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Posts posted by millwall32

  1. "God Save The Sex Pistols" is a very good single though.

    I believe that you are talking about the Sex Pistols' single "God Save the Queen". Might I add it is the biggest load of drivel that I have ever heard.

    I much prefer the oringinal version.


    The thing that you should learn about us monarchists is that we have no emotion - we leave all that to the Royalists. ;)


    Fair enough but it doesn't make him more innocent than the (admittedly potential Darwin award ) in Stockwell.


    Only thing I got wrong about the SexPistols song was the (admittedly rather important elemnet of) the title.

    "No One Is Innocent"


    Think I am feeling a little sensetive this morning

  2. I know that last time there was an Alex Higgins thread it turned into a rant fest.
    So this is more general question, which I suspect will get very few answers-Aren't there a ton of sick and dying snooker players Joe O'Boye, the Francisco's, etc .
    Suspect this will prove to be a thread to nothing but.......?

    • Like 1

  3. I think the best quote in the last week was the journalist who interviewed Heath in, I think, The Spectator who concluded "Heath is definetly repressed ,but a repressed what I could not say"

  4. Well he got back home without being shot 8 times.


    Beside its Brazil - I don't think immigration is a huge problem.

    In that case let us deconstruct. Biggs' visa will never expire because he has never had one. I am in agreement ,however, that he has frequently made it home without being held down by policeman and shot in he head 8 times. The chap who was driving the train and was "koshed" to death by Biggs is unlikely to "make it home" or anywhere else ever again.


    Equally, I think that Biggs emmigrated , at least in the loosest sense of the term, rather than immigrated to Brazil.


    "God Save The Sex Pistols" is a very good single though.

  5. O.K. let'as get some actual information on the Wallach

    Published his autobiography (last will and testament?)last year.

    Completed two films last year.

    Has another one currently in production.

    Sounds like he's in good shape, no?

  6. I suspect that this "highly informed" faker is also responsible for some other posts, like this one in the Ted Heath thread;


    ive heard that Ted Heath is now an invalid and does not have long to go.he could well die this year.


    Note the poor punctuation/capitialization.


    I can't locate the exact post at the moment but I recall a post a brief post about Patrick Moore's sexuality, showing the same fascination this poster has for Ted Heath's.

    Indeed that's what probably gives away this fake.


    Anyway a few notes for future "Ted Heath Death Fakers"


    Reuters starts with a capital letter.

    The EU was formed in 1992.

    With is not spelt wit.

    Married is not spelt marrierd.


    Funnily enough Patrrick Moore very allegedly made a pass at a male friend of mine.

  7. At a guess I would say that Leslie Phillips will not go in 2006. Looks very healthy, but then again Bob Monkhouse looked perfectly healthy.


    This thread reminds me- There is a woman I keep on seeing on the train from Victoria to streatham common. Grey hair in a bob cut, was in couple of carry on films, always played a stupid cockney, Lorraine Chase type before Lorraine Chase if you see what I mean. can anyone give me the name?

    • Like 1

  8. there are not that many cast members for either on the busses or dads army that are still with us..

    clive dunn was born January 9, 1920, making him 85, but then he always played old men, so at least now he can play old men without needing any makeup.

    i saw a recent picture of clive dunn he,s getting the craggy neck and baggy eyes syndrome, lets hope we here him make that old death rattle soon :(

    Meant - Which show had the greatest potential for pre mature death?


    I think in terms of numbers there are more "Carr-Onners" still with us.


    I hate to say this but how is Barbara Windsor's health?

  9. Robert Macnamara must be a good candidate. 89, former smoker, and his recent (well maube not SO recent) efforts to improve his reputation, blow the gaffe on the military industrial complex, and make himself appear repentant indicate that he must have his eye on his posthoumous reputation. :(

    Thought R.M. might deserve a thread to himself but there you go.


    Anyway he must be a serious 2006 contender no?

  10. williambriggs32 Posted on Jul 26 2005, 07:56 AM


    williambriggs32 Posted on Jul 26 2005, 07:51 AM


    williambriggs32 Posted on Jul 26 2005, 07:44 AM



    That's 3 posts in 12 minutes adding nothing but to your tally of posts.

    Come on William I know you are new round here but speaking personally I would like to read postings that have genuine substance or humour and some modicum of information not just babble. You have posted about 30 times in just a couple of days and I think that too many of them have been too ineffective.


    On the subject of Mrs T, I think she may hang on for a few more years. But having suffered two minor strokes another larger one is always on the cards from now on - especially under the type of stress she was under yesterday making a public appearance.


    An honest computer mistake I can assure you. All apologies.

  11. Robert Macnamara must be a good candidate. 89, former smoker, and his recent (well maube not SO recent) efforts to improve his reputation, blow the gaffe on the military industrial complex, and make himself appear repentant indicate that he must have his eye on his posthoumous reputation. :(

  12. Galbraith's death, when it comes, will be a great loss to the academic and economic communities. Nothing less than a giant in his profession, John Kenneth Galbraith, with his Keynesian principles and influence on public policy during the mid-20th century, was perhaps the most influential economist of the 20th century.

    That's true. A great simplifier of very complicated ideas.


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