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Estuarian Float

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Everything posted by Estuarian Float

  1. Estuarian Float

    Predict The Paper 2012

    You can't give points for this. The headline was dated 14th January. Ah. Thank you. Ill take those points back too.
  2. Estuarian Float

    Predict The Paper 2012

    To Paul Bearer... I cannot give you points for the knifeman headline unfortunately because "knife" and "knifeman" do not match. If you can find a headline for the same story that qualifies, you can get the number bonus because you correctly predicted the number of people stabbed. For your scorcher line, Im not sure whether to give you points or not because the source looks kind of like a blog. I'll look closer at West London Today and decide. And lastly, Im sorry but I must revoke your points for the freezing conditions line. As I said here...
  3. Estuarian Float

    Predict The Paper 2012

    Sorry havent been paying attention lately. Under my hosting, Im extending this game to June 15. If anyone would like to claim the right to this game after the 15th, please step forward.
  4. Estuarian Float

    Derby Dead Pool 2012

    I hate to bug you about this after all your hard work but on my Califorewarned team, my joker was changed from Sean Stewart to Jill St. John. And the picture for Kenneth Pogson is another picture of Tres Shannon.
  5. Estuarian Float

    The 5th Death Of 2012

  6. Estuarian Float

    The 4th Death Of 2012

    I voted for the General this time. He should be wearing out soon, shouldnt he?
  7. Estuarian Float

    Name Shame?

    I would like my name changed to Estuarian Float please
  8. Estuarian Float

    The Dead Of 2012

    Radio host Rich Buhler is dead at 65. I dont know why I bothered putting him on my theme team. I guess I just thought that I might have been underestimating his obit range. Sorry cant link. Im on mobile.
  9. Estuarian Float

    Megrahi Vs. Gibb

    Going for Gibb. If he is already dead.. I heard that evening time is their favorite time to announce musical deaths because apparently its the best time of day to use an obit to boost record sales. Although its almost 10:30 in London.. Unless they wanna shoot for US sales.
  10. Estuarian Float

    Derby Dead Pool 2012

    So MiB is leaving? Did I read correctly that there will be a limit on number of teams next year?
  11. Estuarian Float

    Predict The Paper 2012

    There must be a matching word describing what happened with the cruise ship.
  12. Estuarian Float

    Last Minute Cuts

    I'm curious to hear the picks who everyone dropped from their lists at the last minute. I almost included Hulk Hogan in my DDP because I've been hearing on the news that he's suicidal. Then before submitting my DDP, I checked his wiki one more time, and found that his attempted suicide was in 2007. I don't remember who I replaced him with though.
  13. Estuarian Float

    Last Minute Cuts

    Just remembered this old thread of mine. Now if I could remember who I cut in the last days last December... One person I had written down as one of my very few "definitelies" was Derryn Hinch. It wasnt until hours before deadline that I dug a little deeper and found out he had a liver transplant and successful recovery. Got lucky with that one.. I kind of wanted to pick Robert Dennerly because he seemed like a surefire hit. But I dont really know what Argyle is.. so I worried on the obit part. I tried desperately to fit Guy Innes-Ker on my team. Unfortunately I didnt know that he would be a good replacement for either Norman Spinrad OR Nile Rodgers, so my tough choice between him and Superstar Billy got him left out. Hoping I dont regret that. And the one I most regretfully left out, Joe Paterno. An easy 6 points, but I left him off my list in pursuit of bigger points with younger picks. I got greedy there.
  14. Estuarian Float

    James Cameron

    “Sunk like the Titanic” -working punchline. Wouldnt that be fitting if he died like the Titanic on the 100th anniversary of the sinking? ...celebrity sacrifice perhaps?...
  15. Estuarian Float

    Predict The Paper 2012

    An update has been made. Paul Bearer and Handrejka have both doubled their scores. A shame for Handrejka who wouldve had a perfect headline had she not made a misspelling.
  16. Estuarian Float

    Predict The Paper 2012

    Hey everybody. Ive been gone this week and now Im back. This thread has kind of been a bitch to edit on. Its slow going on my computer so thank you for your patience.. Ill update soon. And Paul Bearer will need to confirm that headline from March 13 if he wants to submit it.
  17. Estuarian Float

    Predict The Paper 2012

    I dont graduate until June. And I dont even know what Im doing after school... You have plenty of time. You can save that headline and use it later if nothing better comes up. So last time... Are you sure you want to submit? And here we have the cruise ship rule... I think we can all agree, for the enjoyability of the game to implement a rule to prevent technichality points. A headline must match at least two words. And those two words cannot describe each other as in an adjective on a noun or a first name on a last name. "Cruise ship" alone will not fly. Nor would "Meryl Streep" itself.
  18. Estuarian Float

    Predict The Paper 2012

    Well......... #1... I think I might have to add a rule for the sake of the game. Because technical points like that make the game not as fun. #2... Are you sure you want to submit that one right now? Because theres a lot more potential in that headline. There was recently a school shooting in Ohio.
  19. Estuarian Float

    Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Hurricanes, Mudslides

    Tornadoes came through my region today. Wasnt too bad here in New Albany, but my sister's fiance's hometown of Henryville was ravaged.
  20. Estuarian Float


    As starter of this thread... may I suggest we turn this into a general reality TV thread? It would be much more useful. And I've been thinking up a list of reality TV people whose time left is iffy and Im willing to share. But while it is still just Survivor, I'll mention that Ethan Zohn is having his second stem cell transplant today. Ok.. severe weather coming my way. Im gonna get out of here. This storm is supposed to be packed with "dangerous lightning" says the TV. I already feel the rumble. I might not get much sleep tonight.
  21. Estuarian Float


  22. Estuarian Float

    The Dead Of 2012

    *Dead of 2007 insert*... Just recently revealed to the media that actor Neil Hope from the TV series 'Degrassi' died five years ago.
  23. Estuarian Float

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2013

    31 year-old Nick Cannon stepping down from his radio show due to more health problems.
  24. Estuarian Float

    Deathrace 2012

    Michele Baldwin died on the 5th. So I think that means deadsox should have 4 more points. And then Gary Carter died yesterday.
  25. Estuarian Float

    Gary Carter

    Was just reading up on Raven Alexis, she's the joker of someone in another league I play. You're a brave man picking her for a UK obituary, although I wouldn't say no to a five-page pictorial spread marking her passing. She's won some big Adult Video awards and her Wikipedia article is available in several different languages. So I took the risk. Thats usually a good sign when they have a wiki in at least around 10 languages. She has 8.

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