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RIP Wee Jum

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Everything posted by RIP Wee Jum

  1. I got Olympic Gold Medalist Liz McColgans autograph in Asda once At one point she tried to smile. I had nightmares for weeks afterwards
  2. RIP Wee Jum

    Ask A Deathlister

    might be a coincidence that the car alarm went off, either that or its a ghost of a past DL'er haunting you
  3. RIP Wee Jum

    Picture Association Vii

    Top Gear
  4. RIP Wee Jum

    The 2nd Death Of 2011

    Hopefully not, I am thinking of someone else that died at Easter, n look what happened three days later? very true
  5. RIP Wee Jum

    Charlie Sheen

    Charlie Sheen poses with his nanny girlfriend, ex-wife and a porn star - who have ALL moved into his Hollywood mansion. Sex MaSHEEN
  6. RIP Wee Jum

    Dead Pop Stars

    Never Mind The Buzzcocks without Noel Fielding, those were the days. Dont you mean Never Mind The Buzzcocks with Shawn Hughes, those were the days.
  7. RIP Wee Jum

    Dead Pop Stars

    Poly in 1997 on Never Mind The Buzzcocks
  8. RIP Wee Jum

    Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi

    fingers crossed
  9. RIP Wee Jum

    Not Seen Any Good Films/movies

    I am one of the few people in the world who has never seen Jurrasic Park. I assume its good because so many people have seen it
  10. FFS I go away for a couple of days and whilst I am gone a fight breaks out Why do I always miss the excitment

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