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Everything posted by the_engineer

  1. the_engineer

    Barbra Streisand

    Read and saw alot about bobby he was an incredible human being. He wasn't 'mentally ill' he just knew too much! He had alot of his memorabilia stolen in a raid by US govt on claims he owed them a few hunded dollars. Signed books and letters from nixon etc. He never earned a penny from the movies or games they made with his name on it.He seemed to hate jews alot, could be an issue with his jewish mother.
  2. the_engineer

    Barbra Streisand

    The reason streisand had the piss taken out of her so much during the early years of south park, is apprently she visited colorado hated it and vowed never to return. Trey and matt being from colorado decided to respond in the only way they knew how! Also why she is portrayed as destroying south park which is set in colorado.
  3. the_engineer

    WTF is happening in London?

    Oh please not the youth centres arguement again. If some young black man is vexed or feels he has been disrespected I fail to see how a youth centre will stop him getting a knife and looking for revenge . Youth centres infact would make the situation all the more worse it would corale all the young together in one small space and the percentage of violence would be increased. Unless people recognise this is partly a racial and cultural issue it will never be dealt with. If you want to know what unlimited funding for youth projects and outreach projects look like , read up on keeping kids company . Giving the yoof tax money for new trainers , weed , employing family members and paying off mortgages and that is just the beginning we haven't talked about the child abuse . 23m pound annually wasted. If funding solves this then Westminster should have a very low crime rate , especially since 10s of millions have been pumped into the area by keeping kids company . But guess what it has one of the highest crime rates in all of london . So why didn't all that funding bring down or at least reduce crime /stabbings etc? Also its not drill music or video games either these are all copouts to avoid talking about the real issue. https://www.finder.com/uk/london-crime-statistics https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/596502/REVEALED-True-scale-cash-black-hole-Kids-Company-closed-3m-bailout I grew up in a very poor area and a poor family . It made me work hard to be richer and give my kids a better life , I didn't turn to crime or decide to go out stabbing people . So I maybe were raised differently to those who are deciding to stab and commit crimes. So that means the problem lays within the home and the culture . You set an example to your children if you grow up in a hard working crime free household ,most of the time the child grows up to be a hard working and productive member of society . If you grow up in a crime ridden violent household how do you think that child will turn out? Black parents need to be better parents its as simple as that.
  4. the_engineer

    WTF is happening in London?

    Could be a popular 'meeting' place for a fight or drug drop. There is blood on the liberals hands that voted weaksadiq into power. Police officers policing twitter, banning bikini models off of buses and can find extra police to guard mosques after a shooting 1000s of miles away but can't find extra funds/police for a stabbing murder epidemic. Also liberals who call stop and search racist have blood on their hands too. You want offended black men or dead black men?
  5. the_engineer

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    The good die younger
  6. the_engineer

    Overrated People

    Bob geldof what a cunt.
  7. the_engineer

    The 2019 Deathlist Cup

    Congrats charon and best of luck in the next round i'm really bad at this lol.
  8. the_engineer

    The 2019 Deathlist Cup

    Wow. I didn't see that. I think i jinxed myself there.
  9. the_engineer

    The 2019 Deathlist Cup

    Is mine and charons game heading for my second draw? that's 2/2! I've only ever had draws. I might start calling my team aston nilla!
  10. the_engineer

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    Awful awful stuff no one should die in a place of worship, I really think radical muslims and far right radicals need to be sat down and dialogue needs to be had, wars in the middle east need to be stopped and mass immigration cut significantly. It's easy to turn to violence but actually that is one of the goals of al qaeda / taliban to radicalise both sides. I watched part of the video and it's all very surreal and upsetting. Him saying sub to pewdiepie and the meme songs playing, the writing on the guns, his comedic responses in his 'manifesto' (everyone has to have a manifesto nowadays) him sharing it in 4/8 chan while 1000s cheered him on It's like sacha baron cohen done a far right terror attack movie. It was all like a big joke until people's loved ones started dying. Those thousands of young kids who were cheering him on alot of those can easily become armed (usa). It's disturbing that it is now 'en vogue' and 'cool' to be a terrorist or run off and marrry one like those three girls did. That is deeply worrying for my kids future. The taliban and al qaeda might have overplayed their hand though, whites colonised most of the world. I don't think the realise what radicalised white people are capable of. Since most of it was never on video or in pictures. But nazi germany was kind of the end of mainstream white radicalisation .
  11. the_engineer

    Ric Flair

    Could be one surgery to many. I've heard as you get older surgery puts huge stress on the body .
  12. the_engineer

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    I love electric wizard very underated band.
  13. the_engineer

    Shamima Begum. 2020 list?

