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Everything posted by Entropy

  1. Entropy

    Treasonable Politicians

    The Patriot Act has allowed the government to demand records of what people buy in bookstores and check out of libraries. I can just see hordes of people who are interested in chemistry and physics being hauled off to jail as potential terrorists. The way the government is going after scientists working with dangerous pathogens, there won't be many people left to do that work and then the government will wonder why the country is unprepared for chemical and biological attacks. It's amazing how grateful people can get for being deprived of their civil liberties as long as it makes them feel less afraid. Unfortunately, most people don't recognise how that fear has been stoked and manipulated by the very government claiming to be trying to alleviate it by all these infringements on their rights.
  2. Entropy

    Name Shame?

    Thanks, I've finally found the galleries. Until I can figure out how to capture Queen Mary, I'll just settle for a nice high-entropy avatar from the gallery.
  3. Entropy

    The Death Penalty

    I agree with it in principle - I think there are some people who are such a danger to society that imprisonment is just a waste of resources. But in practice, when carrying out the death penalty has more to do with what race the criminal and victim are, how much money the criminal has, and other demographic issues that should be irrelevant but clearly aren't, I don't think it's appropriate. So I guess my ansswer to the poll would be a firm "yes, but..." and I see the poll starter has omitted to add that option.
  4. Where science is concerned, I'd never want to match up to George Bush.
  5. In the meantime, as well as waiting for death, keep checking the Rapture Index - once the End Times officially start, can death be far away?
  6. The last lot weren't. This next lot is looking like vaporware, but we'll see if they can do it before NASA implodes under the weight of Bush's peculiar mixture of ambition and incompetence.
  7. You'd be surprised at the number of people who believe this stuff about faked Moon landings. If something has a conspiracy attached to it, there are people who'll believe it almost inevitably.
  8. Entropy

    Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi

    Well, if his body is found sometime next year and it's determined that he died sometime around the turn of the year, there'll be no way of knowing whether he died at the end of 2005 or at the beginning of 2006. You'll end up with a 'don't know for sure" on your 2006 list at that rate.
  9. Entropy

    Treasonable Politicians

    Where's the Queen? Nowhere, just as would be the case in the country as a whole if Blair had his way. He isn't going to start adding her anywhere when he's so busy trying to remove her. I'm surprised they're still allowed to put her face on the stamps. If those ID cards are as easy to forge as most credit cards seem to be, there's going to chaos. It'll make identity theft a lot easier.
  10. Entropy

    Name Shame?

    People have got chucked out of the Royal Forums for using their custom avatars elsewhere, but I'm sure I can figure something out. Pictures of Queen Mary looking fierce can't be that hard to come by.
  11. Entropy

    Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi

    They were predicting the death of his second in command a couple of months ago, and it wasn't true. This is no doubt yet more of the same wishful thinking. Not that it'll make a lot of difference to the Iraqi situation if it's true - the US has managed to make so many enemies among the Sunnis there that there'll be no shortage of replacements.
  12. Entropy

    Name Shame?

    PM me with your requirements. I like a bit of fun with photoshop! or....... we could have a cometition to find you a suitable avatar; you pick the winner. ............and the prize ? Thanks for the offer; I know my husband uploaded my TRF avatar to our AOL page, so it should be possible to do - I just don't have a clue how. As far as pictures are concerned, I suppose one of the best examples of entropy would be a decomposing corpse, but maybe there's something a bit less gruesome that'll do the job instead. Must take a bit of time and think about it.
  13. Entropy

    Name Shame?

    Sorry, I'm too clueless around computers to handle something complicated like a custom avatar. One of the other moderators made my avatar over there by enlarging one of the custom ones. On boards where there aren't avatar galleries already available, I just go without.
  14. Entropy

    Treasonable Politicians

    Of course they don't. THey just tell us a different sort of truth.
  15. Entropy

    Name Shame?

    Sad, innit? The poor chap is obviously obsessed with the Royal Forums.
  16. Entropy

    Name Shame?

    Windsor, considering the times you've said in this forum that you think the Royal Forums aren't good enough for you and are a waste of space and don't conform to your opinions and goodness knows what else, you seem very exercised with the fact that you've been banned over there. If the Royal Forums isn't good enough for you, it shouldn't make any difference whether you're welcome there or not.
  17. Entropy

    Name Shame?

    And here's me thinking princesslinda would be the perfect royal name for him too. After all, he chose it. OK, I'll go away now...
  18. Entropy

    Name Shame?

    Or just become royal and call yourself princesslinda (aka windsor the troll).
  19. Entropy

    Someone's Abusing Entropy

    Actually these days, NASA is getting to be more like Not A Success At all. This Great Vision of George Bush's is going to send it down the tubes along with just about everything else he's turned his attention to. They used to do science at NASA, not just send yet more fancy tin cans into space for the sake of giving a few ex-military folk a chance to play astronaut. The way they're going, you might as well put the entire crew of the next shuttle on your 2006 Death List.
  20. Entropy

    Someone's Abusing Entropy

    No. See above. No. Hope that's all perfectly clear now.
  21. Entropy

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Erm - you do know that "colonialize" is the American spelling, right? And here's me thinking the 51st state was Israel. Ah, well...
  22. Entropy

    Most Obsessive Deathlisters

    rittle = riddle. Except that I don't think it was trolls that demanded that people solve a riddle before they could get past - wasn't it the Sphinx?
  23. Entropy

    Most Obsessive Deathlisters

    Windsor's a rabbit? Really? Well, that might explain a thing or two.
  24. Entropy

    Someone's Abusing Entropy

    Thank you for the kind offer, but my husband is pretty good at keeping boyfriends at bay. Now, if you know of somewhere that a second-hand brain could be obtained, I think that idiot of a creationist could do with a transplant.
  25. Entropy

    Ross Davidson

    Not at all, Windsor. I was just delivering a message and responding to your questions at the Support Desk, since Alexandria had had enough of dealing with you by then.

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