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Paul Bearer

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Posts posted by Paul Bearer

  1. Hawking's 3013 Deathlist will include all of humanity.


    He predicts the end of humanity within the next 1000 years. More importantly the article mentions that he requires round-the-clock care now and that he has cancelled recent appearances due to health reasons.

    What...... health ......... prob.......lem.....zzz?

  2. The posts that followed started getting a bit, shall we say, similar to the zombie thread. That started out as a death of a football club and got really out of hand. I don't really want this one going in the same direction.

    • Like 1

  3. Apparently, Ding Dong the Witch is Dead has reached No.1 in the Amazon download charts, and is currently at No.6!! I'm sure I'll be able to find a link somewhere. Found one


    Some people really are just sad obsessive fuck wits.


    RIP to the greatest peacetime PM this country has ever seen and to a hell of a woman. Reviled and revered for the exact same reason ultimately - because she made decisions which she felt were right for this country, rather than decisions which seemed easy, the latter of which many politicians are well too guilty of.

    The people have spoken.

  4. English translation UNITED STATES.(United States??? Have we moved?) - Deathlist, is a website that since 1987, deals with "predict" the date of the death of a large number of personalities in the world, and weeks ago, it was reported that Margaret Thatcher would pass away on March 8th.


    Year more "successful" on this site was in 2008, which had 14 hits, among the 50 predictions made earlier this year. In this year, hit the target in five opportunities: filmmaker Michael Winner; singer Patty Andrews, Reg Presley, The Troggs's voice and President Hugo Chavez.


    Each year, the site publishes a list of 50 names of "candidates" to pass away, based on data provided by the users and the health status of the most important people on the planet.


    Among the candidates for this year also include João Havelange, George Bush Sr, Nelson Mandela, Kirk Douglas, Fidel Castro, Jake Lamotta, Stan Lee, Henry Kissinger and Peter O'Toole.

    • Like 1

  5. I'm fed up of all the negative comments about "Maggie" I put her right up there amongst all the great "strong leaders" of the past. Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Josef Stalin, General Franco, Idi Amin ................

    • Facepalm 1

  6. Hey guys so there's this mission trip I'm interested in... And I was thinking of ways to fundraise and thought that running a deathpool like stiffs or C4C would be a fun way. Anyone know of the right kind of software? Without ripping off C4C or ol' Kelly at stiffs..




    Ps.. Logged in Paul?

    Yep! Also noticed that I get the red squiggly line under a word if I mis-spell it. Never had that before. Also when quoting, hitting the return button does nothing.


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