing their political, racial or socialital ills is perfect for them to finally be heard. How come no one talks about that? How can leftists justify their hypocritical and contradictory political positions? Donald Trump they claim is a dictator in waiting. So lets disarm ourselves. Banning alcohol or weed doesn't work but banning guns will. Banning speech protects people's feelings but banning guns so people can protect their businesses ,families and life is perfectly acceptable?
  21. the_engineer

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    A couple of shooters including Tarrant both stated they wanted gun control in the USA as that would lead to civil war. Let's be real here inacting gun control could kill millions of Americans and end America as we know it with a civil war. Are all Americans going to happily give up guns? No Will there be a civil war most probably yes. Will many conservative army soldiers support gun control or rally against it? Will the police support it? Will people resist giving in their guns? What happens to people living in rural areas many miles from police how do they defend themselves from armed robbers? Any gun control will be seen as unconstitutional anyway and thrown out of the courts. The supreme Court if Ginsburg dies will always vote to keep guns for at least 30 years. Will police be disarmed? If yes then the only one armed are the law breaking criminals and the army. If no then you will still have cops killing civilians. For every mass shooter there's about 5 of these. Gun control just takes the guns for the weak and law abiding citizens. How many below and many more would of turned into murders? In total those saved by guns and those killed in random mass shootings probably balance each other out. Alot are female as well were the feminists at? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SQ7qAcSifpY 79 year old woman shoots and fights off robber https://abc13.com/woman-shoots-and-kills-intruder-in-north-harris-county/5364463/ https://komonews.com/news/local/woman-shoots-burglary-suspect-in-south-park American Koreans or roof Koreans would of lost their properties and Korea town would of been wiped out without guns. Without guns you'd have alot more of this in USA.Armed criminals attacking rural properties. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/9310908/farmers-wife-shot-and-raped-in-front-children-south-africa/
  22. the_engineer

    How old will Jimmy Carter be

    101 same age at the queen mother.
  23. the_engineer

    Internet Celebrities

    If they remove her head they'll find a midget stuffed in hand luggage.
  24. the_engineer

    Seen Any Good Films Lately?

    One cut of the dead is a great and unique movie. Such an eventive and at times laugh out loud funny movie.
  25. the_engineer

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    I have a theory the government puts these people who are in rival gangs together and then allows them to riot. So they kill each other off and that either frees up space ,saves money or both.

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