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The Watcher

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Posts posted by The Watcher

  1. A Peyton Place thread (unless one is languishing in the depths of Deathlist) would be useful. So many big names at the time (most gone now) & young aspiring actors such as Ryan O'Neal, Barbara Parkins, Leigh Taylor Young & Mia Farrow. Apparently Mia's husband at the time was Frank Sinatra & he made it clear to the production team & his wife that he did not want her committed to a long running series - she was quickly written out despite being an integral character!

    • Like 1

  2. June Spencer 104

    Glynis Johns   100

    Lady Pamela Hicks 94 (cousin of Prince Philip & daughter of Lord Mountbatten)

    Gerald Harper    92 (Adam Adamant in the 60's)

    Jeremy Walsh    94 (retired bishop)

    Philippe de Gaulle   101

    Eva Marie Saint   99

    Harrison Tyler   94 (grandson of 10th USA President)

    Barbara Eden   92

    Gilbert Melville Grosvenor  92   (former chairman & president of National Geographic Society;great grandson of Alexander Graham Bell)

  3. 20 hours ago, FasuTutsami said:

    Rashid Karimov, the (unverified) oldest WWII veteran and oldest person in Tajikistan, died on Wednesday at the age of 111. He was born on 9 May 1912

    The new oldest veteran is Andre Ludwig of France, who was just announced as being pending by the GRG

    If the report is genuine then Rashid Karimov has equalled the WORLD RECORD of 7 generations of one family alive at the same time. He had 10 children, 25 grandchildren, 16 great grandchildren, 8 great great grandchildren, 5 great great great grandchildren and 2 great great great great grandchildren.

    Possibly even more incredible is that he has 3 living brothers aged 104, 101 and 97. Guinness World Records need to check on this and possibly write an entire chapter on him!

    For comparison Joss Ackland had 7 children, 32 grandchildren (34 in Daily Mail), and 8 great grandchildren (30 in Daily Mail!!!)

    • Like 4

  4. 2 hours ago, drol said:

    Surely to feature on the 2024 DL. Widely appreciated actor, turning 100 and dementia sufferer

    William Russell certainly didn't look 39 when Dr Who first aired around the time of the JFK assassination. Back then anyone over 40 looked like today's 60! 

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  5. On 22/10/2023 at 22:38, TQR said:

    Rumours are that Ruth Langsford's mother is in a wrinkly and crinkly state.

    Her son-in-law Eamonn Holmes is always advertising health items as well as complaining about his health issues in articles. (Does he need the money or publicity that much?) It would give him  something to do if he can suggest the best medication for his wife's mother. He used to complain about Anthea Turner. Now he complains about a certain companion of Gordon the Gopher. He is always complaining about ITV (which his wife still works for) and that he is not "Male, pale, stale & frail."

  6. A true great. King of the Comb-over along with Ralph Coates. He seemed to be in his late 40's when he was probably around 32! Only Denis Law left of the Terrific Trio that also included George Best. He was rumoured to be rather aloof & Ted MacDougall tells a tale of when he joined Manchester United in 1972, he asked Charlton how to get to the training ground. He never received an answer & now never will. 

    • Like 2

  7. 20 minutes ago, Fergie86 said:

    Apparently Sir Alex had been married to his wife for 57 years, wouldn't surprise me if 'Fergie Time' will finally be up for Sir Alex within the next 2 years. Sir Alex really is starting to look old and frail now, saw a clip of him on Beckham documentary on Netflix and he has aged quite a lot recently also with his Stroke a few years back it really could be the beginning of the end for him, as a United fan i hope not, i would like to see us being successful again before he goes like Sir Matt Busby did before he died but with how shite United are nowadays he would probably have to live for another 10 or 20 years before that happens. 

    It wasn't a stroke but a brain haemorrhage. There are various ways to treat this but removing the excess blood around the brain is usually the initial process and often long-term recovery with medication to prevent fitting. Fergie was reported as having major surgery which is not at all straightforward when it involves the cerebral cortex.

  8. Despite being 98 later this year, he is still not the oldest surviving actor from Mary Poppins with Glynis Johns 100 today & a 'young' Julie Andrews was 88 earlier this week a decade younger than DVD.

