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Everything posted by scsibear

  1. I love Tennents Velvet, but have yet to taste Buckie, does this make me abnormal as I am from the West of Scotland Dr.? Buckfast - it grew on me when I was in Dunoon. Mainly because it was the only thing in stock. As for the distillery at Oban - how can a place force you to drink single malt at 9.15am. Not that I was moaning, mind. But anyway, you really should try Buckfast - once you start, you won't stop! Hey Doc..whur did ye drink in Dunoon we use to play at the Okabank hotel regularly ????
  2. Hey, they look like ma teesh
  3. izzat no andgitus20fagsfaethetallyvaneh!!. Hingoanabit, wuvareadydoneris, huvweno? hehehe Aye we huv, (raises a wee glass) cheers HCW
  4. HAHA interesting, 20 exploding haggises..Hmm I wonder would the plural be called Haggi ???
  5. Gonnymoveyerheid, Icannyseethetelly...Ohh, andgitus20fagsfaethevaneh!!
  6. scsibear

    New Year Greetings

    To be honest..I'm now working on a new one...heheh OOps
  7. scsibear

    The Deathlist Christmas Special!

    I haven't forgotten you! Merry Christmas Ahhhh Thankz B I knew I could count on you, and if you can get me that I promise I won't get you a Toaster
  8. scsibear

    The Deathlist Christmas Special!

    I guess I'm not getting anything then BS ??? (HUFF MODE ON) !!!
  9. Yup have a good one doll...21...Again ?? hehehe... ohh and I thought I'd do a wee Pirate avatar just for you
  10. scsibear

    Richard Pryor

    I'm kinda sad to hear of Pryor's death but he did have it coming, what with his blatant drugs abuse. Personally I thought he was a right good laugh as some of his earliest video's will testify. " No laughing in Heaven " ??? no more what with Rich & Bill Hicks it's gotta be a fun place to be.
  11. scsibear

    Margaret Thatcher

    Sorry but I want her bucket to be kicked A.S.A.P. we've been waiting for 15 years for our street party. Come on Maggie faw and do in yer hip and croak, that'll give us a damned good Christmas. Yeah but come on, assume that: 1). She is placed on next year's death list. 2). She is rushed to hospital on New Years' Eve, apparently "with hours to live". 3). You are enjoying a great piss up on New Years' Eve with your mates. 4). As the clock reaches 12, and 2006 dawns, it is announced that Thatcher has passed away. This would be a massive celebration for everyone concerned! yes you have a fair point there...I guess I'm just the impatient type
  12. scsibear

    Margaret Thatcher

    Sorry but I want her bucket to be kicked A.S.A.P. we've been waiting for 15 years for our street party. Come on Maggie faw and do in yer hip and croak, that'll give us a damned good Christmas.
  13. scsibear

    George Best

    No Lady D Yogi has just taken up 24 hour eating and is currently sleeping off last nights Haggis
  14. B I've just found the most recent pic of myself and my good lady
  15. scsibear

    Dennis Waterman

    Nice one Vilebody....but did you know as a matter of sheer interest that the old Ford Consul used in the opening video was last seen in a garden in London with bushes & trees growing out of it just a few years ago
  16. scsibear

    George Best

    Congratulations Lady Die on your 1200th post!! I'm looking forward to the next 1200 Many congrats on the big 1200 LD...hehe I thought Iwas doing well at 40..hahaha
  17. scsibear

    Dennis Waterman

    Sheesh I never knew DW sang but there ya go...for me I liked him the most in the Sweeney, and for me it's still the best cop series ever as the man said..."we're the Sweeney son and we haven't had any lunch" !!!
  18. scsibear

    George Best

    I also wanna include here that Gazza (Paul Gascoigne) may be picking up the baton from where Georgie B left off.
  19. scsibear

    George Best

    I was recently told a story that apparently whatever the team was he was playing for at the time (I'm assuming Man U) they needed 6 goals to go through/win to the next round. It was an impossible task..but miraculously enough they did get the 6 required goal AND it was Georgie B who scored every one of them....so I hear !
  20. scsibear

    Treasonable Politicians

    The strange thing is tho...I've noticed this for so long now...it seems that these so called smart, clever people have absolutely no common sense whatsoever, and it terrifies me the fact that these are the kind of people who make everyday decisions for OUR benefit..sheesh !!!!
  21. scsibear

    Treasonable Politicians

    HAHAHAHA nice one
  22. scsibear

    Treasonable Politicians

    As I've always wanted on a ballot paper for years..there should be a tick box at the bottom with the candidate... " None of the Above"
  23. hehehe just took the ned test myself...check it out Rating 2: Hauf-a-Ned You’re just not the full bifta ur ye? Fair enough, you could do dot tae dot on yer coupon that you’ve that many plooks, ‘n’ ye can handle yer buckie ‘n’ yer jellies, but you’d be keechin’ in yer joggies if it came to a proper square go. Think yer a bit of a ticket? I’ll punch a hole in ye son.
  24. Totally..basically yer nedded oot of yer nut ...hehehe
  25. OK here is the working version for everyone who missed it.

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