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Grim Up North

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Everything posted by Grim Up North

  1. Grim Up North

    Who Should Be On The 2019 Deathlist?

    Yeah we've noticed EDIT: Actually on review it's not just you - loads of people can't stop saying Jean Louis Trintignant - it's like a virus.
  2. Grim Up North

    DL Dead Pools

    Yes the published lists for pools already in place I agree with you and are what I meant about all the information we can all use on this site. But for the Calendar Year pools then when people are sending in their entries to the Pool Runner towards end of December there will be a number of new names appearing, carefully discovered through internet searching or a lucky bit of information, that no-one has seen on here before - it's those new names that I'm really wondering about.
  3. Grim Up North

    Who Should Be On The 2019 Deathlist?

    I think it's time Ozzy made a return to the list in the number 50 position and stays there until he goes. He was on the first list in 1987 - the only survivor - don't miss him Committee......
  4. Grim Up North

    DL Dead Pools

    General Dead Pool question. Do those of you who run calendar year Dead Pools research new names you receive in entries and use them to your advantage in other Dead Pools including the Derby Dead Pool? Obviously all of us on here entering Dead Pools use the information on here in all sorts of formats plus other knowledge and internet searches but it seems like some pools are a mine of useful information once the teams get published on 01/01 but most of us don't get that information until too late. I know the solution but not sure I have the time
  5. Grim Up North

    Reality TV

    I have never watched this programme but from the article 'Porsha admitted her boyfriend's hotdog empire had helped her put on a few pounds.' did give me a chuckle.
  6. Grim Up North

    Seen Any Awful Films Lately

    One Day *SPOILER ALERT* Based on a bestselling book that I haven't read - watched it with wife - total shite from beginning to end. She gets killed in a crash towards the end - I think I was supposed to feel sad - it was the only enjoyable part of the film - I gave out a little cheer.
  7. Grim Up North

    Ironic Deaths

    Anti gun essay writer Sandra Parks killed by random drive by shooting at 13 I don't believe there is a Tragic Deaths thread. RIP
  8. Grim Up North

    Deathrace 2019

    Death Slam Form Guide #16 He's 100. He's got Pancreatic Cancer. He's Joe Vento. But don't bet your house on him because his mum made it to 107.
  9. Grim Up North

    Inverse Survivor Dead Pool I

    Scotland were Jew a bit of luck in international football.
  10. Grim Up North

    Inverse Survivor Dead Pool I

    You will be saved by the non entry of TUM and Mad Hatter - happy Thanksgiving Joey!
  11. Grim Up North

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    Haha - well Devin Lima's totally fucked that up - pretty much the 10 teams beneath me all have Devin Lima including Blight House. Anonymity here I come!
  12. Grim Up North

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    Yeah somewhat controversially two team with 19 common names - fucking chancer!
  13. Grim Up North

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    First and second?? Joint first surely!
  14. Grim Up North

    Things To Do While Waiting For Death

    I know this is pathetic but I couldn't even be taking the photos!!
  15. Grim Up North

    Things To Do While Waiting For Death

    Do you have a link for the people who will be #360 to #380?
  16. Grim Up North

    Paul Gascoigne

    Anyone know what Sexual Assault without Touching is?
  17. Grim Up North

    So .. What Do You Watch On TV?

    We are avid watchers of Mastermind and UniChall (wife always beats me at UniChall but she should - she went to Uni!) Anyhow when I retire if Mastermind is still going we plan to get the TV Magazine, pick two specialist subjects each and study them all week to see how we get on. We are very competitive with each other although winner used to get to decide if we had sex or not - now prize is who has to get up and make the cup of tea!
  18. Grim Up North

    The Chequered Flag

    17 year old Sophia survives horror F3 crash She's got a fractured spine so may have a lot of complications but there are 3 videos of the crash on the attached link - one in slow mo but the two from the side at full speed shows how fast she was going - looks like she hit the accelerator instead of the brake! Amazing what people can survive.
  19. Grim Up North

    The EU Referendum Hokey Cokey

    The IMF bail countries out including Greece and Argentina recently - nothing to do with being in EU so that's one thing you can relax about.
  20. Grim Up North

    The EU Referendum Hokey Cokey

    Ah still interacting - good - I'll reply properly then. I voted to leave too. I don't think only Racists and Xenophobes voted to Leave because I'm not but as the vote was so close I believe that what became a crucial portion of the vote was driven by racism and xenophobia.
  21. Grim Up North

    The EU Referendum Hokey Cokey

    I thought you had no interest in interacting with me?
  22. Grim Up North

    The EU Referendum Hokey Cokey

    Probably a tablespoon?
  23. Grim Up North

    The EU Referendum Hokey Cokey

    I'm sticking up for her here - she had to do the press conference - the media and occasion demanded it but if she'd turned up and said something completely new after being grilled in the H of C for 3 hours it would HAVE been a bit odd wouldn't it? The deal is okay - the mandate from the public was 52:48 and only carried by xenophobes and racists. So basically we have a weak withdrawal from the EU to a position of EU- (which really matches the 52:48 close vote) and we have some control over immigration going forward and we have achieved ongoing free trade with Europe at the cost of £37 billion** which sounds a lot but we currently run at a deficit of about £8 billion a year so if we go back to being in EU then in 5 years we will be worse off, have free trade and have no control over our immigration. ** I'm not sure if YW 51 billion is a new number in public domain or he just got his sperm test results back.
  24. Grim Up North

    The EU Referendum Hokey Cokey

    In the original referendum the UK voted 52:48 to leave the EU (whatever that meant). According to a survey just prior to the referendum most members of the House of Commons are believed to have voted Remain in the EU referendum. Roughly 27:73 What we are now heading towards can therefore be no surprise - by giving the MPs a vote on ratifying a deal to leave the EU, something that 73% of them don't want to do, basically we were always going to end up in a No Deal leading to No Brexit scenario. If they are up to voting on Brexit now why were they not capable of making the decision in the first place? David Cameron is a fuckwit of the highest order. Detail party by party of survey results below (not surprisingly the Conservatives are the most conflicted). According to a survey of all 650 MPs carried out by the Press Association ahead of the referendum on June 23: :: 480 MPs said they would be voting Remain, including 184 Conservative :: 159 MPs said they would be voting Leave, including 139 Conservatives :: 11 MPs were undeclared, including four Conservatives This gives Remain a notional Commons majority of at least 310. Some 218 Labour MPs said they would vote Remain while just 11 backed Leave. All eight Liberal Democrat MPs intended to vote Remain, along with all 56 SNP MPs, all three Plaid Cymru MPs, all four Sinn Fein MPs and all three SDLP MPs. Green MP Caroline Lucas also said she would vote Remain, as did independent MP Sylvia Hermon and the two Ulster Unionist MPs. The eight DUP MPs said they would be voting to Leave, along with Ukip MP Douglas Carswell.
  25. Grim Up North

    The EU Referendum Hokey Cokey

    I'm not a big Theresa May fan but I would sympathise with her position generally except that she wasn't forced to become PM - she put her name forward to do the job which she must have known would be close to impossible. However despite all that I did feel genuinely sorry for her this morning as she publicly had to field a 3 hour dogging in the HofP - not nice for her at all and in some cases - JR-M being a prime example - it was unnecessarily nasty.

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