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Grim Up North

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Posts posted by Grim Up North

  1. Very sad indeed. RIP Rob.


    we should remember that he had a wonderful yet horribly short adult life prior to his diagnosis where he was a sporting legend with hero status doing something he loved and from what I have seen on the documentaries married a wonderful person too and had a fabulous friend in Kevin Sinfield.


    None of this changes the horrible way he died but there is a life there to be celebrated too - he should not be defined by MND.

    • Like 13

  2. 7 minutes ago, msc said:

    For the terminally thick (not you, Willz),

    So for all the terminally thick people except Willz? 

    • Haha 4

  3. 25% of cowboys were black.


    who knew from watching the old Hollywood films?


    is it important to know that? No idea?


    But when you watch a modern western it’s easy to think they have put black actors in where they don’t belong for woke reasons which is incorrect - it’s actually the righting of the historical inaccuracy in the old western movies.

    • Like 2

  4. 15 hours ago, RoverAndOut said:

    Is this a Yank sport? Well, it's a sporting event that takes place in Tennessee, so this seems as good a place as any to mention this...


    I don't know if this is the right forum for such discussions, but is anybody familiar with, or been following, the Barkley Marathons? How do I sum this up? It's a race set up in the 80s consisting of 5 repeated loops totalling 100 miles completed in 60 hours in unforgiving terrain, featuring elevation of more than twice the height of Everest.  It was inspired by a daring attempted prison escape by James Earl Ray, assassin of Martin Luther King. It is known as "the race that eats its young" and there are often no finishers. If you complete 3 loops in 40 hours, you are credited with a "fun run". If you complete 3 loops in more than 40 hours or 5 loops in more than 60 hours, you are classified as DNF. There is no course map per se, only a description, loops are completed either clockwise or anti-clockwise, with each decided by the organiser and the final loop is always completed alternately clockwise and anticlockwise, with the first starter getting the choice of direction (the reason for setting them off in opposite directions is to try to prevent teaming up to complete the last lap and make it a little competitive). Competitors have been known to get wildly lost, sleep in puddles and hallucinate a whole variety of things in their sleep deprived states. In the 36 years it has been operating, there had only been 17 finishers, some of those completed by the same people. One cannot "enter" in a conventional sense, you need to write a letter saying why you should be given entry and there is no entry fee (previous finishers get automatic entry) and the field is limited to 35-40 per year, half of whom usually drop out within the first 2 loops. There was a Netflix documentary about it around a decade ago, which some of you may have seen. Coverage generally is only provided through sporadic updates on Twitter.


    Anyway, the 2024 Barkley Marathons started on Thursday morning at 5.17am local time and concluded at 5.17pm this evening (9.17pm UK time). Conditions have been favourable, and an incredible 7 people started the final loop, among them a 2-time finisher and a 3-time finisher, 2 debutants, 2 previous competitors and a British woman called Jasmin Paris, who became the first woman ever to attempt a 5th loop, having last year completed 4 loops but outside the time limit to continue. First finisher was a Ukrainian debutant in 58 hours, 44 minutes and 59 seconds. Second was now a 3-time finisher in 59:15:38. A repeat attempter ended up lost and didn't finish. The 3-time finisher became a 4-time finisher, a new record, in 59:30:32. Another previous attempter completed for the first time in 59:38:42, before the other debutant "tapped out", leaving Jasmin and a sizable chunk of people on Twitter waiting with baited breath to see whether she would become the first woman to complete the Barkley. As 9.17pm approached, it got very tense. Then, just as the clock ticked past 9.17pm, the update came: Jasmin Paris finished loop five in 59:58:21 - or to put it another way, she completed a 100-mile, 60-hour race with 99 seconds to spare. I promise you, it was thrilling. And I wanted to tell you about it. And see if any of you have also been following the chaos.


    *Please note, I am in no way an ultra runner myself. I'm a committed parkrunner, but have never run further than a 10K, but the Barkley is an astonishing feat of human endeavour.


    **If there's a more appropriate thread for this, do let me know.

    Just to make you feel not alone this is an amazing feat that I have been enjoying reading about today - she ran the Lakes in a Day a couple of years ago when I did it which is a mere 51.5 miles and 13,000 feet climbing from north to south of Lake District - she finished about 3.5 hours ahead of me that day (roughly 10:20 to 13:50 hours) - but I think she did it as a training jog whereas it nearly killed me! She is quite something.

    • Like 1

  5. 2 hours ago, time said:

    How come McCourt is filed under 'M', but de Gaulle is filed under 'G'??:scratchhead:


    (General question, not for YW specifically).

    The question easier to explain is why is de Gaulle under G and de Niro under D.


    It depends whether the person setting up the name in the database chooses the surname as De Gaulle or Gaulle and De would effectively become a middle name. There is so little consistency over the site already on this that there is little point setting up a rule at this point.


    So answer to your question is that Gaulle has been selected as surname and McCourt has been selected as surname.


  6. 2 hours ago, gcreptile said:

    Two notes:

    - I'll delete the PMs of the submitted teams in the coming days to make room for more. So any comments about the masterlist need to happen soon.

    -  Anyone else having problems with the formatting? If it's a systematic problem, I'll change it. If it's a singular issue, I won't.

    I have same problem as Sir Creep on my phone - on laptop it’s fine.

    • Thanks 1

  7. 9 hours ago, DeathByArsenic said:

     above entry look like one of the teams someone else sent  in Feb



    This is who I sent

    1Wayne Eddy (joker)
    2Antero Laukkanen
    3Gaositwe Chiepe
    4Geneviève Callerot
    5Jamal Yunos
    6Jimmy Carter
    7Juhani Palmu
    8Madeleine Riffaud
    9Philippe de Gaulle
    10Rachid Mekhloufi
    11Zoya Boguslavskaya




    I preferred the Sophia Loren team!

  8. Which just demonstrates how much work is required for hosts policing the FFBI rules - nearly everyone wants them but in a pool like this a lot of us are trying to run the line.

    • Like 1

  9. Just now, YoungWillz said:

    Nobody pick Tom Henry, Fort Wayne Mayor with late stage stomach cancer?

    I’m sure he’s on a lot of our lists for later rounds if we should be fortunate enough to make it.


    can someone do me a favour please - my work system won’t let me access the site and on my phone I don’t get all the teams even on landscape - the last column I can see is the one containing my team - could someone please post my opponents team.


    many thanks in advance

    • Like 1

  10. 6 hours ago, gcreptile said:

    End of the month - yeah, I guess that's 24 hours more.


    My current team of 4 are going to need most of that to find sone hopefully very short term friends to play with.

    • Like 4

  11. 4 hours ago, An Fear Beag said:

    And it is a Grim look to the leaderboard as @Grim Up Northused their Irwin Joker and the picks of Keith and Smith to take the lead at the (far too) early stage of the race.


    GrimUpNorth (127 points) 4 hits

    [Derek Draper, Jason Smith, Jonnie Irwin*, Toby Keith]

    First time my joker has ever died in the Hare’s so I’ll take it as a positive. (And I still think this should more correctly be the Tortoise’s Death Pool but years of history etc)

    • Like 1

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