    • Like 3

  9. Despite the 'obituary' Parkinson did not interview Frank Sinatra. He met him once at an event but their conversation was minimal and when Parkinson left Sinatra called him by the wrong name. Parkinson said that the two people he had most missed interviewing were Sinatra & Don Bradman.

  10. 3 hours ago, The Old Crem said:

    Would be well deserved. Suspect through practise of giving Knighthoods and DameAhoods is soon for the chop through. 

    Surely far worthier of a damehood than Stanley Johnson (alleged wife beater & groper of at least 2 women including MP Caroline Noakes) is of a knighthood.

    • Like 5

  11. 1 hour ago, Sean said:

    The press definitely played a role in her death but I don`t think it was related to that at all. Most of her early suicide attempts according to the documentary about her where to do with her personal life. She got hurt easily and struggled with emotions then when you combined relationship troubles with the media turning on you like a pack of hyenas in her case that was a perfect storm for tragedy.


    1 hour ago, Sean said:

    The press definitely played a role in her death but I don`t think it was related to that at all. Most of her early suicide attempts according to the documentary about her where to do with her personal life. She got hurt easily and struggled with emotions then when you combined relationship troubles with the media turning on you like a pack of hyenas in her case that was a perfect storm for tragedy.

    She was mocked by Gwhich ham Norton in public which a documentary some months ago stated affected her badly. Lorraine Kelly made an insensitive comment about her which was also reported in the documentary and it was actually shown. Eamonn Holmes appears to be settling past grievances and wounding with words in a different way to Norton & Kelly but probably in just a hurtful way and unlike the other two presenters is doing it for malicious reasons.

  12. 13 hours ago, Slackhurst Broadcasting said:

    I once heard that Grant Bovey's wife, who he ditched to go off with Anthea Turner, had been telling people at a party that Anthea was a hermaphrodite.

    Well she was an expert on Tracey Island!:D

  13. 46 minutes ago, Sean said:

    If Phillip is being truthful in his interviews today I feel a bit sorry for him.He has however proven himself to be a serial liar so it is so difficult to believe him now. 

    Eamonn Holmes seems to be enjoying this rather too much. He fell out with Anthea Turner (another presenter) I recall calling her Princess Tippy Toes - some sort of euphemism? His wife has never forgiven Schofield for cutting her off by all of about 2 words when she was dloing a link for her upcoming programme. What fragile egos she & hubby Homes (who advertises anything that moves & anything that doesn't) seem to have.

  14. 11 hours ago, Slackhurst Broadcasting said:

    Looks like Schofield's career is defunct. ITV and his agent have dropped him.

    Eamonn Holmes will be milking this development for ages. 

    • Like 1

  15. 19 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:

    She looks 100% fine to me.


    You’re a man yeah? Let’s see what you look like at 90.

    Surely the point is that despite her age she always appears immaculate with make-up, wig & always dressed as if she is going to a banquet or some special occasion. From a distance and with wig & make-up she has passed for 20 years younger than her actual age but both she & Joanna Lumley have appeared rather strained/stretched in photos taken at the Coronation & since.

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  16. European royal families only have about 6 working royals so see no need for more than C & C, Will & Kate, the Edinburghs, Anne & a few appearances by the Queen's remaining cousins except for Prince Michael who is not technically a working royal although he lives in Kensington Palace. It was rent-free but when this was discovered the Queen paid his rent etc but Charles may change this. Not sure why Anne's husband appears in photo as a working royal. The Edinburgh's children are too young & the York girls have very young children, always appear to be on holiday & are too closely linked with their father.

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  17. 43 minutes ago, The Great Cornholio said:


    Found her page, imagine living to see your great x3 grandchild :o



    According to an old Guinness World Records, the most living generations at one time is 7 - so the oldest person had a 4 x great grandchild. [great, great, great, great  grandchild]

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  18. Apart from the cancer the continuous flying across the Atlantic for the American Strictly for almost 20 years must have taken its toll. There is a theory that David Frost would have lived longer than 74 if his weekly commute to the USA had not occurred.

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