    Maybe she just has shit genes and can't produce a healthy child to live beyond a few weeks. I know her husband is dutch european, but maybe shamima begums parents are closely related and carry a similar gene to this couple. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/stories-46558932
  14. the_engineer

    Drunk? Bored?? Psychopath???

    Dislocated my shoulder . The actual dislocation happened so fast i can't remember if it hurt but hitting the kitchen floor with my dislocated shoulder was the worst pain i've ever had. literally took my breath away . Back home now feeling like an invalid needed my wife to help me change into my house clothes fucking embarrassing
  15. the_engineer

    The 2019 Deathlist Cup

    I was in betfred today and put a monkey on spade cooley.
  16. the_engineer

    Best ever month for celebrity deaths

    I know this thread is talking about months but 4th march 2019 must be in recent times up there with biggest day in deaths. King kong bundy, keith flint and luke perry.
  17. the_engineer

    Passed-Punks & No-Wavers

    People should keep an eye on Gail Porter she was close to keith flint. Attempted suicide in the past, depression and she's states she's 'heartbroken' on twitter. Look what happened to chester bennington after chris cornell.
  18. the_engineer

    Conspiracy Theories

    Macaulay culkin exposing hollywierd and outing alleged pedos with his tweets.
  19. the_engineer

    The 2019 Deathlist Cup

    Great pick by Banana going for luke perry and it paid off.
  20. the_engineer

    The Weather

    Jesse ventura said it best with regards to foreign aid. It's like taking money from poor people in rich countries and giving it to rich people in poor countries. Africa being reliant on charity and AID means they can never develop their own independence.
  21. the_engineer

    The World of the Snowflake

    Don't forget the cake. Never forget the cake.
  22. the_engineer

    The World of the Snowflake

    Humans evolved to eat meat. The were meant to eat meat. The pussyfication of humans and SJW/snowflakeism began with this vegetarianism and veganism BS. The fact vegetarians and vegans have to lie to win people over points out they have no valid arguements. 'The debate about meat, and whether we humans have evolved to eat it, has to be one of the best examples of bullshit seen on the web.It has largely lost all sense of the complex reality of food choice behaviours. Far too often it tries to rewrite our evolutionary history by invoking pseudoscience.Some pro-vegetarian or vegan-promoting websites mistakenly claim that humans shouldn’t eat meat because we evolved to be herbivores.The substance of their arguments is often traceable back to the influential but pseudoscientific views of vegan physician Milton R. Mills. Some vegan sites even claim support from anthropology for their anti-meat agenda. We also find bogus arguments like these promoted in the mainstream media where some columnists push an anti-intellectual agenda by misrepresenting the views of scientists themselves such as fellow anthropologist Richard Leakey'. https://theconversation.com/our-ancestors-were-carnivorous-super-predators-so-do-we-really-have-a-choice-about-eating-meat-62272 http://amp.timeinc.net/time/4252373/meat-eating-veganism-evolution I think frankie boyle said it best
  23. the_engineer

    The World of the Snowflake

    Can't tell if serious or not. If you are the we agree to disagree.
  24. the_engineer

    Hares Death Pool 2019

    So who is running this deadpool now? Is is sir creep? Is it deathray? I think you're both just splitting hares. Hares to everyone getting along .
  25. the_engineer


    Howard finkel still in very poor health since july 2018 after a stroke.Doesn't sound good. https://www.ewrestlingnews.com/news/report-howard-finkel-still-in-very-poor-health-after-suffering-a-stroke-in-2018

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