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Paul Bearer

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Posts posted by Paul Bearer

  1. Been watching 'I'm a celebrity.... Get me out of here' for the last week or so. Doesn't look as if anybody's close to death there, but Helen Flanagan deserves to be bitch slapped for the rest of her life. I've never seen anybody as shit scared in all my life. The episode she bottled it when a light went out made me cringe with embarrassment.


    Anybody on the show (assuming, like me you don't have a life) you'd gladly love to see the back of?

  2. Mrs Rotten said that Bruce looked alright tonight so that's one less star to be thinking about adding to a Deadpool list next year.


    I think, like his jokes, he's waaayyyyy past his best and he should be put out to pasture.

  3. I suppose it can be relitive, For Insance moost people could have geused that Gloria Stuart will die before the much healthier Luisse Rainer, Everyone Knew that Yitzak Shamir, Shianouk and Dom Mintoff were on there last legs, However its almost a mirical that Whitney Housten Managed to Outlive Amy Winehouse by over 20 years even though she had been on drugs longer, People in theire fifteys (Swayze, MacCorkindale, Basteleros, Leinhein and Jobs) all succumed to cancer before some in there 80's, Tony Curtis, Elizibeth Taylor, Peter Falk had altot of Health Issues

    In the good old days somebody would have been kneecapped by the spelling/poor grammar police If they had posted that, or summat.


    If you insist, I could always take over honez's reigns until he returns.


    Not with spelling like that you couldn't!


    I double checked the spelling on google just in case. I'm still not sure after this.

  4. I suppose it can be relitive, For Insance moost people could have geused that Gloria Stuart will die before the much healthier Luisse Rainer, Everyone Knew that Yitzak Shamir, Shianouk and Dom Mintoff were on there last legs, However its almost a mirical that Whitney Housten Managed to Outlive Amy Winehouse by over 20 years even though she had been on drugs longer, People in theire fifteys (Swayze, MacCorkindale, Basteleros, Leinhein and Jobs) all succumed to cancer before some in there 80's, Tony Curtis, Elizibeth Taylor, Peter Falk had altot of Health Issues

    In the good old days somebody would have been kneecapped by the spelling/poor grammar police If they had posted that, or summat.


    If you insist, I could always take over honez's reigns until he returns.

  5. David Jacobs looked a bit creaky on the Charts Britannia documentary, but Pete Murray had a fine head of white hair.


    Coincidence or what? We were talking about those very two people in work yesterday.

  6. I predicted he would make it to his 105th birthday next month.I am no longer prepared to make that prediction...


    I predicted you'd make an intelligent post. I am no longer prepared to make that prediction...

  7. apparantely most of the train robbers are dead now.does anyone happen to have a full list of the dead and living?


    Dear fuckwit retard guest,


    You are obviously not used to websites or using the brain you were born with. Why dont you read the WHOLE FUCKING THREAD? If you think thats too much to handle, just go to page 42. (That's 2 pages back in case you dont understand)


    You'll find a list there.

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