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Everything posted by time

  1. If the 'invoice' attached as a zip file, wasn't warning enough, the company address might have been a further clue - Just how big is London these days?
  2. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    5 years since the death of Jim Marshall aged 88.
  3. time


    Rose Hamlin, writer of Angel Baby, a one-hit wonder for her band Rosie and the Originals has died aged 71. It was also covered by John Lennon, amongst others.
  4. time

    Spy corner

    Werner Stiller, Stasi officer who defected to the west, disrupting the East German spy network and later forged a career with Goldman Sachs, has died aged 69. He left his wife and kids behind but helped his mistress and son escape. Go figure.
  5. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    135 years ago, the man on the left, Robert Ford, shot the man on the right, Jesse James, in the back of the head, killing him aged 34.
  6. time

    Change-a-letter Films

    Its only on the previous page!!!!
  7. time

    Eric Clapton

    Despite his ill health, as if they aren't going to support him because of it? wtf?
  8. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    She stopped Queen Mothering. Break out your purple ties in remembrance.
  9. time

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    William Powell, author of The Anarchists Cookbook, died aged 67, last July. Seems to have gone unnoticed until now. (Cue lots of posts pointing me to where it was reported at the time, but search function turns up nothing).
  10. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    The gong sounded for J Arthur Rank 45 years ago today, aged 83. His name lives on however, in the vernacular of cockney rhyming slang.
  11. time

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool

    Gwilym Prys Davies a hit for MSC.
  12. time

    The Dead Of 2017

    He's obviously in distress.
  13. time


    June Southworth, Daily Mail columnist for almost 30 years, dead aged 77.
  14. time

    Summer Olympic Deaths/Dead Medallists

    Shot-putter and personality Brian Oldfield (USA) has died aged 71. Finished 6th in the '72 event, turned pro, got back his amateur status for the '80 Olympics only to miss out because of the US boycott. Notable also for developing the spinning throw, rather than the conventional 'glide' across the circle, he was known to smoke between throws, wear 'unconventional' attire whilst competing, and also appeared in Playgirl.
  15. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Thirty years since Patrick Troughton became a relative dimension in time and space.
  16. time

    20th Century Americans Sitcoms

    Trumpeter Tony Terran, last surviving member of Desi Arnaz's Ricky Ricardo Orchestra, frequently appearing on I Love Lucy, has died aged 90. He aslo performed with numerous artists, including Elvis Presley, Diana Ross, Dean Martin, Barbra Streisand and more household names.
  17. time

    42. Raul Castro

    Raul is still alive (afaik) but his (and Fidel's) sister isn't.
  18. time

    Dead Pop Stars

    yw YW, Just happened to check twitter and it was there. Right place at the right time!
  19. time

    Dead Pop Stars

  20. Credit where it's due, that's the work of Andrew R @ExcelPope https://twitter.com/ExcelPope/status/845326712317657089/photo/1 (not a criticism or anything btw)
  21. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    45 years since Dutch artist MC Escher ascended the impossible stairway, aged 73.
  22. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Ludwig van Beethoven, decomposing since this day 190 years ago.
  23. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    ... They think it's all over ... it is now, for Kenneth Wolstenholme, fifteen years ago, aged 81.
  24. time

    Somewhere Over The Rainbow

    George Weinberg, psychotherapist who coined the term 'homophobia', dead aged 86, cancer. Apparently he got on to thinking about the subject when asked to disinvite a lesbian friend from a dinner party.
  25. time

    Tim Healy

    Now he dies weekly in Benidorm

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