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Charlotte's Controller

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Everything posted by Charlotte's Controller

  1. Charlotte's Controller

    So .. What Do You Watch On TV?

    Just watched Hellbound on Netflix. A blatant marketing vehicle for big soft cuddly toys. I quite enjoyed this.
  2. Charlotte's Controller

    The World of the Snowflake

    Just come to the conclusion that any political party that is so woke and correct is not fit or capable of running the country. The fact is there are more important matters to deal with. It is about time these incompetent politicians tried to get a proper job, tanker driver, healthcare worker, shop assistant? Perhaps they might be qualified for something else, previous experience required. Competitive markets, failures not accepted.
  3. Charlotte's Controller

    So .. What Do You Watch On TV?

    Gets better neat the end, pretty messed up in Korea.
  4. Charlotte's Controller

    So .. What Do You Watch On TV?

    Just watched this documentary on Trump on Prime. Good to see what other people think. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Unfit-Psychology-Donald-Trump/dp/B08KLGNVY1/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=documentaries+trump&qid=1632690041&s=instant-video&sr=1-3
  5. Charlotte's Controller

    Dementia afflicted footballers

    Football as a sport continues, cash v health. Live young die early and oblivious. Why is this sport funded, At the age of 40 perhaps they should become gladiators, I am sure Sky would sponsor this.
  6. Charlotte's Controller

    America land of free thought and opportunity

    In the absence of any feedback it would appear that the US is S*** as I expected.
  7. Charlotte's Controller

    Who will win the 2020 US Presidential Election?

    Whilst I do not bear any prejudice I have the following observation. The majority of Americans are misguided, uneducated, intolerant and easily lead.
  8. Charlotte's Controller

    Who will win the 2020 US Presidential Election?

    Could it be that the Americans are actually ashamed that Mr Trump was in power and it would reflect badly on the country if he was indicted.
  9. Charlotte's Controller

    how long till' the next hit ?

    September 27th
  10. Charlotte's Controller

    The 10th death of 2021

    Bob Dole the voodoo is a bit slow and takes a bit of time to kick in.
  11. Charlotte's Controller

    The 9th death of 2021

    Bob Dole - not that I'm into voodoo bot 50% of death listers is tending on persuasive.
  12. Charlotte's Controller


    I would probably have started a new thread for that.
  13. Charlotte's Controller

    Covid 19 ------- Third wave?

    A month has passed, at the time of initial posting the Deaths per Million UK and US were equal, the difference now 1973 v 2059 our UK vaccination policy and drive has made a big difference. Our death count for covid still includes all those who have died within 28 days of a positive test. The UK may have numbers which are comparatively overstated. India on the same basis would have millions if they would not have counted deaths as heart failure and done the tests.
  14. Charlotte's Controller

    Political Frailty

    Excellent list, Elizabeth II still cool.
  15. Charlotte's Controller

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    One more political comment, PPE the qualification obtained by many of the politicians from our best universities. A comment on the qualification, a degree to aid avoiding responsibility in public life without providing any education for doing the job. Their aim learning from the history of people who have failed before. People who succeed always make mistakes, those who don't take risks will never succeed. Some people aways f**f up. Judgement is generally with hindsight. Political juggling, ministers moved on a regular basis to remove the accumulation of shit.
  16. Charlotte's Controller

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    I see that Boris has elevated some women to more prominent posts. I think he is already planning his excuses for failure. Watch this space.
  17. Charlotte's Controller

    America land of free thought and opportunity

    So having started this off does anybody have anything good to say about the US? Some of their TV series look nice but I presume that is largely facade.
  18. Charlotte's Controller

    Your Least Impressive Celebrity Encounters

    Used to have the occasional drink with Bruce Jones (Bruce Battersby) from Coronation Street down at my local, nice normal bloke bit of a drink problem but didn't we all back in the day when the funds allowed. Was also at some of Prefab Sprouts first gigs in Durham before they had learnt to play their instruments. Good times when the mixture of happy hour Guiness and Special Brew were welcome, 1982, 5 pints for three pounds, life was tough for a student then.
  19. Charlotte's Controller

    America land of free thought and opportunity

    I'm not saying the UK is perfect, just that the US is much further from it. As with the UK we both can't find competent political leaders, those bothered with politics always have other agendas away from interests of the general population. There is a willingness to impose our culture on other countries. Other populations always believe that they can create annexes within our own country, we generally resent this. Religion is intolerant generally, I have a belief that religion takes the place of a value set for those strong enough not to have one. The US religion is money and resentment is present where it is not present, Religion seeks to create division given ultimate beliefs and aims, "We fight for." I would rather just make comment on observation. Many of the Americans I see appear focussed on a vision but poorly educated and following cult like behaviour. I probably need more exposure to the US political power brokers but those showing on the media appear woefully incompetent, Daddy's money, outdated attitudes. The UK is not much better.
  20. Charlotte's Controller

    I'll see you in court

    It seems that he wasn't too disturbed about this in the past and so this is a big surprise to me. Perhaps it is the then and now comparison he is concerned about. No worries, he is a bigger dick now, unfortunately probably not as rich. Perhaps the woke brigade will get behind him, the album cover will disappear and so will his"Fame".
  21. Charlotte's Controller

    Dementia afflicted footballers

    There appears to be a me too generation of footballers developing.
  22. Charlotte's Controller

    Covid 19 ------- Third wave?

    If you look at the worldwide numbers for infections and deaths (Worldometer) by their graphical representations you can see the waves in a graphical format for the world and individual countries. This update has been posted for those who are politically affiliated, in the media or numerically challanged. This may include the PM who struggles with the Sage updates. You can draw your own Venn diagrams.
  23. Charlotte's Controller

    Coronavirus death toll 2020

    Worldometer deaths per million stats UK and US at 20 and 21 on the table virtually identical. The US have been catching up of late, I'm sure if it was the like the Olympics the US would find a way to manipulate the results. In the absence of math ability they could use a reliable source to quote like Fox News.
  24. Thanks for the correction, my eyesight not too good, however one could be mistaken a more apt description of Mr Trump could not be found. My best jokes are the ones I don't mean.
  25. The irony was in the choice of Avatar not the member. In respect of the comments all of the above apply except cool.

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