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Posts posted by millwall32

  1. I normally try to make any predictions on DL 2006 relevant, i.e. only related to people with an actual chance of dying next calendar year. But I just heard Eric Clapton on the radio whittering on in incredible detail about the tinniest details of his neuroses, complaining about his paranoia, and how difficult it is ,"asking for help" (from who exactly? )  and involuntarily shouted at the radio- "SHUT UP YOU TALENTLESS, CHINLESS, OVER PAMPERED, TALENTLESS, C##T AND PLAY SOME GUITAR". Until I realised that the sound of his laid back strumming would be even worse.

    Can we not make him an outside bet for 2006. Does he maybe have any serious health problems or a penchant for driving fast cars round tight-bending  mountian roads?

    Millwall why not write to Eric and say what you really feel.


    Eric Clapton

    46 Kensington, CT.

    London W8 5DP


    I'm sure he'd really appreciate that.



    what does the CT stand for? Court?

  2. I normally try to make any predictions on DL 2006 relevant, i.e. only related to people with an actual chance of dying next calendar year. But I just heard Eric Clapton on the radio whittering on in incredible detail about the tinniest details of his neuroses, complaining about his paranoia, and how difficult it is ,"asking for help" (from who exactly? ) and involuntarily shouted at the radio- "SHUT UP YOU TALENTLESS, CHINLESS, OVER PAMPERED, TALENTLESS, C##T AND PLAY SOME GUITAR". Until I realised that the sound of his laid back strumming would be even worse.

    Can we not make him an outside bet for 2006. Does he maybe have any serious health problems or a penchant for driving fast cars round tight-bending mountian roads?

  3. Since today seems to be a slow day for DL -has anyone else heard the story that because he has brought a house in Monterey, his real surname is Cheese, and he prefers to be known, in private, as Jack rather than John he is in fact Monterey Jack Cheese.

  4. Ron Moody might be a good bet. I heard him on a radio show recently and he sounded rather shaky. Bill Pertwee was on it too and he didn't sound too good either.

    I heard an interview with him on Radio London and thought he sounded perfectly cogent. Was thinking more in terms of his age and still acting making him a potential DL.

  5. Fluff is there because he has bad arthritis and asthma. He got into trouble days after arrival for playing his music too loud - rebel that he is.


    One of his favourite tricks as an asthmatic is/was to have a blast on his inhaler to get his lungs working well and then light up a fag to get the full benefit.


    If he's really as rock 'n' roll as he'd like us to think his shelf-life is already expired. Not arf!

    zippy.gifAlan ' Fluff ' Freeman in his heyday. :huh:

    Which I think must shorten the odds on Fluff to 2/1 on ?


    Does anyone else have any info on who is in there?

  6. Of course it's harder if you are looking for a specific image,as millwall was. I found the one she wanted by Googling- prince of wales  2001 brinsworth. And up it popped.

    Yes perhaps you did but the first and foremost request was HOW do you place the image instead of having to insert it in a hyperlink through a different message. There is something of a difference. I believe Millwall was looking for the thrilling joy of having the image appear for all to see immediately without having to go through the extra in a message link where one would have to click yet again and that is what my instructions were set for.


  7. Good photo isn't it?


    Can anyone tell me how to put the image  in my psot though rather than the hyperlink?

    Here's the basics Millwall............>>>>>>>>>




    When you wish to post you have undoubtedly selected an image you want to let the world see. There are methods, many methods. Methodical methods and Methodist methods and of course the medicated an non-medicated methods which of course brings us to the method I use. I bookmark the imagery in the bookmarking file (some systems refer to it as Favorites/favorite places/etc.) When you are posting you will look above the text box which you are incarcerating your message in and up there ^, yes up above you willl see B I U Font Size Color and the next line has http:// followed by IMG now you click on the IMG button and a little screen will jump n front of you (actually to the upper left of your computer screen) and it will have http:// in it. You then enter the web site where your image is located. Remember, you need to have had the image itself selected as an image only, without text. For example if you Google search and go to images, click on the image, then in the next screen go to the top box and click on the image again and then the image, and only the image will appear in your screen. That is what you need to bookmark, that image. Not the image attached to anything else okay? Let me now take you on a journey to show how this works. For our exercise we will need a victim and I have choselated Unckie Wilfie (Wilford Brimley)


    Step One: http://www.google.com

    Step Two: Enter the name Wilford Brimley

    Step Three: Press Enter

    Step Four: On the google screen click on Images (it's at the top )

    Step Five: Click on the image you would like (try to select something 50K or less for space and bandwidth preservation along with faster downloading time)

    Step Six: On the Google image page there will be a seperate box above and it will say click to see full size image. When this appears, select it as what you are placing in your bookmarked listing.

    Step Seven return to your D.L. post and when ready type your message, then click on IMG and enter the http: info. After that, select Preview Post and if all is satisfactory then click on Add Reply. Now for the image:


    Thank you very, very much.

    So for example


  8. From Hansard no less, October 2002


    Dr .Vincent Cable-"I shall start with a narrative of how this situation arose. I became a Member of Parliament in 1997, and, shortly afterwards, I was invited to another care home in my constituency called Brinsworth House, of which the Minister may have heard. It is a famous care home for the elderly, where many retired comedians, musicians and variety artists reside. Thora Hird is among its current residents, and Arthur Askey was a resident there. It is a wonderful institution. I was called in by the general manager, who pointed out a serious problem affecting his home—a care nurse had abused elderly patients, and he had taken steps to have the person dismissed. He had discovered, however, that that person had been hired by another care home down the road a few days later.


    The general manager called me in for two reasons. First, he wanted me to note that appalling things were happening in the unregulated private sector, that people were being hired and rehired who were well below acceptable standards, and that it was very important that the Government grasped the need to regulate the sector properly. Secondly, he wanted me to go to the local press to publicise the fact that his home had had this problem and had dealt with it. I took that to heart, as it struck me as being an exemplary way in which providers of care for the elderly in the private sector should deal with problems: in an open, transparent and public way, with nothing to hide."


    Are Dickie and Fluffy even safe in there I ask myself?

  9. You know, it was profoundly dispiriting to come across this petty, odious and venal message board whilst researching the 1962 Richard Burton/Elizabeth Taylor Cleopatra and wondering what had become of the brilliant child actor who played Ptolemy. It seems Mr. O'Sullivan has had a long and bright career in British television and brought pleasure to millions of people. Indeed, he has achieved far more in his sadly truncated career than all of the bitter and jealous Never Done Jacks who apparently use this board to take malign and sadistic delight in the misfortunes of entertainers who have, to your patent chagrin, actually had the unmitigated gall to have achieved something with their lives. Mr. O'Sullivan may be in poor health, but I put iut to you that at he is not sick enough to be reduced to sN-wording and slobbering over the misery of others on a message board. You have my pity, my derision and my sympathy for the unfortunates who have the grave misfortune to make your aquaintance in daily life.

    I do hope that this thread causes you no offence.


    By the way, who is taking delight in his ill health?


    But if you do want to hear a more sensetive disscusion of his health try this.

  10. So there it is.

    The runners and riders in the Brinsworth House DL


    Are Charlie Drake (nee Springhall) b. 1925

    Richard O'Sullivan (b.1944 and, according to DL gossip, in an actively suicidal state)

    and Alan "Fluff" Freeman. (b.1927)


    Do any other DL'ers have any info on who is in the home for the terminally entertaining?


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