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Paul Bearer

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Posts posted by Paul Bearer

  1. Can we not just accept the fact that to all intents and purposes Ariel Sharon died 7 years ago and move on allready? Lets face it the chances of him waking up and dancing the lambada are about equivalent to me marrying Keira Knightly (ie below zero)


    No. Because he's not dead.

  2. ..havel byl hajzl, který dovolil, aby naše republika byla totálně rozkradena.......Havel was a bastard, who allowed our country was totally stolen.

    Havel je mrtvý a pryč. Smiřte se s tím!

    Moje vznášedlo je plné úhořů!


    Nem fogok vásárolni ezt a rekordot, akkor karcos.





    Will you lot speak English FFS!

  3. Blimey, nobody gets drunk on here anymore! Whiskey is my only friend tonight - isn't it just the way when you've had a fairly good day, that some cunt will ruin it for you.


    Can't afford to get drunk Lard. But, if you want, I'll grab myself a bottle of whiskey (on a night I'm not working the next day) and we can have a fight. :)


    Now see I am working tomorrow, and I know the consequences, but I don't give a fuck (now, but in the morning I'm sure I will, especially as I have a meeting with my new boss, so I'm sure the smell of cheese and onion crisps and JD will go down well) - and if you're a man (which I'm sure you are) I will gladly fight you, because today, I'm afraid, all men (except Rotten Ali) are cunts :D


    If we ever get the chance to meet, you might find I'm not all that bad.

  4. Blimey, nobody gets drunk on here anymore! Whiskey is my only friend tonight - isn't it just the way when you've had a fairly good day, that some cunt will ruin it for you.


    Can't afford to get drunk Lard. But, if you want, I'll grab myself a bottle of whiskey (on a night I'm not working the next day) and we can have a fight. :)

  5. Aye! Sky news just tweeted this - Lancashire Police charge Stuart Hall with raping 22-year-old woman in 1976 & 14 offences of indecent assault on 10 girls between 1967-1986


    28 offences if the victims choose to play their joker.


    Whose laughing now?


  6. Two American baseball legends, 92 year old Stan Musial and 82 year old Earl Weaver, have both died within 24 hours of each other. Five DDP teams will pick up points for Musial once the UK obit goes up.


    Both already mentioned in the baseball thread.


    Damn, I'm sorry! My turn to act like the gormless guest, I guess. I checked this forum very thoroughly for a baseball thread, but I didn't look in extra-curricular. I thought that area was for talking about other stuff, not reporting deaths.


    Thread now moved from extra-curricular to deathlist forum. :smileyd:


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