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Everything posted by time

  1. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Its 240 years since Nathan Hale was executed by the British during the American Revolution, aged 21. "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country."
  2. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    25 years since Gordon Bashford finally went off-road. You might not know the name, but you know his work.
  3. It be that day again, Jim lad!
  4. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit went cold 280 years ago today, aged 50
  5. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    It was 2 years ago today that Ian Paisley finally surrendered.
  6. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    No he didn't, unless I've been asleep for 2 months. http://www.nytimes.com/1991/11/10/world/yves-montand-sage-charmer-of-french-film-and-politics-dies-at-70.html
  7. time

    Time Added

    Sylvia Gore, the Denis Law of women's football has died aged 71. She scored England Women's first international goal (against Scotland) and once scored 134 goals in a season.
  8. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    95 years ago, actress and model Virginia Rappe died a few days after attending a party at Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle's hotel. Arbuckle was accused, and subsequently acquitted, of violent sexual assault, resulting in her death, in one of Hollywood's first scandals.
  9. time

    Cricket Thread. Only Mad Dogs And Englishmen

    Ken Higgs, Lancs, Leics & England bowler, reportedly dead at 79.
  10. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    60th anniversary of the death of cricketer (and all-round sportsman - he was also joint world-record holder in the long jump and won one cap for England at Football) C. B. Fry, also reputedly offered the throne of Albania.
  11. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    50th Anniversary today.
  12. No, still got all mine too. No tonsils though.
  13. time

    Time Added

    Reg Matthewson, former Chester City captain, has died aged 77, while on holiday in Spain. He was captain of the 74-75 side that won promotion and reached the semi-finals of the League Cup. (condolences HarryMc...)
  14. time

    Hooroo, Mate.

    Richard Neville, co-creator of Oz magazine, dead aged 74.
  15. time

    Scientists, Inventors And Techno Wizards

    Joe Sutter, Boeing's lead engineer on the 747 program, has died aged 95 (Tuesday 30-8-16).
  16. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    He was no Moore. Meanwhile, Urho Kekkonen was also Finnished 30 years ago today, aged 85. He's Finlands longest-serving President with almost 26 years under his belt.
  17. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Not a nice one for Cyril Knowles 25 years ago today, as the Spurs player died aged 47. Go on , you know you want to...
  18. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    1 year since Nelson Shanks was no longer the picture of health
  19. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    440 years since Titian was no longer the picture of health .
  20. time

    Voice Actors

    Marvin Kaplan, Choo-Choo in Top Cat (Boss Cat) has died aged 89. He also had a role in US Sitcom Alice.
  21. time

    Room 101

    Agreed. See also my post from a few years ago!
  22. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    350 years since Frans Hals was no longer the picture of health.
  23. time

    Betty Driver Memorial Soapstar Superstar Thread

    Wtf why are the focusing on the fact that he was the EastEnders rather than his more iconic rule of bump head trooper. That's like the news reporters saying " R.I.P president Clinton who helped lower taxes oh by the way she also solved world hunger"I did contemplate posting the news in the Star Wars deaths thread but decided that the Eastenders milkman was more iconic.Feel free to disagree.
  24. time

    Betty Driver Memorial Soapstar Superstar Thread

    Michael Leader, who played the milkman in Eastenders has died. http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20160824/arts-entertainment/eastenders-milkman-michael-leader-dies.622960 He was also, according to the report,the actor playing the stormtrooper who smashed his head on the scenery in the famous Star Wars out-take.
  25. time


    As reported in the Cliff Michelmore thread, Trevor the Weather, Trevor Baker has died aged 94, after a short illness.

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