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Posts posted by millwall32


    Is it just me or does anyone else think this year isnt going so well, it might speed up again towards the end of the year, but only 5 deaths in 6 months?

    Is it always this slow?


    As a relatively new member I would love it if the rate were to pick up. I think I am right in saying that whoever dies next will be the first new death I have experienced on DL.

    Hopefully, if you see what I mean, things will pick up toward the end of the year. #


    Biggs next? We can but hope so.

  2. I can hereby reveal the most obsessive posters on this forum, ranked by posts per day. May they hang their heads in shame.


    Tempus Fugit: 19.6

    Windsor: 8.9

    Millwall32: 4.1

    Janeo: 4.0

    Banshees Scream: 3.8

    Notapotato: 2.9

    IYG: 2.9

    Deadornot: 2.7

    Josco: 2.4

    Guesty: 2.3


    I am particularly intrigued to know how on earth Tempus Fugit has achieved such a ridiculous level of posts per day. Does (s)he even exist as an entity outside this site????

    Don't quite understand what there is to be embarrassed about.


    Besides which , by your standards, is it not a little obsessive to have tallied up our averages?

  3. Can I put Jane Tomlinson forward?


    No reason apart from the random rants.

    No, no , and a million more no's. This is a poll to guess who will be the next person on DL 2005 to die.

    Would greatly appreciate your vote though.

  4. Er...this is the 2005 DL, innit?

    Not quite. It is different from this thread becuase it is a poll on who will die next not how many will die overall. It is also different from this thread because it a place to vote on who will die next rather than disscuss the overall list.


    Did not set up this poll to draw the irie of administrators, just wanted to see what the current consensus is.


    Having said all that ,I hope the majority are correct and Biggs does go next.

  5. Apologies. I wasn't aware of this thread when I started this poll..


    I hope Biggs is next off the block this year (and have cast my vote accordingly) but it increasingly looks like his illness is a ruse to get a compasionate release.


    I suppose it is more likely to be Brooke Astor or John Kenneth Galbraith.


    But lets hope Biggs gets chivved in the yard or something.

  6. Don't think Lord Jim will be dying again either! However, I'll play fair and go for a long shot... Al Lewis


    P.S. Poor old Pete Docherty (sic) - not even in the original 50 in either incarnation!

    I think Callaghan is not on the poll but if he is I apologise.


    Glad this poll got a few votes overnight , and even morre glad hat the consensus seems to be that Biggs will die next.


    Keep the votes coming......

  7. I got a bit bored waiting for us to add to our total and was getting nothing from the "Things to do While Waiting for Death" sp thought I would start this poll.


    My vote went to Ronnie Biggs. (I know, soft option).


    Please vote and then post who you voted for below.

  8. I remember when the news first broke about Diana being in an accident, not long before 1.00AM I think it was. The BBC interupted a French film they were broadcasting,which was slightly ironic. Wish I could remember the name of that film.


    Best bit of Diana's funeral had to be Eltons turn on the old joanna, his eyebrows seemed to have a life of their own.

    Why interupt a perfectly good film to broadcast such a non event.

  9. In the picture posted, Floyd's suit looks about two sizes too big for him. This is always a sign of irreversible decline.

    Or a poor tailor...

    Or having your picture taken on the Pakistan/Afghanistan border at 6:30 in the morning.


    He will be around for years yet.

  10. Find out your ideal Job.

    Searched a few of us and this is what I got:


    windsor, Your ideal job is a princess.

    Boudicca  "       "      "   "   Satan.

    IYG          "       "      "    "   Soap Actor.

    Grim Reaper " " " " " Top Gun Pilot.

    Tempus Figit " " " " " Stand up Comedian.

    Teddy " " " " " Air Steward(ess).

    Magere Hein " " " " " Dentest.



    Very interesting...

    Here are some more results :lol:


    Football fan – alcholic tester

    Handrejka – a president

    Janeo – drag queen

    Rotten Ali – a mad scientist

    Josco – Office Gopher

    Maryportfuncity – a housekeeper

    Cowboy Ronnie – a funeral director

    Captain Oates – a traffic warden

    Gunjaman5000 – a computer nerd

    Guesty – a money advisor

    BrunoBrimley – a suicide bomber

    Honez – a topless model

    Cerberus – a sandwich board advertiser

    VileBody – a Church Minister

    Lady Grendel – a puppeteer

    Larry Pestilence III – Quiz Show Contestant

    Millwall32 – a mime artist

    Heaven can wait - a stripper











    (that's me posting as a mime artist)


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