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in eternum+

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Posts posted by in eternum+

  1. I test the internet connection

    to moderatos: please remove this topic. Sorry for your time.

    Dare I ask from which thread this was removed? I'm curious to know where ttoothh ended up when s/he was "test the internet".

    If I'm not mistaken, it was in its own thread, one that Hein merged.

    Indeed. It was titled: 'Teesst Topic(remove It)'.



    Although it's quite interesting to see that we're what the Internet coughs up when it's being tested.

  2. I test the internet connection

    to moderatos: please remove this topic. Sorry for your time.

    Dare I ask from which thread this was removed? I'm curious to know where ttoothh ended up when s/he was "test the internet".

  3. I thought it was great!


    Although I was rooting for Martyn Adams, I was quiet upset when Nixon went down 6 sets to nil as I hate to see one-sided matches (unless the team on the winning side is the Edmonton Oilers or the England Cricket Team ( <_< )). But what a tremendous recovery! Fabulous. Absolutely fabulous.


    And they say darts isn't a sport! :D

  4. I don't mind that you diss Dr Hawking. I think you diss him for the wrong reasons. I notice that you evaded the content of my post and prefered to respond to the snide remark I made on your choice or words. If you think that doing so and calling the work of a well-respected scientist 'drivel', 'bollocks', 'sh*t' and 'tripe' are good manners, I rather keep my bad ones.

    You old timers... so set in your ways. :dead:

  5. Doubt away Dude!!! :dead:


    I don't need to use other people's arguments I'm quite at ease with my own thankyou! Can u prove that black holes DO transmit anything? If they do HOW does this transmisison escape the pull of the black hole? is it made up of something unaffected by the mass of the black hole. Have you heard of some newly discovered energy source - please enlighten us!


    How come some people take Hawkins tripe as Gospel? The man relays conjecture as fact - he needs to go a long way to show that there is anything capable of escaping a black hole. Science based purely on mathematical models is not reality.

    In any case, time to pull the plug on his LSU before he spews out any more drivel.

    Hm. That may or may not be the case. But if it's a choice between his drivel and yours, I'll take his.

  6. Life expectency of ALS patients isn't particularly good, but he's doing quite well in the circumstances. If I'm to go by his looks he's already dead but failed to notice.


    Oh dear, I suddenly realise that he's a zombie. A very clever zombie, even. The horror.




    I dunno. I still reckon he died a while back, and that his "nurse" just programmes random, incomprehensible stuff into his voice box, and then wheels him out for shows whenever the bills need paying.

  7. I noticed that ie+ raised a question about his nationality in the famous Belgians thread. Is C L-S a Belgian? I understand he was born there. If so, he could be the strongest candidate for a famous Belgian on the Deathlist abd that's just what the DL needs - a famous Belgian that is (not to be confused with ie+).

    I pointed that out months and months ago!!!!! :)

  8. Aye, but you take my points, sporting nicknames are more similies and metaphors than statements of fact. Can't think of one that's really true, in a literal sense. Riddick 'Big Daddy' Bowe is the best I can think of, he's big and he is a father. But that wasn't quite the impication of his name. Can anyone in the assembled brains trust hereabouts find a truly fitting sports nickname?

    What about Ted "The Count" Hankey? I mean, his job is all about counting things. Backwards, but still counting.

  9. Was this TV programme ever on UK tv? If it was then I don't think I never saw it!

    I remember WKRP like it was yesterday. As I do with The High Chaperal, but not this Barney Miller thing.

    I don't think Abe Vigoda was ever in WKRP.

  10. I must say, though I'm sure I will be in the minority, that I don't really like how everyone's sigs are turning into their DDP selections this year. I mean, this is the DL not the DDP. There's already a site where everyone's teams are (read: will soon be) listed, and that's here.


    They even have this super-innovative feature where they put the team scores up! It's impressive stuff... and doesn't really require duplication here. On the DL. Which is a whole, different website. The two sites don't have different names and URLs for nothing.


    I guess my feeling on the matter is: if I want to know how your team is doing on the DDP, I'll go onto the DDP website and check.

  11. I am planning to fulfill a (recently devised) lifelong dream and attend Lakeside next year. I plan to wear a skimpy bikini which is decorated with bullseyes, so that I get on TV a lot. I also plan to get rip-roaringly drunk every night.


    Are you there yet? :rolleyes:

    I wish! Rather unforunately, my financial situation can only be described as "dire" at the moment, so no Lakeside tickets for ie+ this year. However, I do sit in front of the box everyday - bikini-clad - watching the darts, swigging beer, eating chicken-in-a-basket, and yelling "ooonnnnneeeeehhhhuunnnddrrreedandeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiggghhhhhtttttyy!" whenever appropriate.


