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Paul Bearer

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Posts posted by Paul Bearer

  1. I've been well-tardy about this. I mean, clearly my prediction on the Syrian president dying or being in hiding are about as useful as the one about Barcelona winning the Champions League but, I've got a few other points to call in:


    7. Surprise Olympic Gold for Britain.





    10. Obama Scrapes Home




    I have 2 good headlines that weren't allowed. Clearly a case of goalposts being shifted.

  2. Just realised he wasn't on this years list.That's a big fail. Oh well if Moore can go anyone can.Expect Mandela to cark it on december 21


    This is one of the reasons I delete fuckwit guest posts from this thread.


    Surprised you ever find time to go out


    They are few and far between. The only ones I don't delete are the ones our members/mods/admins qoute in a reply. (Or posts that actually make sense)

    . So I gave you a reliable source into the passing of Patrick Moore and you delete my post because I'm a guess? Maybe you should be on the ball and then I wouldn't have to post!


    No shithead. There were 4 or 5 reliable posts made in his OWN FUCKING THREAD! Take a bit of time to read through the forum, you might be surprised. BTW, You could be right about being a guess.


    Now, put your cursor over this and click on it. Magic, it takes you to the Patrick Moore thread

  3. Just realised he wasn't on this years list.That's a big fail. Oh well if Moore can go anyone can.Expect Mandela to cark it on december 21


    This is one of the reasons I delete fuckwit guest posts from this thread.


    Surprised you ever find time to go out


    They are few and far between. The only ones I don't delete are the ones our members/mods/admins qoute in a reply. (Or posts that actually make sense)

  4. It never found anything when I used the search thingy at the top right


    It usualy works!








    Edit: I tried it and it only showed the two posts that mentioned his name on this thread


    Further edit: I tried it on the first page the search is available on. It brought in a few threads.

  5. Well, what other well-known children's tv stars of the 70s are there who are in their 80s and still around?


    Now, the accused lives in Berkshire. As does 86 year old, former star in the 70's.. Stanley Baxter....


    Now what is interesting about Baxter was he was on ITV in his peak years...


    Didn't he do Christmas specials on the beeb?

  6. rumours are that Rolf Harris had his wicked way with 2 little boys using a digeridoo and a 'middle leg' calling himself Jake the Peg. presumably 'peg ' is an aussie slang term f or a child molestor. apparantely when he showed him his 'middle leg' he said 'can you see what it is now'..thats when t hey phoned the police. of course I could not possibly comment on these rumours.

    all references to Rolf Harris being questioned by police seem to have been removed from th e internet.just done a google search and all the stories that were there a few hours ago are gone.Looks like he might be another innocent victim of twitter gossip... Hope he doesn't sue!


    YOU'RE the one that mentioned his name, not us. Prepare to have the papers served on you shortly.

    • Like 2

  7. The latest news on Niemeyer is that there is no news.it's all very strange and mysterious.We can only assume his condition is unchanged and still critical.That was the last status report we had on november 20. Or he could be rapidly recovering.There seems to be some kind of news black out imposed.I'm sorry I can't be of m ore help right now


    If thats the case, shut the fuck up and wait until you do have something worth posting.

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