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Paul Bearer

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Posts posted by Paul Bearer

  1. Don't know if it's my laptop or not, but the blue 'dots' next to the threads are not disappearing after I read the posts. Any PC geniuses out there know how to fix that? Woke up yesterday morning and it seemed all my cookies had been removed. (Not by me)

  2. I don't think this will count as a dead pop star but many of the pop, rock and metal stars owe him a lot. His name will ring a name with a lot of you. He's Robert Zildjian, son of the founder of Zildjian cymbals and a founder of his own company Sabian Symbals, the second biggest name in this field after the company his father founded.


    Mentioned here 4 days ago. News really travels slowly in your neck of the woods, eh?

  3. Statement re condition of Nelson Mandela to be made 'imminently'. Needless to say the worlds journalists are gathered...


    Meanwhile .................. Elsewhere, Oxford win the boat race. Will you now please fuck off and come back when you have something worthwhile to say?

    • Like 3

  4. I'd forgotten that he narrated the cartoon Raggy Dolls


    That was Neil Innes, wasn't it?


    According to wiki, Innes done a lot more than narrate


    I'm sure Griffiths was connected to it in some way. I remember seeing his name up in the credits. Perhaps it wasn't Griffiths that narrated it, it's going to really bug me now


    Richards own wiki page shows he done something in Raggy Dolls in 1986. Don't know what though.

  5. Personally I love that movie, think its the funniest of the three. "I've been swimming in raw sewage, I love it" :)


    Yeah that quote never gets old. And the routine where all the stuff falls off the shelf onto Meinheimer's head was hilarious. But come on, Naked Gun 1 is pretty much flawless. "And the rocket's red glare....... buncha bombs in the air.... gave proof to the night that we still had our flag".


    Is this off-topic or what? Are we gonna get fined for this?


    Um, I shouldn't think so, moved to another thread possibly


    Correct. Might as well have a thread of his own.


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