    There are no television cameras here of course, but I suppose I could always ask my flatmate to record me with my mobile phone if I wanted to recreate the Lakeside environment even more... But that would just be silly!

  12. I can't see RK and SB spending Christmas working on the DDP, they either need to restrict numbers or get more help, possibly professional. this could be paid for by say a £1.00 administration charge for all entrants.

    That'd be one way of reducing the number of entrants.

  13. I'm guessing most of us would draw the line somewhere, for example - considering your points above - hypothetically speaking: if you had the inside track on your mother's illness and she'd qualify for a broadsheet obit, would you sit tight and post the team on December 31st?

    An intriguing point... and one that has been posed (though less eloquently) by guests of the past.


    The honest answer is: I don't know. I do that if it were me and not my mum, I would be more than happy to be selected for a DP team (although I'm not sure where the rules stand on dying famous people choosing themselves - might lead to disqualification). But I guess that's slightly different. I dunno... who can say what they'd truly do in the moment, but right now my answer is that I probably would. Otherwise I think I'd be a hypocrite.

  14. I'm guessing In Eternum will happen by soon. I'm wishing I could eat the words I posted elsewhere on this forum, and that Andy had played and won today.


    I know the big man is grossly overweight and endangering his health but I'd say here and now that - having met him a few times over the years - he remains one of the most self-effacing and decent human beings I've ever encountered. Not in the least taken with any fame he's had and a man who'd enjoy some of the mockery of darts posted above. I hope he loses weight and gets back to what he does best. I'd have a real conscience picking him for a deadpool any time.

    I too am devastated that my favourite darts player was unable to perform today. I think The Viking is absolutely fabulous, and it's sad that he's in such a bad way that he couldn't see out his game.


    Having said that, I find your comment (emboldened above) a surprising yet interesting one. Should we only select DP team members out of those who we don't like / are seen as generally dislikable? I mean, whether you consider Fordham a fine man or otherwise, if he were blatantly very poorly and in a position to be selected for a DP team (i.e. it was the end of December and not the beginning of January!) why would you have a conscience about selecting him?


    It seems to me that to not select someone simply because you like or respect them is illogical. Whether they are great or horrid, if they're going to die they're going to die. The fact that they are in a position to make a worthy team member might be depressing/sad/unfortunate, but I'm not sure where conscience comes into it. I'd rather have a teamful of candidates I like/respect/admire - like CLS - than a teamful of scumbags. Having said that, if the scumbags were guarateed points then I probably wouldn't mind having them on my team, either. But I'd rather have to monitor the health of folk I'm interested in and care about rather than folk I can't stand the sight of.


    :ph34r: Get well soon, Andy. I shall continue to sport my avatar with pride. :(

  15. IE; yer man Fordham starts his campaign for the world championship today, matched against a seed in the first round. Can't say I'm the expert but if he goes out surely he'll be the only person in the history of the competition to win the title and then crash out in the first round for the following three years.

    Didn't that young Dutch guy who won last year go out of the competition yesterday?


    In fact, it's possible he might not win another game - like ever - in the BDO championship.

    Bite your tongue, Mr funcity! :rip:

  16. About 180 teams, including all those who picked Magnus Magnusson, will go up later today if I can get away from work at any reasonable time. The rest will be done in bits over the next, I dunno, 2 weeks or so.

    My goodness! The DDP seems to be enough work to consitute a FT job in-and-of itself, let alone your having a proper job as well. Perhaps you could get a sponsorship deal in order to pay for a DDP salary... or maybe some lottery funding.

  17. Life comes from Water ,also the salt of the sea comes from plants and animals and the land flowing to the river that flows to the Sea=end of Life.Castro will be turned into Salt soon.

    I can confirm that bodies do not turn into salt when they decompose.





    Smooth logic!


    [Aw! The post got deleted! Shame...]

  18. Er... not exactly what I was expecting to find when I typed "Louis Farrakhan" into Google:


    The Louis Farrakhan African Name Generator


    Enter below the white man's label from which you wish to unshackle yourself and a true name for our brothers and sisters shall be granted to you.


    [Edit: Whoops! I see it's already been posted. I was wondering why someone randomly posted "Huggy Bear" at the top of this page. Perhaps I should have read the first page of posts... Oh well... I guess that's what I get for trying to find some news about the candidates on my own. I shall revert to type, and wait for others to do the locating for me. :skull: ]

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