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Posts posted by millwall32

  1. Didn't he let a homeless person live in his garden shed for a bit? Perhaps that was someone else.

    I think that was this man.. Although I assume that Tb is kind to those who live alongside him in £3 million houses in Holland Park and would not dream of sullying his impecable socialist credentials by objecting to anyone who wanted to doss down in his front garden.

  2. Who the hell is this Bruno Brimley,"sound's like an add for toilet cleaner" tell us fella, what do you do for a living!! you can use as much space as you like,or failing that you can use one word that sum's you up totally.


    Your hearing must be as bad as that crap sounding name you've got,"however,if your a woman,well,I don't like talking down to women but,your talking shite.


    Regardless as to wether Joe is talented or not,he deserve's hugh respect for

    battling through this illness for as long as he has.


    Sound's to me as though you got no ball's fella,a real man would acknowledge these fact's and get on with life and not come across as a complete arsehole.

    What exactly does "sound is like an add for toilet cleaner" mean?

    Is "tell us fella, what do you do for a living!!" this purely a doubly excited statement or is it supposed to be a question?


    What does "use one word that sum is you up totally." mean?


    I'm sorry but when you wrote "if your a woman" what is this "a woman" thing to which you refer? And what's this "talking shite" object? What's one of them?


    What's a "wether"? and what does "he deserve is hugh respect" supposed to mean?


    What the hell does "Sound is to me as though you got no ball is fella,a real man would acknowledge these fact is and get on with life"


    Perhaps you are getting confused between "your" and "you're".

    Maybe you are confused about apostrophes, plurals and possives, and when to use them. You may also have mixed up the words "hugh" and "huge" and "advert" and "add", after all, they are so similar aren't they?

    You may also be missing something critical in the mechanics of how to change a statement into a question. It's subtle but essential.


    There are many websites that do a pretty good job of explaining these things. You may wish to visit some of them. Maybe then, someone might take whatever your point is more seriously.


    Thanks for dropping by.

    That is a grate post. :)


    All in all we do seem to keep up a remarkalbly high standard of literacy in this forum.

  3. You are all VERY stupid PEOPLE


    Who should know better. Joe will not die anytime soon.


    Can't you all find something more productive to do?

    Interesting that this rant , and my own tiny contribution on Friday, were the last two posts on this thread to actually mention, you know, watsizname, oh yeah, Joe Longthorne.

  4. I knew Pete personally, he was a good man, an amazing dad and never shyed away from helping out. His family wanted to keep his illness low key to deal wsith the grief thmselves which I feel is justified. He will be missed greatly and I ask you all to take a few minutes out of your day on the 6th October to remember him.

    Given that he is one of the very few deaths ever disscussed on this forum withouit even a hint of gloating I think we can honour that request.

  5. J. K. Galbraith have a health very fragile. He was hospitalized for pneumonia two occasions in two last years. Unhappiness, the death of Galbraith is imminent. I respect the economic think of mr. Galbraith. The language of Galbraith in your books is elegant and sample. He was a great friend of Jack Kennedy. John Kenneth Galbraith is a brilliant economist and a good man.

    How does being a friend of the most overrated person of the 20th century make you a good man?

  6. whatever ron biggs did in his youth its time to forgive he is old an frail and no threat to anyone i am sure we have all done things in our lives that need forgiving so let him die in peace and lets hope he has made his peace with God one thing is for sure i am not perfect and i don't beleive there is anyone on earth that is...and as the bible sayes he without sin cast the first stone learn to forgive as u would expect to be forgiven :):)

    No he f++king doesn't.

  7. Just before we embark on another orgy of "aren't real Lefties the salt of the earth etc, innit", can I quote from a conversation between Benn and the Chinese First Secretary which is mentioned in Benn's diaries:


    "I said how much I admired Mao Tse-Tung, or Zedong, the greatest man of the 20th century."


    Now if this was part of the collected ramblings of a student union leader in the 60's, we would hardly be surprised. The entry in fact appears in June 1996 when Benn was 71.


    Mao is estimated to have directly or indirectly murdered over 70 million people. Can anyone who wants to post rubbish about how Benn is a jolly old pipe smoking buffer who "stuck to his principles" remember that within the last ten years he has endorsed the worst mass-murderer in history. More generally those "principles" were the same as those in whose name Mao and Stalin acted.


    The man is an old lunatic and apologist for homicidal regimes (a la Galloway, incidentally). He'd have been sent to a Gulag in 2 minutes if he'd not had the good fortune to live in country where we let people come out with any old bollocks.


    That said I wish him a full recovery, since his idiocies are now part of the national fabric and can certainly provide a good laugh.

    Don't want VB and myself to get into a ruck as we did over the 9/11 thread. Would just repeat that TB is a good bet for 2006.

  8. May elizabeth taylor regain her health to live past 100 yrs old!she is one of my favourite actors of all time...her beauty surpasses anyone on the screen now..i wish her well and a long life...free of pain

    Well if the Daily Express says so...

  9. I do hope that these posts do not prove BS to be right.Nothing personal to him, but I would hate to think that there is someone in the forum with accurate powers of prediction.


    Come on Biggs, Wisdom , Gallo, etc....die, die, die!!



    I know it defeats the purpose of our little forum but......Please god no....

  10. They are: Syd's mother took responsibility for his medication but she died in 1991. Syd's own attention to detail in dosing himself with insulin hasn't been great and when he gets forgetful he lapses into comas. He has a devoted bunch - mainly family - to help him. He's had episodes of blindness as a result of irregular medication but I understood this was under control now because he was getting more care from the local hospital, ironically the same Cambridge hospital where his dad served as a respected pathologist.

    You seem very clued up on all matters early Flloyd. Are you an enthusistic fan?


    (Excuse the formal wording but I know that , this being deathlist, if I had said "Big Fan" someone would have said "No, he is only 5" 1'" and if I had said "are you a fan?" someone would have posted "yes and here is a painting of him with his twin brother and two oriental women"



  11. Oh bugger it, I'll just ask at the next union meeting down the local.

    The local? I thought we were meeting here.


    Looks very grand i say..


    I bet it was made for the wealthy or better

    yet absolute royalty..

    Actually, an unnamed source has been quoted as saying that the real venue is here. :huh:

    Bit downmarket though isn't it?


    I know I will get no straight answer to this but do the mods ever actualy meet up. Who actually chooses who goes on DL 2006?


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