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Tempus Fugit

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Everything posted by Tempus Fugit

  1. I think Donald Trump will be a fine President, certainly better than the last 3 Presidents. At least he isn't a religious nut like certain other candidates. As for Hillary Clinton, she really is damaged goods, a vote for her is a vote for the status quo.
  2. Tempus Fugit

    So .. What Do You Watch On TV?

    I love a murder/mystery, I think the N-word did it.
  3. Trump & Clinton. Bloomberg will run as an Independent hoping to gain the moderate Republican vote. I hope Trump wins the Presidency, America deserves him.
  4. Tempus Fugit

    Crashing Companies

    Time for the Guardian to cut costs and move out of London, plenty of office accommodation in Bradford. They'll save a fortune and be culturally enriched.
  5. Tempus Fugit


    Ha ha ha. Wonderful. What a slug. This guy calls Americans stupid but he can't even keep healthy when he lives in huge mansions and has billions of dollars that he made from all his movies about how evil money is. Fat piece of shit! Die! I'm sensing anger issues. Try taking a nice holiday, I hear Bradford is lovely, I'm sure you'll be culturally enriched.
  6. Tempus Fugit

    The Worst Job You Ever Ever Had

    Was that for IKEA, fucking Swedish bastards.
  7. Tempus Fugit

    The Worst Job You Ever Ever Had

    Of thorns? Nah, that was that Jewish troublemaking cunt Jesus. His dad was even worse Too right, dirty fucker raped a virgin and turned her husband Joseph into a cuckold. Deities, I ask you, omnipotence goes right to their heads. Who would have his job!!!!!! Halibuts, those fuckers are obsessed about fucking virgins. Hardly surprising really when your prophet is a goat fucker.
  8. Tempus Fugit

    The Worst Job You Ever Ever Had

    Of thorns? Nah, that was that Jewish troublemaking cunt Jesus. His dad was even worse Too right, dirty fucker raped a virgin and turned her husband Joseph into a cuckold. Deities, I ask you, omnipotence goes right to their heads.
  9. Tempus Fugit

    The Worst Job You Ever Ever Had

    Of thorns? Nah, that was that Jewish troublemaking cunt Jesus.
  10. McCoy was only ever good in Vision On. True, at least in that you didn't hear his horrible high pitched whiny Scottish accent. Also in the above picture I notice he's wearing Crocs in public, that alone should justify execution by firing squad.
  11. Tempus Fugit

    The Worst Job You Ever Ever Had

    Nah, that's Islam. Altogether now; Muhammad was a goat fucker, a goat fucker, Muhammad was a paedophile, a paedophile.
  12. Why isn't this poll about Halibuts? I think it's about time all unemployed Halibuts did something useful, I'd suggest visiting their local Conservative Association and running amok with a large knife. A real win-win, dead Conservatives & tarnished Halibuts.
  13. why,in the end aren't they all people too? Yes they are, fucking annoying ones. Erm.... have you looked at a map lately? Israel's fucking tiny, compared to the masses of Islamic countries yet their whole lives revolve around complaining about it. But guess who certain people like to accuse of "whining" or "exaggerating stuff" instead.... - me loolololololoolo. Fucktards. Sure Israel's tiny but the influence of Jews on world finance and politics is out of all proportion to their worldwide numbers. Yet they are all to quick to whine about anti-Semitism.
  14. Tempus Fugit

    The EU Referendum Hokey Cokey

    Definitely time to leave the EU. I fully expect the pro EU state institutions will ratchet up the fear mongering and spreading of disinformation, the BBC will be at the forefront of this effort. Glad I don't pay my TV licence.
  15. why,in the end aren't they all people too? Yes they are, fucking annoying ones.
  16. Can't fucking stand mudslimes or the fucking Jews. Nuke the Middle East I say.
  17. Tempus Fugit

    Billy Connolly

    We're all dying, just some of us are heading for the exit more quickly than others. I don't love Billy Connolly, so all I feel is indifference.
  18. Tempus Fugit

    Billy Connolly

    There is a certain black comedic delight that Billy Connolly is dying from Parkinson's disease, when it was Parkinson's TV talk show that made his name and brought him to a wider audience. The universe does appear to have a sense of humour.
  19. Tempus Fugit

    Room 101

    Toasters, why in this age of incredible scientific innovation does it appear impossible to find a toaster that evenly toasts a piece of bread. I've tried numerous different toasters, but I've yet to find one that gives a nice even browning of the bread, you either get completely burnt, completely underdone, or burnt in parts & underdone on the rest of the slice. Only when this problem is solved can we truly claim to be living in a golden age.
  20. Tempus Fugit

    Personal Thoughts On Death

    I expect death will turn out to be a great big disappointment, much like life really.
  21. Tempus Fugit

    So .. What Do You Watch On TV?

    Old episodes of Bullseye on Challenge, a legal, recreational downer. Although caution must be taken, if you watch more than 2 episodes back to back you're liable to self-medicate to a dangerous extreme.
  22. There is no song I cannot go the rest of my life without hearing. I seldom play music, mostly I only listen to music on the TV in David Bowie tribute type programmes or old Top of The Pops on BBC4 The reason being is, I have damaged hearing, and any loud noise causes a severe crackling sound in my right ear. I damaged my hearing by firing a pistol in a confined space. All those TV shows and movies that show people firing pistols and the sound is tolerable are utter shite.
  23. Tempus Fugit

    Room 101

    BBC Two's Stargazing Live, a bit like watching paint dry, but without the excitement.
  24. Tempus Fugit

    Alan Rickman

    When I told to my father that Alan Rickman had died, his reply was, Who? His knowledge of pop culture ceased around 1966. When I mentioned David Bowie had died his reply was "His name sounds vaguely familiar, was he an author?" Just goes to show that what is a significant death for some is utterly irrelevant to others
  25. Tempus Fugit

    Derby Dead Pool 2016

    Personally I think TMIB should charge a £2 entry fee per team, this would weed out the time wasters and give him a bit of cash to help pay the website bills. Maybe use a small amount of the fees to offer a prize to the winner.

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